
134. A Pimple Plan

A Pimple Plan

[A crowd of sisters form around Lori's room]

Luna: [Horrified] Good Golly, Miss Molly! That thing's a monster!

Laney: Monster? [Squeezes through Lucy and Lynn]

Lana: [Pushes past Laney] Out of my way! I'm catching the monster! [Sees; disappointed] Awe, it's just a zit, but man is it huge.

Laney: Oh, come on guys. Don't make fun. Besides I'm sure it's not that- [Sees Luan with a huge zit on her face; shocked] HOLY COW, THAT THING'S BIGGER THAN SQUEALS! [Luan feels more bad about it] Oops, sorry.

Lana: Can I pop it? Can I pop it? Please?

Lisa: Uh, popping that beast will spread the bacteria.

Leni: [Remembering] Wait, isn't your date with Benny today?

Luan: Yes! So I've got to get rid of this. Can you guys help me? [Everyone except Luna, Lucy and Lori nod, Lucy gives a thumbs up, and Luna shakes her head in disgust.]

Laney: Luan, of course we'll help you. It's no fun having a zit on the day of a date. If I had a zit like that the day I was hanging out with Joey, I'd hide in my room for the rest of my life.

Luan: Not helping.

Laney: Sorry.

[Luan looks to Lori who was unsure about the plan]

Luan: Please?

Lori: I still don't think you should worry about it, but if it's literally that important to you, I'll help.

[Luan hugs her.]

[Later, they are all in the bathroom.]

Lori: According to sixteen and a half magazine, this pimple patch should vanish your zit in five seconds or less.

Luan: Hit me.

[Puts the patch on Luan.]

Lynn: Three! Two! One! Rip it!

[Lori takes the patch off, sees the pimple is still there and throws it away.]

Luan: Did it work?

Laney: I think it made the zit shinier.

Lisa: Predictible, [looks at the magazine] we in the scientific community refer to these ludicrous claims as... malarkey. [Luan groans] But don't fret, I've got your back.

[Later, Luan is on Lisa's table, wearing goggles, Lisa, also wearing goggles, presses a button on her tablet, and Luan finds herself at laser point.]

Mr. Coconuts: Aah.

Laney: Lisa, I'm not sure this is a safe way to get rid of a zit.

Lisa: Of course it's safe. Especially in the hands of a skilled professional like me.

[Lisa fires the laser, it bounces off Luan's braces, Lisa's beaker, Mr. Coconuts' forehead, the floor, just as the skilled professional ducks in cover, and finally takes Luan's scrunchy off and vaporizes it.]

Luan: [Seeing that she still has the blemish.] Dang it.

Lisa: Whoopsy daisy, this skilled professional owes you a scrunchy. [Shrugs]

Mr. Coconuts: And some lumber for a new mug. [Points at his burn.]

[Next, the siblings were in the backyard. Luan was in a pool filled with cold water filled with ice.]

Luan: [Shivering] A-A-A-Are you sure about this Laney?

Laney: Positive. Karla had zits once and she told me the best way to cure it is with ice cold water. The zit gives off from your body heat. The colder you are, the smaller you're zit is.

Lynn: [Looks at the zit] I don't think the zit's going away, Lanes.

Laney: Then we just need to make it colder. [Pours more ice in the pool; looks at the zit] Still nothing. Karla said it worked for her. Maybe it needs to be even colder. Lisa, where do you keep the liquid nitrogen?

[Luan feared that idea]

Luan: I think it's clear we need to try something else!

[Next, The shower is on high, as Luan is with Lynn, jogging in the steam-filled bathroom, wearing sweats, Lynn blows her whistle, and Luan switches to push-ups, Lynn blows it again and Luan goes back to jogging.]

Lynn: Faster, wanna sweat that nasty pimple out or what?

[Blows her whistle, and Luan has switched to spandex and does aerobics.]

