
Enter: the late Merken Nar's legacy/ the boy who crossed realms 

♢Serpentspine constellation♢

The Serpentspine constellation, a constellation where the advanced civilizations mixed spirit arts, and magic to make great strides in technological advancement.

Their method was to gather, and store energy, studying it so the particular energy can be refined to it's purists form. Doing this they were able to discover that all energies, no matter how chaotic or diverse, were a branch of the spirit realm. 

Even the devils who are hated, and feared throughout the cosmos, gathered their negative energy from the spirit realm. 

The angels in the heavens were no different, without the spirit realm there would be no way to directly manipulate these energies. Those able to absorb, store and cultivate the energy within them are considered pinnacle existences no matter where you go in the universe. It was just that those on many of the planets in the Serpentspine constellation put their entire soul into it, this power came from the spirit. The object was to cultivate the self as well as the spirit, there were many different ways to use this stored power, but at the end of the day it all came from the spirit realm. From the astral origin power human warriors use, to the mana magic users wield, and lets not forget the demonic energy of the demons. Their ability to manifest these heaven defying powers came directly from their spirit, humans who can draw in these energies are called children of Horus.

Planet Xutaar had two suns that the inhabitants called Apu, and Anu: the twin brothers. They were worshipped as the life givers by many of the Xutaarians, there were even those who could store and utilize the power of the sun, condensing a solar seed and becoming like a sun themselves. A large variety of powerful lifeforms walked the mountains, and forests of Xutaar. Humans were once one of the least advanced races on the planet, their arms and armor was even given to them by the more advanced societies so they could serve as cannon fodder.

Those chieftains of powerful tribes were like gods to the humans, to the chieftains humans were only good enough to serve as cannon fodder. 

Humans lived the life of a dog at the table of his master, panting and salivating for a bone with just a few more scraps of meat left on it. Making a spectacle of the humans was another amusement for some of the advanced civilizations, they loved to watch them fight in arenas against fierce beasts, or any of the other warlike races that they'd subjugated. 

The faction with the highest human population were the Devas, who the humans greatly resembled. The only difference was the crystals that Devas have between their brows which is condensed during their gestation period, these stones refine the energy drawn in, only pure energy is left behind while it casts out the harmful impurities.

Although they looked down on the humans, the Devas took the way of the sword very serious, training the humans under them brutally lest they disgrace the sword. Like this the first real human army was born, those who could fight were given bigger portions of food, completing warrior camp became a way to feed your family.

Surviving the training camp was easier said than done however, the first 3 months were focused on building up their stamina. They ran up mountain paths where spirit energy was especially dense, and the air was thinner to force the lungs to expand then retract trying to compensate. Doing this strengthened the lungs, and slightly increased their constitution, that is if their lungs didn't collapse from the strain on them as a result of the lack of air, on top of suffering the backlash from the unpredictable energies.

After 3 months of gulping like a fish for air the humans moved on to their next phase of training, they were given 5 sets of leather pads filled with sand. 2 were to be strapped on the forearms, another 2 on the legs, and the final piece went around the shoulders. These pads all together weighted a total of 22.7 kilograms, they had to proceed down the mountain path after wearing them, their destination was a forest  

30 kilometers west of the mountain they trained on. Upon reaching the forest they were told that they had to wear the pads for 3 months, and the only time it could be removed was when they went to bathe. Taking care of their hygiene was the only thing they could remove the pads for. This rule was something like a natural law, violators were flogged and quite a few died from the iron like whips darting in, and licking away their flesh.

Other than training them to death the Devas didn't go out of their way to make life miserable for the humans. They didn't seek to awe them or flaunt their superiority over them, humans bred like rats so they were perfect for boosting military power. Those other super races didn't bother training the humans in their territories, they just sent them out as meat shields to drain the enemy of their spirit energy. Once the opposition has used up all their power slaughtering their way threw the humans, then they step in like sovereigns to administer the killing blow.

