
Left For Error; Ever A Never After.

What we all want might be what someone else needs. A glamorous affection does not instigate true affection. Can love come after lust and can lust lead to love? I think they are quite different things and do different work too, no part for a whole and no whole for a part. Read and enjoy.

Kosiso_Ekeh · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Secret controversy.

        Bruno couldn't live with the pain and disheartening effect of what Clinton had earlier told him. He was confused on the actual thing to do whether to confront Enola first or Ekaris. He was very uncertain how to go about that and as he was contemplating on that, the time for them to meet came. Sorry I didn't mention this earlier, the Paragons had a meeting day. A day when everyone ought to be free. It was usually Friday evenings that most times, escalate to late in the night. So, that evening's meeting, there supposed to gather at there normal joint unless they made a joint decision to gather at any of their houses. That particular evening, a decision had already been made that their gathering would be at Ella's place. 

"Oh my goodness! It's time already", he said to himself as he started arranging the house to keep it in order for his exit. 

He left and definitely arrived safely at Ella's house. He was the last to arrive as Enola didn't call him as she normally do. Everyone was even surprised that the both came separately that day apart from Clinton and Ekaris who already knew what was at stake. 

       "Sorry guys, something came up", he lied as an excuse.

       "It's fine, we haven't even said anything yet….so, you are welcome to start with", Ella said in a welcoming tone.


They talked about a lot of things, but before then, something very noticeable happened as Bruno entered. Based on the normality of effects, Enola and Bruno would have given each other a hug, a tight one indeed, but it wasn't like that. They didn't even look at each other. No one bothered to ask anyone anything at that moment. They carried on with their chats and discussions. Ella was light spirited and so was Clinton. Clinton was somehow prepared for what the day would bring. He was the only person that knew why Bruno felt how he did and funny enough, Bruno didn't know why Enola felt the way she did. It was Ekaris that knew. Michelle was just observing the whole scenario, as Bruno wasn't feeling ok, his mood affected Michelle too.

      "Guy, what's wrong with you", Michelle asked diligently.

As she asked the question, there was this kind of eye Enola gave her like if eyes were to be gun, Michelle's burial would be the next plan.

      "I guess I'm ok, just a bit stressed out".

       "Guy, you can tell us what happened, honestly your face look like grave yard", Ekaris chipped in.

        "I said I'm fine thank you", he responded harshly in such a way that most of them started wondering what has transpired between the two of them. Ekaris didn't even mention any word again, he automatically kept mute like he was remotely forced to.

        "Guys, please it hasn't gotten to this level, we can settle anything very amicably" Clinton who knew how Bruno felt at the moment urged them.

        "What is it that has come over the two of you that you can't settle like gentlemen?" Michelle asked.

Everywhere was quiet at her question. That was when their suspicions and observations started making sense a little. Ella didn't know what to think at the moment, she was trying to place events and the past to enable her decipher on what to lay her hands on. She remembered that day in the woods when she saw Ekaris coming from the river after which Enola followed suit. He started to imagine if what she was thinking was exactly what others thought. Why she didn't care to query him then was what she kept asking herself; Ekaris that doesn't deserve to be trusted much. She has the chance to ask as of when everywhere was quiet.

        "Ekaris, talk to me, what happened?" she asked so passionately.

        "Nothing, we are cool…", definitely, he lied.

All those words he was spitting out even made Bruno madder and so was Clinton.

      "That's completely a lie", Clinton opened up as all eyes turned on him.

      "What do you know Clinton?" Ella asked on behalf of those interested to ask.

       "I am sorry to say this, I actually saw the both of them at the hotel that night they went there. I was there base on work aspect and I was observing them till they got to the hotel room. That was when I left and I also told Bruno about it….. probably, that's why he wasn't smiling when he entered. He rages in anger for Ekaris and Enola for betraying our friendship", he ended.

When he ended, it was then obvious that there was nothing to hide again. Enola stood firm and wasn't even moved and so did Ekaris. Maybe because there were still about to strike. They were actually waiting for the best time to hit and close the scene. Ella was already broken, she sat down on the floor looking all clueless. Tears were rolling down her eyes in a small pace.

         "See what you have caused you whore", she addressed Enola as she went to console Ella. That was when the main problem came up. Enola couldn't hold it back again, not to the extent of being called a whore.

         "See who's calling someone a whore, a snatcher like you prowling round looking for dicks", she bounced back as her own anger raged.

With anger and resentment, she collected Ekaris phone as it was very obvious that the lady Bruno made out with was Michelle because she wore the same dress as it was in the video.

         "Ok, let's put an end to all this shit, you guys should come and see for yourself", she said as she started playing the video.