Luan: Are you sure this is gonna work? [Stops]

Lynn: Margo's older cousin said it does, so it has to be true. [Luan goes to the mirror, cleans off the steam, and is horrified that her zit is bigger now.] Wait, Margo's cousin also said the jaguars were gonna win the title this year and they beefed it again, yeah, sorry.

[Next, an array of candles light.]

Lucy: [In a slow tone] Spirits of skincare, take this cookie, I mean, human heart in exchange for the removal of Luan's pimple. [Lucy leaves the heart on a pillow on the table, Luan, who is holding her cheek, looks around for a few moments, and looks in the mirror, and puts it down moaning.] Sorry Luan, the spirits seem to be busy.

Luan: Yeah, it must be zit season.

[Starts eating the "human heart". Later, she is in the living room, with a frozen steak tied to her blemish.]

Lincoln: Rip Hardcore says that frozen meat reduces swelling for bug bites, so maybe it works for pimples too. [Suddenly, Charles sees a steak, Lincoln tries to stop him.] No Charles, that's not for you.

[But Charles completely ignores him and starts chasing Luan, she runs, tries to jump over the ottoman, but falls, and the steak comes off her face, which still has a huge pimple, and Charles enjoys the steak. Eventually, Luan is just looking in the mirror, at her even bigger pimple.]

Mr. Coconuts: Yowzers! That thing's taking up so much real estate on your face, you might wanna think about charging it rent.

Luan: [Sighs] What am I gonna do? My date's in a half an hour, and I'm no closer to getting rid of this thing.

Lori: Guess you'll just have to trust he likes you, zits or not.

Leni: Wait, if we can't get rid of it, maybe we can cover it up.

[Later, at Reiningers, Luan is in a makeup chair, and Miguel spins her around, Lola gets in between them to watch.]

Miguel: Mmm, I'm gonna need you to back up sweetie.

[Lola joins her other siblings.]

Leni: Miguel is the makeup master. You should've seen how he transformed Scoots for the Sunset Canyon Formal.

[A before and an after shot come on the screen, meanwhile, Miguel is just finishing.]

Miguel: A little finishing spray, and voila! [spins her chair around] Dazzling and date ready, how much do you love it?

[Shows her a mirror, and Luan sees that her zit can't be seen. Everyone agrees that it's perfect.]

Girls: I can't even see the zit/Spectacular.

Luan: [Gasps] Thanks Miguel. You really are the master.

Miguel: [Touched] Awe, thank you for providing the canvas. Here are some samples in case you need a touch up during your date. [Gives her a bag]

Laney: Not bad, but I would've used a more peach color on the cheeks. Brings out her eyes. And it makes her look cuter.

Miguel: Oooh, good tip. You a makeup expert?

Laney: I dabble.

Mr. Coconuts: Hey, you think you could do something about this burn? Her sweetheart might be bringing my sweetheart along for the date. [Shows Miguel a heart-shaped locket with a photo inside of him and Benny's marionette Mrs. Appleblossom.]

Miguel: Love a girl who can rock a petticoat; I think we can fix up your noggin.

[Starts filing Mr. Coconuts head, much to his discomfort.]

[Later in Vanzilla, Lola and Lincoln are sat next to each other. She sprays a perfume bottle, causing him to cough.]

Lincoln: [Gags on the perfume] Lola, how many perfume samples did you take?

Lola: What? The sign said 'help yourself'.

[The camera cuts to Luan.]

Luan: [Looking out the window, gasps.] We're here. [They stop in the parking lot. Luan jumps out, and the other Loud Sisters appear.] You guys are the best, [Runs off. Lily starts waving] thanks again for your help.

Laney: Don't mention it. Now, go out there and have the best date of your life. Love conquers all zits!

Lincoln: You got this.

Leni: Have a great date.

Luna: Benny's a lucky dude.

Mr. Coconuts: Wait! [Returns] Anyone got a breath mint? [Lola sprays another perfume sample at Mr. Coconuts; everyone gags and coughs. He and Luan walk along the path.] So, what's on the agenda? I saw a photo booth back there, we should jump in and give it a go.

