
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty: You Guys have systems?!?!?!

Shocked at what he just heard his brother say, Lucien wondered if he was the only one with the life-changing system. He tried asking

Pantheon but she seems to be MIA now after his evolution, he was a bit afraid that the system was gone but when he asked for his status panel, a blue transculent screen appeared before him making him breathe a sigh of relief, so looking to his sister he cautiously asked "Do you have one Too" his sister who was back in her dark and light colour looked at him and gave him a mysterious smile before running off, he tried to reach her and grab her, but she used her surprisingly superior speed and ran off giggling.

"Hey you alright dude, what the tell is that smell" Jacob ran up to Lucien after hearing what happened but kept a distance after smelling the nauseating odor. Lucien's nose scrunched up at the mention of the smell, but he shook his head and focused on Jacob's question. "Yeah, I'm alright," he replied, trying to ignore the unpleasant odor. He stood up and tried walking to the dorm only for Janet to come up to him and cast a water spell on him that she just learnt.

"Aahhhhh, what the helll" he screamed surprised and annoyed at the power of the blast of water because she didn't hold back, although it didn't damage him much it still stung from the pressure of the water.

"You Stunk" Janet said with a cute smile but to Lucien it looked like the smile of the devil.

Not saying a word Lucien got back up, soaked tired and a dull pain spreading across his body he walked off to have a proper warm bath in his room when he walked out he was drying his hair he screamed in horror as he saw his little sister on the bed and he didn't have his towel on his waist leaving his manhood dangling " "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" " they screamed simultaneously as he hurriedly covered his manhood " Pervert" Lily/Lyla said while pouting with her face rosy red, her hair turned fully black as she turned serious and said" You have a system, but do you know aren't the only one" Lucien eyes widened and he then sighed and replied a simple "No" and Lyla closed her eyes and nodded her head before putting her hand out putting 5 fingers out "five" Lucien said in confusion as he looked at his sister strange silence just putting out 5 fingers. " There are 5 of us that have systems, me , Big brother Zakiel, The Castrated Angel, the emo dragon and The narcissistic dark elf. 6 if including you" Lyla said without any respect for the other races or their titles.

Lucien didn't mind and was too busy wondering why they have systems.

'Who created the systems' the thought crossed his mind and he wondered why they were created and how.

"They were created by gods chosen ones" lyla said before pointing at herself and saying " I'm under uncle lumina, Zakiel is under uncle Alaskin, the Angel you know but the rest I don't know yet I'm guessing the dragon is from the black dragon emperor but the dark elf I'm unsure" she put a finger on her chin trying to figure put the mysterious master behind the dark elf. "Do you know anyone by the name Hestia lyla " seeing his sister was knowledgeable in this he asked her only for her to shake her head looking at Lucien in confusion as to where he got that name 'Just who created this system then' Lucien thought with a contemplative look on his face 'i guess I'll find out later ' he put it at the back of his mind then stood up and gestured for his sister to follow him "where are we going" having turned fully blonde Lily followed Lucien. Lucien smirked then said with a bit of excitement" To try out new skills my dear sister".