Such methods were disdainful in the eyes of the Devas, they didn't mind betting their lives on their skill with the sword. And though the humans were lowly they wouldn't deny them the right to die as warriors, with the utter disregard that the other races had for human life, this arrangement with the Devas was obviously  the lesser of two evils.

3 months of wearing weights strapped on different parts of their body around the clock almost ground the pitiful humans to dust. They were given a 3 day rest period, and were granted permission to remove the weighted pads. Then the Deva instructor demonstrated how to stretch and relax their tendons, and muscles to make the most of their exercise.

The humans felt like they were walking on clouds when the heavy pads were  removed, moving around without it on for a day let them feel the rewards they reaped from their perseverance. But even good things have an ending no matter how sweet, the final phase of warrior camp would be weapons training. Here was where the worth of these humans would truly be gauged, the Devas were interested in seeing if humans were worthy of the sword. This was a pet project for a few of the Deva Lords, with many others wagering on the success or failure of this venture.

After all, creatures like the goblins, the orcs, and the trolls were a serious threat to the humans, often preying on them as a food source. To the Devas such entities were insects not even worth mentioning, humans with their intelligence, and incredible adaptability drew a second look from them, which wasn't easy. Now they wanted to see if the humans can brighten their fate with the flash of their blades, to a Deva Lord anything can be resolved if your sword was sharp enough. Even shattering the image of yourself as scum in the eyes of the world was possible, just pour it all into your sword: grief, despair, hopelessness, powerlessness, and your unwillingness to be swallowed in the abyss of such emotions.


On the continent of Shan there were other powers besides the Devas holding court, and spreading their influence throughout the land. 9 Emerald Sky country was where one of the 6 great forests was located, this forest stretched a length of 128,720 kilometers like a ancient beast with iron jaws. But it's size wasn't why it was proclaimed a "great forest", it was those entities living deep inside the forest that made others dare not charge through recklessly. If you didn't have the strength, and still dared to step inside, you'll just be swallowed and ground to nothing.

Spirit energy was dense almost like a blue fog inside the forest, it was a paradise for those who knew how to pull, and store energy. Once you've stepped inside you might as well say you entered another realm. Even if you didn't know the method for attracting, and storing energy, just being inside it for a few days can strengthen your bones, and muscles. The difference for those who can store energies was 20 times the benefits. An environment with such pure, and abundant energy gave birth to a number of astonishing life forms, mutated vegetation, and also divine fruits that could turn a worm into a great Serpent.

Thus those from outside judged it was worth risking their life's for a chance to taste the sweet wonders of this Great Forest. How could those super races, rulers of a thousand subordinate races {if you let them tell it}, be able to see an opportunity and not gobble it all up? They'd dare to challenge god if there were benefits, a chance to obtain a divine artifact, and power up explosively, will draw out those secluded beings who usually didn't meddle in worldly affairs.

Yes opportunities abounded within the great forest Tyjuku, one flip of the coin, and you might luck up, maybe stumble on great fortune, becoming an anointed son of heaven overnight. Or maybe you'll end up on a monster's plate, the possibility of this occurring will increase the further you advance into the forest. Back there the spirit energy was even more dense, it can be seen with the naked eye as it drifted in the air like a morning mist.

Moving pass the twisting curtain of blue mist, a wide grassland with colossal trees in the distance became visible. Some of the trees reached heights of 90 meters, and higher. With a width of about 4.8 meters these trees stood in defiance of the ages, the air passing through the forest was like the breath of a goddess. 

The twin suns Apu, and Anu sent out showers of light like two cupped hands down on the huge forest of trees, it was truly an otherworldly sight.

Suddenly a horizontal line was drawn across the sky above the forest, the air at the top and bottom of the line cracking as numerous thin lines spread. A massive energy fluctuation could be felt by those with high enough sensory abilities. But the signature was so chaotic that it would be difficult to accurately pinpoint, it would take time, as well as many mental adjustments to determine the exact location of the energy surge. This disturbance could also be felt outside the great forest Tyjuku, causing several eyes to move in it's direction in shock, and speculation.