Luan: [Disgusted] And memorialize this gross thing forever? I don't think so. [Gasps, with pupils dilated] There he is. [On the dock, with his marionette in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other, Luan's beloved turns around and sees his date, the two approach each other.] Hey Benny.

Benny: Hi Luan, [regarding the bouquet] these are for you. [Gives her the flowers] They're from our garden.

Luan: Wow, daisies. [Smells them] Ah, they smell so fresh.

Mr. Coconuts: And this is for you milady.

[Gives Mrs. Appleblossom a little gift.]

Mrs. Appleblossom: [Gasps] Oh wow, wood polish. [Smells] Mmm, smells so musty.

Benny: So, Luan, you ready for a fun day?

Mr. Coconuts: Are you kiddin' me? She's been countin' down the seconds.

[Luan covers his mouth, and laughs sheepishly.]

[Later, the two lovers are riding a paddleboat, with sweat appearing from both faces.]

Benny: Whew, oh, paddleboats are way harder than I thought. I'm getting a little sweaty here.

Luan: [Getting nervous, whispers to Mr. Coconuts.] Oh no, am I sweating too? [She looks into the water. She notices that her pimple has re-emerged. She gasps and stands up, hesitant.] Oh, uh, don't go anywhere. I'll be back in a splash.

[Laughs a bit, then dives off the boat and backstrokes to shore.]

Benny: [Laughs and takes out Mrs. Appleblossom.] Luan's hilarious. You just never know what she's going to do next.

Mrs. Appleblossom: Indeed, Benjamin, she's a keeper.

[Benny puts her away and paddles on. Luan hides behind a tree and takes out her phone.]

Luan: [Stressed] Oh, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.

[Leni appears on the other side of a double screen]

Leni: Hey Luan, are you having the best time ever?

Luan: [Frantic] No, the worst. I sweated all my makeup off. Can you bring me those makeup samples from Miguel? And meet me in the park bathroom?

[Leni looks towards the bag, which they left next to Lola. Everyone gasps when they see her putting it on her teddy bear.]

Lincoln: Lola used up all the makeup!

Lola: What! Mr. Sprinkles wanted to see what he'd look like as a princess. [To Mr. Sprinkles with clenched teeth] Dashing I might add.

Laney: [Grabs the phone] Don't worry, Luan. I'll be right over. [Hangs up] Time to apply my makeup skills.

[Laney puts on a bandlier and stuffs it with eyeliner, face paints, combs, and a beauty mirror. She puts some face brushes in her pockets and paints two streaks of paint on her face]

Laney: I'm going in...

[At the park entrance, Luan is hiding just outside the bathroom.]

Mr. Coconuts: Look, the photo booth is open. We could snap a few.

Luan: Ugh! Not now Mr. C.

[Vanzilla pulls up, and Laney rolls out.]

Laney: [Talks like a kung fu movie actor] Fear not, Luan. I've trained in the art of hiding unsightly facial features. I will make sure Benny will not this blemish.

Luan: Why are you talking like that?

Laney: It makes me sound cool.

[And quick as a flash, Laney got to work on Luan's face. She painted all around her face then covered the pimple. Soon enough, it was hidden again.]

Luan: Wow, thanks Laney.

Laney: No problem. [Talks like a kung fu movie actor] And now like the wind, I am gone. [Backfips into Vanzilla and the family drives away]

[Under a tree, Benny starts a vinyl record.]

Benny: Can I offer you a soda? [Opens the soda can but the soda splashes all over Luan, washing away her make up. She quickly covers her face.] Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! It must've gotten shaken up on the way here!

Luan: It's okay, Benny. I'll go wash up... [Dashes off into the bathroom and calls up the sisters]

[Meanwhile, the sister were driving home when...]

[Lori's phone rang again]

Lori: [Picks up the phone] Hello? [After a few sceonds she gave the phone to Laney] Lanes, it's for you.

