
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 33

Chapter thrity-three: two tiers

On his first week outside school he had thought himself as strong as he joined the hunters association and was given a b rank badge, but on his first quest he hunted tier 2 Golems in the temple of Vasundhara, as a tier one he was versatile and powerful enough to utterly destroy tier 2's but tier 3 and 4, not so much. In his escapade he encountered something more than a golem, when hunting the golems he was being hunted by their more evolved version because when finishing his quest and tore the the last golem with his bare hands using his strength ability because the sword he bought had finally broken the entire forest vibrated and the ground shook under his feet, the rustling of the leaves and the casing of the birds made Lucien scared of what was coming, due to his current ego fueled strength he believed he could kill anything that comes and that was fueled by the fact he has to get stronger to kill the people and get enough money to save his mother. He didn't know her but he cared knowing she didn't just abandoned him and his siblings even tho he had been lied to, it made him wonder if he's father also knew about it.

Getting his mind of it Lucien prepared himself for the worst as he readied himself he looked at the incoming threat and without any weapons in his hands he felt defenceless.

Finally seeing the monstrosity of a 7 foot golem, this golem was different dromvthe other because sit had an axe in one hand and was purple with purple gemstones strung across it's body like a weave, the normal golem had a normal concrete like colour and texture but just a bit harder than most and they were bare handed but this ones skin and texture was purple and looked to be shining like metal. It looked like a sort of mechanism that would be created by magi scientist but it was a beast as the system had issued a quest for him.

[Survive tier 3 amethyst crystal]

[Description: As a tier one you have no chance against this golem who had been forged through battle and is on the brink of evolving]

[Reward: 60000 exp, defensive stats+10]

[ Optional: kill golem

rewards: harpe sword of perseus]

He felt strange as this was the first time the system issued a quest for him since he became tier 1 and it seemed to change as the quest had a description on it, "I guess the system grows when I do" with this new revelation and thought of this new weapon Lucien opted to try to kill this golem two tiers above him as he had never gotten a weapon from the system with a name that resonated deeply within him for some reason as he had no recollection of hearing it before.

The giant golem towered above him, it swung it's giant axe that was bigger than his body, not having anything to fight but his hands Lucien tried to dodge but for some reason when he did he still received damage, wondering what was happening he tried to dodge another swing which was faster than before he dodged it successfully but still got a notification that said

[-40 HP]

Scared at the results of this he knew he had to fight back and kill this monster quickly because with each swing it made it got faster and stronger and the more he doedged the more the damage stacked until with a overhead slash the golem hit the ground beside him as Lucien dodged as quickly as he could but seeing the shockwaves he crossed his hands and the shockwaves from the attack sent him flying 100 meters and the ground shaking, his back but against a tree and a stick fell down at his waist. Getting up quickly cursing under his breath he tried tried thinking of how to fight back, when he turned to look for what he could use as a weapon he saw the stick, it was a 10 inch stick, pretty small ; ) for a stick but when he saw hit he was somewhat captivated and then remembering he has a string in his inventory he picked up the stick and made a makeshift slingshot, the golem was on the way but wasn't walking as fast as it attack and thanking the Lord for that he looked for rocks to use for the pellets, his gaze landed at the temple and how hard the rocks were as he couldn't break them with his hands he made a slingshot with ammo, unknown to him that his physique that he got from the forced evolution didn't give him only stats but something else, a skill some will practice most their life to master.

Getting up and facing the golem who had arrived Lucien quickly dashed back and aimed at the gems on the golem, he noticed that they seemed weaker than the rest of it's body but hitting them wasn't as easy as the golem kept blocking them, their were 9 of the stones on its body, 3 on its back, 3 on its right underarm and 3 on its forehead. The back seemed the hardest to hit as the golem moved alot and was swift when moving in short distances for battle.