Such a powerful surge of energy must be taken note of, and carefully investigated. If it was a fight between big bosses, and one managed to seize victory, the territorial lines drawn would see a big change as the effects of such a huge event trickled down to the lower levels. Those more reasonable, and far seeing monsters granted safe passage through their territories to merchants bringing in items, when these entities opened their mouths, what they said became law. So a shift in the power structure inside Tyjuku forest will cause many to keep their ears to the ground.

But it was best not to move on assumptions, the one thing they were sure of though: something big was about to go down inside the great forest, they needed to know what was what, if a storm was brewing they wanted to be the first to know. That surge of energy can mean any of a thousand things, orders were passed down by the various parties able to detect the disturbance. 

Meanwhile that horizontal line drew upwards, opening to become a gigantic eye with a glowing crimson iris. The eye ball then turned to the right, towards the middle of Tyjuku forest. Abruptly a beam of crimson light shot out, it flew with a speed the eye couldn't perceive. "Khhhhhh" cracks ran up, and down the eye, it shattered, on the verge of breaking apart. Waves of spatial energy distorted the air as the eye spun in on itself. 

The crimson beam of light rocketed towards the ground near a mountain in the middle of Tyjuku forest, just before the beam hit the ground a wave of energy smashed down bringing it to a halt as the energy scattered into motes of crimson light.


There was a 8 meter wide 15 meter deep hole where the ball of energy landed, a giant cloud of smoke, and rocks shot up like a geyser. When the wind finally blew, and carried the smoke away a boy who looked like he was 10 or 11 appeared. He had dark brown skin, thick beautiful eyebrows, long eye lashes with a pair of ruby colored eyes looking dazed. 

"uh oh, grandpa told me not to go near the part of the palace with the divine rune emblazoned at the entrance, I don't know what just happened, but I think I'm in big trouble"

Said the boy to himself as he almost sobbed in regret, knowing when he gets home he'll be in for a good beating. He was warned numerous times the ancestral hall was off limits to everyone, even the grand elders knew nothing about the things inside the hall. They were alien things from an ancient forgotten age, no one knew how they worked so they were tossed aside, and made into a junk heap.

For some reason that ancient hall seemed to beckon the boy, he didn't know what it was so he ignored it for the first few months. It wasn't long before he got bored, and gave in to his curiosity. He bribed the guards at the entrance to the ancestral hall with gold coins, and a promise to get them a position where they can sit on their ass. 

As he was beginning to be disappointed, and beginning to think like everyone else, that the things in the ancestral hall were useless, his hopeless looking eyes fell on a black orb with a red eye inscribed on it, just like his family's symbol, the black field and red eye. 

When he probed the orb with his consciousness, it exploded out with powerful suction force twisting him into a coil, and absorbing him into it's crimson iris. Now he's standing in a forest with what looks like a mountain in the distance to the right of him. He doesn't know of any forest near Dark Wind city, where his family's palace is located, a child like him who's interested in everything will of course be interested in the world around him.

A forest like this with such ancient looking trees would have interested him greatly, and with his clans reach it couldn't escape his hungry eyes. All of the forests around Dark Wind city have long been chopped down so the demon beasts won't have a place to grow, and eventually swarm the city. Anywhere near there was out, and if he checked his mental map of Mataelra continent, he didn't remember any landmarks of a giant forest. 

Perhaps he's forgetting something, but all this wracking his brains was giving him a head ache. He decided to proceed forward while keeping the mountain to his right for the moment. Since he didn't know where he was any way, the direction he chose didn't matter. The boy stared in wonder at the beautiful scenery as he streaked through the forest like a projectile.

Each breath he took invigorated him, making the energy coursing through his body increase it's circulation. His crimson eyes shined as he activated the innate ability of the Demon Eye clan, [ Celestial's Eye of Origin]. The spirit energy in the air became streams of light, he was able to watch it move, and flow. They came in many different sizes as well as many different shapes. 

He also felt other types of energy, however without a thorough scan of his consciousness he won't bother with those for the moment. The abundant blue spirit energy revolving before his eyes made him drool, there was more dark energy than anything where he came from. Rich and pure energy like this was non-existent in the lands near Dark Wind city. 

