
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 27

Chapter Twenty-seven: Hunting

"Shit, ShIT, SHIT!!!!! How did this happen where, who took her!!!AAAAAAHHHHH" A bestial scream unlike that of a human broke the eerie silence in the area.

****6 months later****

"Kekekekeke" The hobgoblin cackled at the gory sight of A handsome man covered with blood, his and that of his enemies. The sound of flesh ripping and the clash of weapons reverberated in the area, the continuous cackle of the ugly hobgoblin and the gory sight of the hundreds of green dead bodies around the man set up a scene that spoke of a brave warrior fighting to escape a hell while being consumed by the demons who guard the gates and exits with the final devil standing behind laughing at the sorry sight of the warrior not paying any regard to it's minions dying.

The handsome young man with sharp features a lean muscular build and eyes that seem to hold the power of the gods themselves was none other than Lucien, he cursed at the sight of himself and the goblin did something he made himself promise not to do as a way to train and he activated a skill

[Boost] it was a skill he got when his [Burst] Skill evolved at level max of level 5 , cost him 10 whole skill points too. When he activated the skill it was only a fraction of a second later that he stood before the unaware hobgoblin who was cackling with ignorance, when he finally noticed the teenage boy inform of him a turrent of crimson splattered across his face as behind him laid the dead bodies of thousands of goblins, looking back at the human show as walking up to him a shiver ran up his spine, he suddenly smiled as he realized from the humans laboured breathing and the up and down motion and the fatigue in his eyes that the human was tired so thinking he could fight him the hobgoblin slowly got up, his humongous body reaching 12 feet tall his arms tight with muscles surprisingly the hobgoblin was fit with a 6 pack ab and two big canines protruding from his mouth he picked up his big battle axe, as his hand reached the handle of his 11 foot axe he frozed, his arm reaching for the axe suddenly fell off and he tried to crane his neck to look at the human but realizing it couldn't, it knew then and there that, it a tier 2 powerhouse was already dead, feeling it's consciousness slipping into the dark embrace of death, his falling head fell on the ground gazing directly into the cold indifferent eyes of the man who killed it hoping to see the man jump in joy that it had killed itself as it was powerful, only saw cold indifference like it was an and who had died under the foot of a human.

Lucien did not spare a second glance at the hobgoblin and just took his satchel and left, walking through the bloody battlefield and hundreds of dead goblin bodies littered the ground and their deaths caused by a man walking over their bodies like he was taking a stroll through a play ground.


Government agency

Arriving at the government agency he completed a quest and got money, he had been saving up to buy the awakening stone for tier 2 so he could go back to school to finish his education because to come back and finish you have to reach tier 2 by yourself without the school to prepare yourself for the harsh reality of the endless vast universe, You.Are.Weak, that is the only thing anyone learned during this training and lesson many died some came back but a shell of their former selves while the rest came back strong and smart enough to know what to do, when to do it and how to do it but first to come back they had to earn enough to buy tier 2 crystals and become awakened tier 2 or go through heavenly tribulations which is something most don't survive.

Counting his money Lucien smiled with glee as he was almost done with this stupid lesson, he's been alone for 6 months now he's come a long way even upgrading his skills [Burst] to [Boost] and his [Precision Strike] to [Point break] those skills have been something that have brought him this far because of how lonely he was and how betrayed he felt because of... He didn't need to think of that now he just had to get the stones. walking to the receptionist Lucien asked of the stones only to receive " Sorry sir but tier 2 stones are currently out of order and all others have been bought and sold out all over the galaxy, But a new batch would be estimated in four months" Frustrated at what the receptionist told him, he didn't have that long he needed to save.... calming himself down he grimaced at the thought of the other option, the heavenly tribulations.

These are zones that are soo extreme with manner that even a god struggles to stay there and only the truly strong ones live in a tribulation constantly tempering their body to become perfect physiques. The thought of the mind breaking, piss enducing but clenching pain he would have to endure he shivered, but knowing he had no choice he bought a lap from the receptionist who looked at him with pity at his desperation but she ultimately gave him the map to the nearest one which was only a few planets away.

Arriving on a planet at the end of a solar system Lucien got off only to be his by A storm that raged within the planet almost sending him flying, walking slowly trying to reach the destination he noticed a a place with clouds so dark no light could escape it's reach this was the tribulation ground and and in it there was a sword in the ground with black and gold lighting striking it from time to time the boom of thunder and crackling of lighting echoed in the distance, getting ready he jumped off the edge of the cliff into the the pit and looked at the sword with apprehension approaching it a stray gold lighting bolt strivj the floor in front of him. Scared shirtless he thought of turning back but knowing he had to save someone he gritted his teeth and was ready to place his hands on it and as he did a gold and dark bolt of lightning shocked hi

straight up onto him making him scream in pain then he collapsed still surprisingly holding the sword.

Waking up Lucien realised he was on a desolate planet one filler with rocks and darkness and he saw a great beauty situated on a hill staring at the stars, he stared so long until the beauty realised he was there and looked at him and her voice responded in the empty space around him." You must be our successor, Welcome Lucien blakstin it is a great pleasure to see the one who took on our legacy" with those words the woman jumped of the cliff that was 70 feet up and landed gracefully in front of Lucien who was shocked both by how easily she jumped from a great height but that would be logical if his other thoughts were right. " My name is Athena" he seemed to be right on the dot.