
First year but last year

Haji and Hikari had been friends since middle school. They're weren't in the same circle but they've always been in the same class. In their last year in high school, they were in the same class again.

Hikari was in front of the door of 3-E's room when she heard someone talked in her back, "Oh? We're in the same class again." She obviously knew who was the owner of this voice! It's Watano Haji's voice.

She opened the sliding door, both of them entered the class together. Hikari sighed in joking manner, "Yeah. I'm already getting tired of you." Then she looked around to see if her friends were in the same class as her, obviously, no. They were five in their circle but two selected Humanities. She, Mina and Niyuka chose Science while Keiko and Nanami were the one who selected Humanities.

In their school, career path counseling starts at the beginning of second year, for what reason? The school divides the third year classes into three categories: humanities class, science class, and general class. General class were those who still couldn't decide which major they should take. When they have decided, they can join either of the class after summer. The school urges them to decide before summer, after the vacation only few remained in general class. Normally, those who wouldn't pursue undergraduate degree or would take over family business were the only ones who preferred to stay in the general class.

Hikari walked over to her two friends who was sitting at the middle of the class, they clearly reserved a sit for her, "We're in the same class again!" Mina said excitedly to Hikaru.

Although there were three division of classes, each of it was also composed of two to four sections, but being in the same class wasn't anything new especially for third years. Third year sections were based on their class in second year, they would just separate liberal, science and general major students but those in the same major would still be put in the class together. They would just combine two to three sections to compete the students in the class. So if you were in same section during second year and chosen same major, you two would be together in your third year. The school thinks that changes in environment affects the students greatly especially during important time would be a burden.

It was approximately 40 minutes before the class starts, but the seats were almost full. There were new and old faces. Hikari noticed that Hajī was sitting in the corner at 1st row with his three friends. In Hikari's eyes, they were a weird bunch, the four sure have good looks, but it's really weird. Hajī and Shirozou Nayuki were at the top of their year, they belong to top 15 of the year as for the other two, Saisho Ren and Honohiko Hiro were at the bottom of their year. The former were always praised by the teachers while the latter were the troublemakers. Hikari didn't know how did these four became friends.

Hikari didn't noticed that she had been staring at the group for quite a while now, she was taken by surprised when Hajī smiled at her. She was embarrassed! She didn't know why she felt that though, she didn't do anything wrong. The group followed after Hajī, they were familiar with each other already. They waved their hands at her. Hikari didn't know what to do so she also smiled and waved her hands at them. After that, she joined her friends talking.

"Without Keiko and Nanami here, it's quite lonely," Niyuka said as she slumped towards her desk.

Mina followed after Niyuka, she also slump into Hikari's desk. Mina was sitting in front of Hikari while Niyuka sat beside Hikari, "Isn't it?" She sighed and suddenly glanced at Hajī's group, "Aren't your twin brother lucky? Their group actually chose same major!"

Shirozou Niyuka and Shirozou Nayuki, these two were actually twins but weren't in the same circle. The two says that they get along with each other yet being in the same circle would suffocate them. They were always together in their house so being in the same group would too much.

"Should we visit them tomorrow?" Hikari suggested. Of course, she also felt sad without those two. They had been together since their first year in high school.

"Their classroom is far from us." Niyuka whined. In reality, humanities building was just opposite of theirs. It wasn't that far.

"It's not that far, you're just lazy." Mina commented. Hikari just laughed.

"But we'll still eat with them during lunch. Going to their room is kinda embarrassing too." Niyuka continued to grumbled. Mina and Hikari and sighed, they couldn't do anything about Niyuka's lazy personality.

"Then how about we hang out later?" Hikari suggested another idea. With sparkling eyes, the two nodded.

They immediately sent message to their group in Line about their plans. The two agreed to it.

Hikari also messaged certain someone that she wouldn't be able to go home with him.

The class went normal, it wasn't remarkable except when the time of their homeroom. Teachers were just recalling their previous lessons during their second year.

In homeroom, they arranged their seats through drawing lots. Hikari picked 9, Mina got 28 and Niyuka got 19. They were too far from each other! They just waved their hands as they went to their assigned seat. Last two years, they were lucky enough to seat near each other. Their homeroom teacher said that would be their permanent seat for the rest of terms. They wondered if they offended Gods, they were too unlucky this year.

What made Hikari more miserable was Hajī(#15) was sitting at her back, while Nayuki(#3) was at her front, Ren(#8) at her left side and Hiro(#10)at his right side. Was she in some kind of reverse harem drama? She didn't like this arrangement. Their teacher even joked about it. She wanted to cry but no tears were streaming. How can she be so unlucky?

Without doubt, this would be the main topic when they hang out later. It was just the first day of her last year in high school, how can this happen?


Hello. I started writing a shoujo-ish story. If there's an error in grammar or what, unclear statements please say it. I don't actually know how to write stories but the story wouldn't leave my mind even though its cliché. I hope this is allowed in the site! >o< The characters are in Japanese setting, is this allowed here

This is the seating arrangement btw! :)

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 35 36 37

yukarincreators' thoughts