So without hesitating any further he opened his little mouth, taking a deep breath. Those blue streams of spirit energy stirred, heading towards the boy as the suction force of his inhalation built up. His eyes looked predatory for a moment, making your bowels loose in fear if you looked into them. He was like a starving cub at his mother's tit. Anyone who dared disturb his meal at this moment was asking for death.

Some of the energy the boy absorbed went towards his belly region, while the majority went to his spinal cord. He licked his lips with his pair of crimson eyes half closed, his eye lashes touching his cheeks as he observed the flow of energy in his bones, and blood. He watched as the blue energy spiraled up his spine, depositing a little towards the back of his head. 

He couldn't help but tremble every time from the rush of energy, when the energy filled up his stomach area he used his brow essence/consciousness to manipulate it into a specific shape. In his mind he formed a pair of needles to stretch the energy down to thin strands. Thousands of thin strands were to be used to craft a rune he had been studying on the bones of a Steel Wyrm.  

The purpose of the rune imprinted on the bone of the Steel Wyrm was to make the bones, and the body stronger than steel. It also thickened the blood giving it a molten like quality with silver flecks threaded through it. Back home the most he could do was inspect the rune, using dark energy wouldn't work, what was needed was pure spirit energy. He didn't have enough power to draw 40 threads back home let alone a thousand. Each strand of spirit energy must flow, and come together, spreading power to the whole, bringing balance, and stability. 

After compressing the rune, then making sure it smoothly activated when energy was inserted, he had to wrap it in a layer of consciousness. That small layer of consciousness added additional purity, and stability to the rune. Before he couldn't reach the first step, however with the spirit energy flowing into him at this time he'll even be able condense a rune no one in his family has seen for who knows how long. The sacred rune [Celestial's Seat of the Soul], which was an inner eye rune that transformed the brow essence, it gave a major increase to your perception, and intuition. It brought multiple other benefits such as seeing through illusions, protection against mental attacks, being able to see and grasp the true essence of things, seeing with your inner eye to understand things on a deeper level, also improving your comprehensive ability and other neurological processes.

Unlike the Steel Wyrm rune which was to be inscribed on the spinal colum, the [Celestial's Seat of the Soul] had to be inscribed on the front, and back of the skull. He was currently in an environment he didn't know anything about, so it was best to use everything at his disposal to increase his defenses, at the same time improving his ability to adapt to various situations.  

He floated a meter off the forest floor inside of a blue sphere as he sat in the Lotus position. His back felt like it was on fire as a tight feeling, and the illusion it could easily snap made him move carefully. As he guided the Wyrm rune to join the collection of other runes along his spinal colum using his consciousness, "ahhhhh" he screeched at a volume that made you grit, and gnash your teeth. 

But the sound didn't travel pass the sphere, it had a fuzzy, muffled quality. A coiled draconic seal was burned onto the boy's spine while he screamed until his throat hurt. Deep resolve glittered in his eyes, his chest heaved up, and down, he was ready to inscribe the sacred rune on his brow area, it'll automatically project itself on the front, and back of his skull. 

When the rune burned on the front, and back of his skull, it was in the shape of an eye, unexpectedly though it even extended to his upper arm bones, an explosion went off in his head and he saw darkness.



"Tha tha tha tha tha" the sound of numerous footfalls on the lush green grass inside Tyjuku forest rose up in the air. Riding on a path where the shrubbery was less dense, and there were more gaps between the trees, a squad of gray skinned males with long pointy ears rode in 2 neat columns. They had leather armor strapped to their chests, and backs with beast tendons, spears with decent wood for poles stuck up from their backs. Though the metal point at the tip of their poles wasn't a high grade one, it was possible to tell it was constantly scraped across a whetstone, looking at it gave you the feeling that it'll chop all the meat off of your bones. 

