
The Summoning of the Dungeon Boss Part 2

Alexa got on the school bus and it brought to the bus stop near her home. Julie got of the bus stop with her and wished that she would have a good rest of the day then she left to go to her own home. Alexa smiled to herself and began walking towards her own home. Suddenly she stopped, feeling nervous for some reason. For the oddest reason that she couldn't even fathom, Alexa had a feeling that someone was watching her.

"What am I even thinking? why would anyone want to spy on me, it must be my imagination."

Shaking her head, the young girl resumed walking home from the bus stop, unaware that someone really had been watching her, or rather something.

"I'm home!" Alexa walked into her house which was located behind her family's cafe in an a rather upbeat manner in order to shake off her earlier feelings of paranoia.

"Welcome home kiddo, how was school today?" Alexa's grandfather called from the living room. "School was great, but I am so much happier to be home." Alexa replied with a big smile on her face as she walked into the living room and then she gave her grandfather a loving hug. " So, is there anything I can do to help out in the cafe today?" Alexa asked her grandfather who replied "Actually, there is something that you can help out with."

It turned out that Alexa's family was updating their cafe menus and Alexa's grandfather wanted her to sketch him some designs for the menus so Alexa smiled and replied " Don't worry, Grandfather,those menus will be my best work ever."

She quickly gave her grandfather another hug and began sketching out new menu designs. While Alexa was sketching out her designs for the new menus for the cafe, she was hit by that odd feeling that someone was watching her.

The eerie feeling of being watched had been there all day long. The young girl shivered and muttered to herself "Ugh, why do i keep thinking that someone's watching me, maybe I should take a break."

Alexa then decided to take a walk to clear her head and decided to change out of her school uniform into something more casual.

Alexa choose to change from her formal looking school uniform to something that was closer to her creative and laid back personality. Alexa changed into a pale blue v-neck t-shirt, a dark gray sleeveless vest with black and silver buttons, and dark denim shorts for easy movement. She then started accessorizing her outfit with some knee-high black socks, some shorter black boots with a low heel, and her favorite necklace which was a gold pendant with a bright magenta teardrop shaped stone. Alexa always wore this necklace except when she was at school because it was a necklace that she had designed herself.

Two years ago, Alexa drew a drawing of the necklace for a contest to design an item for an mmorpg at she had been playing at the time. while she did not win the mmorpg's design contest, she worked hard on the design for the necklace and showed it off to her family who secretly made a copy of the drawing and had a jeweler make the necklace. When she had received the necklace from her family, she cried tears of joy and swore that she would wear it everyday for the rest of her life.

For the final touch, Alexa styled her long strawberry blonde into a ponytail and then put on some gray eyeliner and coral lip gloss.

"Now I definitely feel better, nothing like dressing up to make a girl feel more at ease." Alexa smiled to herself as she looked at her reflection, then she grabbed her phone and her purse. Alexa exited her bedroom and went downstairs and went to the front door.

"Grandfather, I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back soon!" Alexa called out to her grandfather. Her grandfather then replied " Alright kiddo, but don't stay out too late." Alexa smiled and then she went out the door to take the walk she felt that she needed to clear her head.

Alexa walked down the the street and past the bus stop for ten minutes and finally reached the nearby park. Alexa always loved coming to the park for walks not only for the peaceful atmosphere but also because the she felt happy walking amidst the trees, flowers, and animals. Alexa began humming and started walking her favorite path in the park.

Alexa always preferred to walk this path because it went right underneath a large grove of cherry blossom trees that right now were complete bloom. As she walked underneath the lovely pink trees, Alexa breathed in the bitter-sweet scent from the cherry blossoms and felt completely at ease.

"This was just what I needed", Alexa mused. She then began feeling a little silly for getting worked up over some make-believe feeling that someone was watching her. She then continued on her walk and walked out of the cherry blossom grove and towards the large pond in the park when suddenly a small figure dashed out and practically tackled Alexa to the ground!

"What the hell" Alexa cried out feeling sore from whatever had knocked her to the ground and slowly got up in order to get a good look at the tiny furry creature that had tackled her like a linebacker. What she saw was a creature unlike any other, in fact she swore that it was a creature out of one of the video games that she liked to play.

The small creature seemed about the height of a rabbit with the body of one with with long rabbit like ears, a long fox like tail and black fluffy fur. It had two bright white fangs, two purplish horns similar to the antlers of a deer growing from its head and large eyes that were like bright amethyst gems. The midnight colored fuzzball looked Alexa straight in the eye and she could swear that it grinned and then suddenly the black furball suddenly dashed towards her.

The furball collided with Alexa and she was knocked down again except something was different this time. Alexa found that she was unable to move and watched helplessly as the rabbit-like creature looked at her again with those golden eyes and then began glow quite intensely. Alexa tried calling out for help saw that she could say and do nothing. She felt her consciousness slowly drain away from the creature's bright glow and then everything when black....

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