Aiming while dodging was a Herculean task as the golem never stopped it's onslaught of attack and the damage kept stacking up on his body, he still didn't understand how he was receiving damage but he knew he had to end this quickly, he kept missing his shots and it landed on the purple rock like skin on the golem, a sudden thought entered his head, activating [precision strike] he aimed when the golem did an overhead slash and the laws of inertia carried it along without stopping, ducking under the arms as the axewas two handed he aimed for the crystal at the underhand and it broke it but that seemed to make the golem angrier and stronger as it's hollow eyes had a fire that burned and a large hoarse bellow escaped the flat surface where it's mouth was supposed to be.

For some reason that bellow left Lucien stunned for a moment and the golem took advantage of that and slashed at him from the side again , at the last moment he got control of his body but it was to late to do anything so he used his hands to block, opening his hands to block the incoming weapon he planned to use the force of it to create distance between them but Lucien didn't account for how sharp the axe was because the moment it touched his hands it split his hands from his palms to forearm and stopped at his elboy at his got stuck, frozen Lucien suddenly screamed in pain, his voice echoed all around sounding inhumane, blood dropped from his split arms, his bones splintered on his skin the arms been split in two was a gruesome sight as his arms had turned from two to four because of the way it was cut. Getting his arms off and dashing back Lucien regeneration kicked in, having levelled it up a bit it was working fast and his splittered arms that looked like a tree stricken by a lighting from the top to it's trunk , his bloody hands repaired and he kept dodgeing as his health increasingly decreased and his body repaired itself, the regeneration and continuous damage cause tremendous pain for him and his mentally fatigued and physically as the regeneration used his stamina to fix his body.

Bringing back out his sling shot when his arms had fully healed he looked the golem up and down in fear and kept his distance, staring golem from a distance he was to afraid to go back but the allure of the weapon and the fact that he had to destroy this golem to probe to himself he had what he takes to kill the ones responsible for his mother terrible condition. He steeled his mind and turned around to face the golem, running up to it he shot quickly twice at the knee joints and slid underneath the legs the instant he saw it slow down, he hadn't done this before because he didn't want to take the risk of the golem actually not slowing down if the rocks entered it's legs, and he needed to get close to do it breaking the risk now and seeing it come to fruition he quickly turned as fast as he could and shot twice rapidly without thinking at the crystal on its back hoping for it to hit the firs didn't but the second did breaking the crystal, the golem grew stronger and faster now, he destroyed the crystal on its back knowing it will get stronger because the back was the hardest to get and he knew if he broke the one on the forehead it would have been impossible to get the back one too, so now the golem who's speed he barely kept up to was swinging ferociously, he dashed backwards but it's unrelenting attacks followed him back and with it's increased speed and movement dodging let alone aiming to shoot became almost impossible, Almost, seeing the way it attack after 30 minutes of the battle dragging eh feeling his body slow down Lucien saw a chance and took it, once the golem tried a side slash out of frustration, Lucien took the chance and jumped onto of it, the axe was still moving so the instant his foot landed on the axe it left it as he jumped up again and used the wings of Hermes to increase his speed instantly and his body disappeared from it's spot and was onto of the 7 foot golem , he landed but seemingly gaining a form of ptsd from using his hands to hit or block he couldn't hit the rock on its forehead and the golem was already reaching for him, thinking what to do

" To HELL WITH THIS SHIT!!" He used his head, literally and hit the crystal with his forehead, it pierced his skin and nearly pierced his brain but trying not to black out he twisted his head and broke off the crystal with one piece stuck in his skull, the golem froze and then dissolved to pieces of sand having been seemingly killed, the crystal disappeared from Lucien head into little glimmers of purple dust and his regeneration struggled to heal him with his little stamina but did eventually, having laid for only god knows when Lucien got back up when he saw the sun setting and was on his way back to the camp holding his reward of a harpe sword in his hand.

Reaching the camp that was branched to the forest that was connected to the temple he greeted the guards and went to his own cabin and slept off on his wooden bed and soft mattress.