Fierce black eyes glared left, and right inside hairless heads that gradually tapered at the crown. The mounts they traveled on were brown scaled lizards 4 meters in length, and stood at 3.36 meters. They spoke in a language that sounded like it mainly consisted of growls, and the snapping of teeth. Shields of wood and beast hide hung from their saddles, along with thick clumps of iron these fellows called swords. 

Were they to dismount they'd reach a height of 2.5 meters, their chests and arms were the size of doors. Behind the columns of mounted Spearman were 2 creatures worlds apart from their brutish brethren possessing dim consciousness, lacking the ability to reason, ponder, question, think deeply or on higher levels. 

Standing atop 2 monstrous mounts were 2 equally monstrous individuals, Scales gleaming a red, and yellow color, the beasts they rode looked around with vigilance in their yellow eyes. Wearing fur cloaks spreading out behind them like wings, the grey skinned male standing on the beast to the left stood at a height of 4 meters, a sword on his back that looked like it could be used as a table. 

The other was a 5 meter tall creature with a crescent blade axe planted like a pillar as he stood firmly atop the head of his mount, his large hands with sharp black claws placed on the round iron top of it. His eyes looked forward as if they sought to peirce the distance like a throwing axe. Looking at it's powerful upper hind legs along with it's 14 meter long body, the creatures carrying these 2 males looked like they were made for short bursts of high speed.

"Chief what do you think caused that explosion earlier", asked the 4 meter tall warrior Pernoaken Nar Trollsbane, also unlike his brethren he spoke a more fluent orc language, one that allowed communication to go more smoothly. It was a more refined version created by an orc with a consciousness that vibrated on a higher level than the norm. Instead of a kill on sight approach he extended his hand, forming connections with other races. 

He used the troops under his command to keep the other chieftains in line. He needed the number of orc attacks to be down to a minimum, for generations his people hid in the darkness like rats, he was trying to show them there was more to life than mating, food, and killing. He keep an eye out for those rare orcs like himself who possessed the light of higher consciousness. 

After 4 years of ruling an orc village, {which is quite long for a position of leadership among his kind, more often than not such a gathering of strong orcs like the one this orc had at his command would have collapsed long ago due to infighting} at last he forged a relationship with a warrior from the gnome city - Omecca. In the years he was chief of a band numbering about 4,000 orcs, he was the first orc chieftain to supply his troops with iron weapons, and enchanted armor. 


He was also the first orc to achieve an evolution, and gain a mark of nobility. His intelligence increased even further, he gained innate magic spells, and learned to calm the berserk power inside of him, his name went down in history as the orc who built a fortress on the Narmite mountains. He established the house of Nar, being given the name Merken Nar Moon Axe as a blessed sigil imprinted within his consciousness by the spirit realm. 

The other warlords didn't like the rapid rise of the Nar orcs, plenty were jealous of the Narmite ore he discovered that gave the mountain it's name. Orcs were supposed to be lowly brutes who couldn't establish a flourishing society because of their mean tempers, and lack of cunning, competent leaders. Typical orc chiefs went to battle armed with thick wooden clubs, Merken learned archery from his friend of the gnome city, he was the only orc chief with a squad of archers for 10 years, before a Goblin chief who ruled a village near the foot of Narmite mountain evolved into a hobgoblin, following which he took it a step further, bringing mounted wolf archers to the battlefield.

For 60 years the orcs of the house of Nar flourished under the stern gaze of Lord Merken. He even managed to capture a port city, and sail to other parts of the world, broadening his horizons, interacting with other races, learning things that could better his life from some, while slaughtering others like a judge sentencing them to the death penalty, overall he learned the importance of having an eye placed on the future. 

Though the fortress of Nar eventually fell, {mainly due to Merken being plotted against, his strength, the respect given to him by warriors who treaded the path with their feet placed firmly, not on their tip toes, made some people jealous, more and more warlords were opening their gates to the orc lord in welcome, as the years went by, and seeing his position grow firmer, certain personages executed a plan that would put what they considered a lowly existence back in it's place, now if he were beneath one of their flags, placing his formidable strength, and the admiration of the warriors along with him in their palm why would they complain? Before Merken they wouldn't even spare a glance to acknowledge an orc's existence, then he came along, making this race a factor on the world stage} it's founder built a strong foundation leaving behind a legacy, passing down his knowledge, the spirit arts he'd comprehended, keeping his eyes on the future worked better than he hoped. Over 2 thousand years later, they were a shell of their former selves, but the Nar orcs still existed today, still standing like Narmite mountain.