Laney: [Takes the phone] Hello?

Luan: Laney, it's me! I need a new cover! Benny accidentally sprayed soda on me washing off the makeup.

Laney: I'm on it. [Checks her makeup supplies and see they are in low supply] Dang it! I'm all out. Probably should've refilled before we left.

Luan: Just grab my emergency clown bag in the trunk and hurry.

[At the park entrance, Luan is hiding just outside the bathroom.]

Mr. Coconuts: Look, the photo booth is open. We could snap a few.

Luan: Ugh! Not now Mr. C.

[Vanzilla pulls up, and Lincoln rushes out with a duffle bag.]

Lincoln: Hey Luan, is this the right bag? [Opens it. A pie springs out and splats his face; aggravated.] Yup.

Luan: [Takes the bag, guiltily] Sorry Lincoln. [Rustles in the bag, slightly annoyed] Now, where's my face paint?

[Back with Benny, Luan - in her Clown attire - struts up to him.]

Benny: [Notices and laughs] Love the new look.

Luan: Oh, you know me. Always clowning around. [Sits on the blanket, and puts Mr. Coconuts down.] Wow Benny, this picnic is so nice.

Benny: [Hold up a plate] Care for a macaron? My Mom and I made them last night.

Luan: Yes, please.

[She and Mr. Coconuts each take one.]

Mr. Coconuts: And he bakes. Hang on to this one.

Park kid: [Offscreen] Look, a clown!

[Luan looks, and sees some kids excitedly running towards her.]

Luan: [Takes off] Umm, I'll be right back. [The kids chase Luan and trample Benny. Luan dives into a bush and the kids run right past her. Luan calls her siblings again.] Turns out it wasn't a great idea to dress like a clown in a park full of small children. I need a new cover for my zit.

Laney: We're on it. [Vanzilla turns around, and later pulls up at Owen Walter Park. Laney looks around for anything to cover Luan's zit.] There's gotta be something we can use to cover that zit. [She then sees ees Flip, organizing a stall named "Flip's Fruit & Freeze".]

Flip: [Calling] Get your flippees here! [One park kid appears] Now also serving- hotdogs! [-A banner named "Hot Dogs" shows. Another park kid turns up] And for a limited time;- [-A banner named "Cotton Candy" shows below the Hot Dogs banner.] Cotton Candy!

[Laney then gets an idea. A cotton candy cloud covers the screen for the next scene.]

[Later, Luan walks up to Benny with a cotton candy beard.]

Luan: Ho ho ho, got any more of those cookies for Santa?

Benny: Wow, all the way from the North Pole! Wanna play some chess?

[Luan nods. Later, Benny is trying to decide on his first move. Meanwhile, a bee lands on Luan's beard and she gets nervous, suddenly a swarm shows up and eats the cotton candy beard off Luan, who gasps, tries to hide her zit, and picks up a discarded newspaper, she nervously laughs.]

Benny: [To himself] If I move my bishop here...

[A wind comes and blows Luan's newspaper away, and Benny's hair over his face.]

Mrs. Appleblossom: And just leave your rook flappin' in the breeze?

[Luan grabs a branch from above and uses it to cover her zit, but a bird swoops in and grabs it away.]

Benny: But then Luan will probably move her queen there.

Luan: [Stands up] Sorry, gotta pee real quick. [Takes off]

Benny: Oh, okay, we'll be here. [Makes his move]

[In the bathroom]

Luan: [On her phone] Guys, I need your help again. [Laney opens the door] Wow, you react fast.

Laney: We never left. Since you keep calling us, we stayed here to save time.

Luan: Do you got anything to cover?

Laney: Hold on. [Leaves]

Flip: [To someone dressed as a unicorn giving out balloons right in front of his cart.] Hey scram, would you?! This is my turf!

Laney: [Takes the unicorn head leaving the guy inside with one half of the costume] I'm gonna borrow this. [Dashes while the guy angrily shakes his fist at her.]

