

Story of a teen girl Names AMELIA, passing through difficulties in her life, got love struck after denying that she will not fall for anyone, at a point of her age that changed her life. When a boy enters in her life, and turned it in something new, emotional roller coaster ride, with new experiences, magical love and past tragedies will she BE ABLE TO LOVE AGAIN , WILL HE ACCEPT HER. FOR interesting adventure of Amelia read the book and support me . this is my first novel I will be thankful if you all give it a read and appreciated it vote with power stones and do comment your thoughts I will do my best !!! ____________________________________

NASI38 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Meet AMELIA: A bubbly, , smart nerd and innocent, yet beautiful girl with brunette hair, fair soft skin and hazel green eyes, Rosy cheeks , always smile on her rose red plum lips

loved by everyone, 18 years old college student living her life as a boring teen , but will this year change for her? , when a boy named ANDERS enter her life will this year be the new emotional roller coaster.

meet ANDERS: Rude, arrogant ,playboy yet handsome with jet black hair, ocean blue eyes cute dimples on face macho man , loved by girls only.. will this be the new turn for him when his eyes met the hazel green eyes.... LETS SEE