Seeing that bright flash of light reminded the orc chieftain of his clan's past  radiance, blazing like a star then fading away. Eyes still scanning forward, metal spikes protruding from his head like his namesake, mountain Lord Merken, the current head of house Nar responded in a pondering tone "that's what we're on our way to find out".

He'd heard Pernoaken was leading a patrol so he decided to accompany him since they hadn't been on patrol together in years, most of his time was spent on soaking in the moon axe art the first Merken created. The art quickly became a part of him, it was more of him completely submerging himself than soaking in it, the Nar orcs were not your typical orcs, their Founder left them an inheritance, a legacy which allowed them to survive thousands of years after his demise.

Pernoaken was now looking forward as well, fur cloak flapping behind his broad back, his huge sword with it's lizard skinned scabbard his favorite companion. He raised his arm over his left shoulder to grip the hilt, a sharp excitement in his eyes, "we couldn't have been the only ones to hear that explosion, I'm willing to bet both of my wives others are just as curious as we are. This will give us a chance to observe the other party up close and personal. It's been too quiet around here lately, things are starting to get interesting eh chief"?

Merken the second finally stared at him for a few breaths, then let out a helpless sigh, "we'll see how things go when we get there, if someone bares their fangs at us of course we'll break them, but no need to get that excited, stay focused or you might get killed". He said pressing upon Pernoaken not to get too carried away lest he loses his head from being careless. 

Pernoaken tried to give off an aura of trustworthiness, but Chief Merken paid it no mind, "Chief I won't let you down, this is our first patrol in I don't know how many years, and look what happens, this must be fate, you don't make me look bad either chief if a fight does go down ha ha ha". Laughing happily like he finally got the chance to bed a female he'd been lusting after for years, then giving his chief a respectful salute with a sparkle in his eyes. 

Merken looked at him helplessly, but inwardly he was smiling, Pernoaken was the only one who didn't treat him like the second coming of Lord Merken the first, expecting him to weave miracles out of thin air. His training in the moon axe art had suddenly hit a wall, he battered against it until he became battered. Going out on a patrol was to get his mind off his inability to break that wall, putting his mind elsewhere for awhile, he might be able to think of a way when he came back to it later.

That flash of light followed by an explosion drew him as well, but he was Chieftain Merken Nar the second, his mind was elsewhere, wondering if it could be a bad thing. Death was more of a possibility than anything, so you had to be cautious, especially if you were a village chief with the future of your house thrust on you. His progress in the first's moon axe art that nobody else picked up after him because they couldn't perceive lunar energy, made the elders of the clan laugh with tears in their eyes being able to see their Founder's technique step onto the stage again.

Flipping his axe behind his back, he tied it behind him with a short beast hide rope. Merken had to admit the explosion happening on the day he and Pernoaken patrolled together was a bit odd, they hadn't fought side by side for years, the forest has been somewhat calm, besides the circle of life taking it's course. If this was an omen he hoped it was a good one for his house of Nar.

They traveled on, the ground and nearby trees Trembling slightly from the passage of the Scorching Sand Lizards. 3 hours later they reached the site of the explosion, Merken and Pernoaken dismounted scanning their surroundings as they walked up to the crater. Observing the size, if filled up with water it'd be like a small pond, the ground inside the hole was scorched black, Merken guessed whatever that light was in the sky must've landed here, resulting in this hole.

Yet there wasn't a bloody pulp of flesh nor anything else inside it to make evident how this small crater came to be. If an object fell and smashed to the ground it would still be inside of the hole, a being of flesh, and blood might not leave an intact corpse behind, still something would be left behind for inquiring minds to connect the dots.