Luan: [Returns wearing the unicorn head.] What do you think of my new look? Too corny?

Benny: [Laughs] No I love it. Okay, I finally made my move, it's your turn.

Luan: Hmm... [Hears a horse neigh] Huh?

[The park ranger's horse makes lovey eyes at Luan and runs after her, dropping the ranger.]

Mr. Coconuts: Looks like somebody's got a crush.

Luan: [Gets up] Uh-oh, sorry I uh, gotta go. Uh, charge my phone.

Benny: [Growing despondent] But you just got back, [looks at his watch] and we don't have that much time left.

Luan: [Takes off] Won't be long! [Benny sits there, while the horse gallops past him, and he doesn't see Luan behind him, running from the horse screaming. She dives into a bush again and the horse passes her, she runs back, but hers stuck in the knothole of a tree.] Oh-no. [She tries to free herself, but she can't so she calls her siblings again.] Mayday! I need your help.

Lynn: Okay, everybody. On the count of three. One, two, three.

[They all pull a rope tied to Luan, and they get her out, but the unicorn head falls off, displaying her pimple. Lynn helps her up.]

Leni: Are you okay?

Luan: I've been better.

Benny: [Offscreen, looking for his date.] Luan?!

Lola: [Sees Benny heading their way.] Benny at six o'clock! [Throws mud on Luan's face to cover her zit.]

Lynn: Everybody, form a wall.

[The siblings lock elbows and hide Luan. Benny walks up to them.]

Benny: Uh, hey Luan, [observing] and all of Luan's siblings. Is everything okay? I'm really sorry but my mom is on her way to pick me up.

Luan: No, I'm sorry. Today was supposed to be about spending time together. But now our date is almost over, and I've spent the whole time hiding from you.

Benny: Why have you been hiding?

Luan: Oh... I'll show you.

Siblings except Lori: [Protesting] What? No!

Laney: Luan! Think about what you're risking here!

Luan: Guys, it's okay. [She moves them aside, and walks up to Benny.] I've been hiding... This. [Wipes the mud off, exposing her zit. Mr. Coconuts is horrified by it and slaps his forehead.] I understand if you don't wanna hang out with me anymore. I mean; who wants to date a girl with a gross pimple on her cheek? Right?

Benny: Umm, I do. I don't care if you have a pimple. You're still you. You're sweet, you crack me up, and you're so much fun to hang out with.

[Luan is so flattered]

Laney: Wow, I guess pimples are nothing to worry about after all. As long as you're still you, it doesn't matter. I wish someone told us that earlier. [Lori facepalms]

[Lola comes up to Benny.]

Lola: So romantic, you wouldn't happen to have a little brother would you?

Lori: [Takes her and the other siblings away.] Alright, let's go. [Winks at Luan.]

Benny: Pimples are no big deal. They're just a part of life.

Luan: You're right. Thanks for making me feel better. I'm sorry I wasted our whole date obsessing about this.

Benny: [Takes Luan's hand.] Well, we still have five minutes before my mom gets here.

Luan: Ooh, I know what we should do.

[Later, they take a photo of themselves looking cool, and another of them being goofy, and one making it clear that Luan has a pimple. They laugh outside the photo booth.]

Benny: Wow! These turned out great, I'm gonna hang a copy in my locker.

Luan: I was thinking the same thing.

Benny: [Gives Luan her copy.] I had a really nice time with you today.

Luan: Me too.

[They blush at each other when suddenly another slip comes out of the photo booth.]

Benny & Luan: What the?!

[The photos are of Mr. Coconuts and Mrs. Appleblossom holding each other romantically. Benny grabs the curtain with one hand, Luan grabs his other arm, and they look. Mr. Coconuts and Mrs. Appleblossom are indeed inside the booth, and the two human lovers gasp, blushing when Mrs. Appleblossom falls onto the ground headfirst.]