

It all started when they came. I don't know who they are, but I do know that they are my enemies and that I must kill them. They killed my parents and left me alone as the person to provide for my family the only hope and they left me with all of my parents' mistakes. I was to be queen but then that fateful night came. I am the last Lady of our family, the only one who escaped and are people's only hope.

looking up I see a little girl and she is running around yelling, "somebody please help, please, anyone, where is mommy,". the girl is running I look at the girl and she catches my eyes and runs towards me and starts crying. "mommy, mommy, where is mommy," she looks at me like I know where her mommy is. I look at her and see that she reminds me of the day when I lost my parents.

I neal down and gently ask her, "what does your mommy look like,". the girl starts to cry again. " they took her, they took her away, mommy protected me and then they took her, I want mommy,". I feel my body go stiff. who could have taken her? who is she? what was I thinking talking to this girl? I look at the girl and tell her, "no one can hurt you, come with me, I know some were I can find your mommy,". she looks at me straight in the eye and says, "Mommy said to never go with strangers, like the bad men who took her,".

I look at the girl realizes that she is not a complete idiot, but I need to bring her with me if I am going to help her. all of a sudden the girl starts crying again and points at some people who just came around the corner. as she points at them she cries "bad men, bad men,". I look at them and see that they must have some experience and that with the child it is not a good idea to try to fight them. I look at the small girl and tell her, "you have two chose, one you can stay here or two you can come with me and we can work together to find your mommy,". the little girl looks up at me and then grabs my hand saying, "let's go,".

I pick her up in my arms and start to walk away. I see that the men are starting to notice us and start to chase after us. I pick up speed into a light jog and then look behind me to see the men getting closer and closer. I run faster and faster. I know that I can easily outrun them but if the brought guns then the child is in danger. Dam it. if only I were alone then I could easily take them out. even if it was Lillatha I could take them out, she knows to stay out of my way. I look down at the child and see that her face is full of fear. we are almost there maybe these are just some young idiots. BANG. I hear the loud crisp sound of a gunshot. "shit" I mutter under my breath. I look at the child and see that she has lost all colour in her face. I calmly ask her, "did that hit you," she shakes her head but points at my shoulder.

I look at it and realize that the bullet must have hit me. I stop running and put the child down. then I give her strict instructions to go hide. I see the girl run off and I spin around and block a man who throws a punch at me and I flip him to the ground stamping on his head with my boots that kill's him instantly. I walk towards the men and they fire their guns at me, but I drop to the ground, all of there bullets fly over my head they shoot at me again and I roll to the left and then get up on to my feet. I run at them and disarm them in a matter of seconds. then I punch at them and kick them down, then kill all of them by stomping on there heads.

I call out, "you can come out now, it's safe,". the little girl comes out shaking. she is pale, white as snow. I look at her and ask, "what is your name,". "E-E-Emily," stutters the girl. she starts to walk towards me but then falls back. I run to her and see her small figure passed out on the ground. I pick her up and continues to my destination with the unconscious girl in my arms.

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