"What do you think chief, should we have our scouts look around for clues? Whatever fell from the sky and made this hole can't be ordinary, I'm curious to have a look at such a one." It appeared Pernoaken wouldn't be satisfied unless everything suddenly erupted into chaos.

He had a feeling something fun will happen if he could meet with that entity. 

Merken frowned in thought, "you can, but you go along to be doubly careful, since it looks like you're raring to go with that light sparkling in your eyes". Chief Merken was helpless when dealing with Pernoaken's lust for mayhem. Years have passed since the Nar orcs had to slaughter to let their presence be known within Tyjuku forest when they first set foot inside it. Those other powers in this region of the forest were forced to acknowledge these orcs weren't to be provoked, they built an orc village, and it looked like they weren't leaving anytime soon.

Their position was solid, years have passed since anything of interest came up. Elites like Pernoaken kept their blades sharp, at the ready, but rarely got a chance to use them. Normally as long as the opposition didn't possess innate abilities, were adepts at manipulating energy, or wielded a spirit art, those orcs of lesser rank were likely able to handle it.

Pernoaken looked at his chief sheepishly, murmuring excuses until Merken waved him away, he went to collect 2 of the 15 orcs they brought out on patrol who were good trackers. These orcs knew what they had to do, wasting no time, they scanned the area looking for signs of recent passage.

They went about their business with grim deliberation, carefully extending their senses near the rim of the hole, they discovered a small, difficult to notice foot print. The size of the foot looked small, but it was definitely a bipedal being's foot print, what surprised them was that when they searched the area for more tracks they didn't find any, like the person who this footprint belonged to only took that single step, there wasn't a hint of anything else.

When they reported this to Pernoaken his eyes lit up knowingly, the scouts suggested they head in the direction the front of this mysterious print pointed. Which was in the direction of Sky Whale mountain, hearing this part caused Pernoaken to remember something he'd heard more than once in the past few days.

He always keeps his ear out for news on great battles, but the news this time was spoken with extreme excitement, and awe. It seemed an angel winged valkyrie settled in the area to have her clutch, bringing dozens of her beautiful little harpy sisters with her to guard her during a critical moment.

If the rumors were true or not was unknown, even a normal valkyrie was a whirlwind of death, so no one wanted to provoke what might be a rare, and more powerful version of the species. Those brave ones who went to verify the rumors never came back with confirmation, causing people to start half believing it. Pernoaken himself wasn't sure either, but recalling it made a strange anticipation build up in his heart when he thought about it being the direction the owner of the foot print was going towards.

He rubbed his hands together with a wicked smile as he towered over the 2 scouts standing before him with their heads bowed respectfully. "Alright, if you can locate the one who made that hole for me, I'll provide both of you with a human female each, bahahahaha, plus I'll throw in some moonberry ale. Only capable orcs can enjoy the privilege of experiencing a soft human female gripped tightly around them as they cry out in pleasure, and pain".

 Both of the scouts trembled with wide bloodshot eyes, remembering those sounds they sometimes heard coming from the huts of high ranked orcs. Sounds that made their members swell, and ache as if all the blood in their bodies rushed into it. Hearing it caused a strange fire to burn in their bellies, they wanted to rip the clothes off a human woman, plunging their penises deep inside of them to soothe their aches.

Seeing this Pernoaken chuckled, "I'll be right behind you, all you have to focus on is following the trail".

Fur cloak dancing in the air behind him, Pernoaken rushed to inform his chief of their findings. 

By now Merken had all of the orcs dismounted, those lumps of iron they called swords were strapped across their lower backs. Without making a sound, they stood there looking at their chief unblinking, his 3 meter long moon axe was planted on the ground before him.

Sunlight glinting off the metal spikes on his head, Merken's night black irises swept across the group of orcs, he towered over them, making them straighten their backs to squeeze out every inch of their over 2 meters height.

He saw Pernoaken jogging towards him out the corner of his eye, the huge orc warrior was practically skipping in excitement. Merken let out another helpless sigh, though little did he know in the coming days he'd have even more to sigh helplessly about.

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