
Kuro Of Hundred Plan

Captain Kuro of 100 plans is well known character of one piece . I am just trying to bring the most out of this character.

Arcade · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Successful Reincarnation

Waking up in an unfamiliar yet familiar room I move from the bed and move towards the mirror in the room to catch a glimpse of my new look.

Truth to be told I am pretty handsome if you ask me. And with this I confirmed that I have been reincarnated into the world of one piece world in the body of Captain Kuro Of Hundred Plans.

I look around the room and see a table where black gloves with 5 swords for each hand and a black briefcase is lying while a black cat is sleeping beside the gate. Suddenly my head is flooded with all the memories of Kuro as I grab my head because of migrain and sit down and do some deep breathing to relieve some of the pain and after 5 minutes or so the process is over.

The memories of Kuro's life, his skills, his future plans everything comes to me and when I say plans than don't mistake it with the plot plan but rather this crazy bastard planned the very three years of his fucking crew.

After relaxing and getting into the character of Kuro I get ready and put on my iconic glasses and open the briefcase and there it is the in full glory a black devil fruit with black swirls in the shape of an apple and another devil fruit in the shape of, is this supposed to be a kivi.

I close the briefcase and walk out of the captain's room, I reach the deck and ask one of grunts to bring me breakfast while I asked my navigator to move towards Rapor island. One of the grunts brings me my food while the navigator changed the direction without questioning me, well that's thanks to this douche bags body as this bastard literally kills of grunts who talk back or argue and there is also the fact that Kuro doesn't do anything without proper planning.

As the mood got silent on the ship music starts and Jango comes towards me while moon walking and saying good morning captain and sitting down with me and started eating as well. I must say it's really different from manga as Jango is nothing but a super minor character yet he has his own charm.

I nod at him and continue to eat while thinking about all the things I will be requiring as this Rapor island as the Rasam city is the main hub of underground in East blue sea.

After 6 hours of sailing we finally reach Rapor island and move towards Rasam city. Of course I have already taken down our pirate flag. After reaching Rasam city I asked the grunts to get the information of all the current active pirates and pirate hunters as well as marines of Captain rank and also to stock up.

After giving the tasks I went out as well alone for purchasing items that I am going to need.

I purchased 10 black t shirts with various funny drawings, got 10 jogging pants to make the future exercises easy to do. Various weights ranging from 5 kg to 300kg. 10 good quality swords as well as incredibly heavy shinais for swordsmanship practise. Various books on navigation,cooking and shipwright and also black jogging shoes. After getting all this I went ahead and purchased various seeds for my own vegetable garden.

While I was returning back to ship I passed by an dark alley. After walking two steps I turned around and entered the alley. 5 min later I was carrying a starved man who was brutally beaten up with all sorts of wounds all over his body. He was currently unconscious so I just picked him up and brought him to ship.

I went to the entertainment district where I came across a hulking man of 9 ft stature challenging everyone to a fight. He had insane amount of strenght just like Mr.4 from barouqe works but I think this this guy should be a little stronger than him and from what I can see he is not dumb like Mr.4. This guy is called rook and apparently is fighting death matches to earn. So like every other good person I walked straight towards him and challenged him for a match where I went ahead and destroyed him with my insanely amazing godly skill the fucking pussy footwork. But after I won I didn't kill him but rather asked him to join me and he simply agreed, puff so easy.

Later on I left and purchased materials and tools required for shipwright and construction and also got animals for meat,egg and milk diet.

I returned to the ship with Rook in tow carrying all the things and set sailed after 2 more hour as Jango and others took time to collect the info I asked for.

Next stop Syrup Village.

In the Captain's Room

"Jango I am cancelling the previous plan of killing Mr. Karma". Jango asks "Why what happened Captain?". Kuro " The plan goes as it is without the killing and we are going to join marines after 1 year".

Jango "What about the black cat pirates?". Kuro " I am going to kill all of them".

Jango"Okey dokey Kuro.

After sailing for 3 days we reached the shore of Gecko Islands and after that I, disposed of all the other grunts and the former two cadres the Nyan brothers who were taken out by my new cadres of cource one of them was Rook and another was the man I kinda kidnapped from the alley. He became my cadre after I helped him exact revenge on the Rahim family of East blue which is said to be the strongest but well they got erased by me and my four cadres and Jango.

After reaching the Syrup Village I went and met up with the mayor and got his permission to build a house at the east shore where we docked our ship and started building our base.

We build up our base in one week's time and also completed my farm and vegetable garden. In this week's time we also got along with the villagers and came across the Great Captain Pinocchio.