

Story of a teen girl Names AMELIA, passing through difficulties in her life, got love struck after denying that she will not fall for anyone, at a point of her age that changed her life. When a boy enters in her life, and turned it in something new, emotional roller coaster ride, with new experiences, magical love and past tragedies will she BE ABLE TO LOVE AGAIN , WILL HE ACCEPT HER. FOR interesting adventure of Amelia read the book and support me . this is my first novel I will be thankful if you all give it a read and appreciated it vote with power stones and do comment your thoughts I will do my best !!! ____________________________________

NASI38 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter: 6

"ouch " may be I slept on my wrong side today my neck "oooff", I turn my head towards right ,

I changed quickly in my clothes ran downstairs seeing on one in my sight as I could sense that they left without saying good bye , my heart drop ped a little in my chest but since that day I have been able to live like this , ignoring the hate the pain and no love, I have became more close to myself I wanted to inspire people now I want people to say that because of you I couldn't give up , I smiled as usual and I was running late Soo I ran to my college I have to run to find job too after college.

walking towards college alone after locking the house door was quiet until Leah shouted "Amelia "

I turned around she was waving at me with beautiful smile on he lips "hi Leah how are you " .

"dude I m perfecttt " , " you know today is some kind of event planning from our seniors and I am excited "

"ohkayy what are you excited about i asked with side smile ".

"oh come on " she blushed

" oh so there is someone "

" hehe ,stoppp " we laughed and talked until arriving we arrived college , stepping in there was a crowd gathered in the notice board area we were curious so we moved there ,


"WOW! college notice board with this "I looked at Leah laughing .

"I am so excited " she said eyes gleaming .

" don't even think of going , you don't knoww....""shhhh... she said putting fingers on my lips " , " we will go and party harddd" she said smiling ear to ear , I laugh it off and said "yeah yeah fine " I didn't know she would be serious and actually force me .

Voice of Heels clicking on the floor came from far as Sophie Mathews came looking like she is going in a modeling show, with skirt so short that her ass is almost out , "why is she full of makeup ?", " may be she should not wear the skirt of a 5 years old " Leah said while confused , "haha "I laughed a little.

Students make their way for her and she tear the poster off the notice board , taking out the mobile phone , she speak with screeching sweet voice, " babbee !! you didn't tell me we are having a party"

may be it's anders I tell myself why I am uneasy .

"what is happening ?"a deep muscular sexy voice came from behind I turned around faster looking at him his deep ocean eyes confused ,his face serious he wore dark green seater and black pants folded sleeves , he is so handsome, " close your mouth you will catch a fly" Leah said I shake my head " what I wasn't looking I turned " ,

"yeah you were practically eating him with your stare " she smirked, " stop let goo " I said

Anders eyes met mine thoroughly my heart stopped beating , " oh god "

He was looking at me as he took the paper and make it into a ball " everyone's invited tommorow" he said looking at me smirking with dimples forming "ugh I want to poke it so bad mine are visible when I smile "

" we don't have college tommoroww yohooo " Sophie's light voice screamed in our ears.

Anders stepped back looking thoroughly at me "everyone " smirked and turned around

my heart was thumping faster than I thought ,

the encounter with anders was for short but it always give me butterflies in my stomach .

The day passed by fast nothing interesting occured , I make friends Leah and me now best friends she said that he energy is positive and I love it , I didn't see Blake today , he didn't came event of yesterday came across my mind as I realize what happened shiver ran down my spine .

The day ends quickly as I was walking towards the SHOP I, it was a coffee shop as well as they sell other stuff too like baked goods and all ,and I have looked into there needs ,where a part timer is needed and the timings were of night as I have my studies in morning I can work at night ,

I was running there so I didn't get late ,fixing my bag looking down I bumped into hard rock "uh ouch " I stepped back looked upwards "you ?"

he smirked " hey sweetheart , missed me ?", " you like hugging me " ," come her " he said opening his arms .

" I am late move " , I said , he stopped me holding my wrist

" you should respect me huh?" his face hard expressionless teeth clenching.

" III.. ... " I suttered he raised his brow questioning me ,

"PPP..please it hurts " , " leave" , I said wriggling the wrist from his tight hold , he abruptly loose the grip and back off raising his hand ,one of his hand holding coffee cup , and other empty, other hand have some scars too from wrist and I don't know where it ends , he put his arms down fixing his jacket,

I looked at him with anger and stormed inside, The old man "Mr . FRED" is the manager he need a worker for orders and others stuff , He is old no part timers were introduced to me because it was late shop was closing , I have to start by day after tomorrow, I told Him I desperately needed the job and he agreed , told me my shift is at night from 8oclock till 10 o clock , I was a little unsure but I needed the job so I said yess he was a sweet man.

I was relieved and happy as I walked towards my house , no assignments were given by our teachers because it's the start of the college year and I usually windup my work in college in free time .

I was walking thinking of many thing,

A shadow appeared behind me from afar , my heart stopped but I didn't looked at it , it was big hooded figure ,I increased my paced , walked faster as I could , breathing heavily as it came closer , tears. came and I slowly I was saying "God please help !"

A strong big hand grabbed my shoulder , and I screamed on top of my lungs , I was turned around shock visible in my eyes by the sight ,he placed his big hand on my mouth as my screams slowed I looked at him with tears .

Who is he ?? I tried fighting

what's going to happen now ??

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