
Kronos: Levelling In The World Of Magic

In the pulsating realm of Gaia, where mana flowed through every being like a sweet, enchanting river, Arthur Cumore stood out as the lone exception. In a world ruled by magicians and wizards, he lived freely despite lacking the mystical touch of magic. Cast away by his parents, Arthur embraced a life that forced him into the role of an orphan, a reality he couldn't escape. Devoid of the ability to wield mana, Arthur found himself worth less than the carcass of the lowliest beast, its remains fetching a higher price than his mere existence. Yet, in the face of adversity, his struggles only fueled his determination. As he navigated the twists and turns that could break even the mightiest, Arthur refused to succumb to the lowest point of his life. Unyielding, he pursued the one thing that brought him solace – knowledge of the continent, Agrazeel. In the dynamic tapestry of Agrazeel, a continent drowning in pride, wars, and hierarchies, Arthur defied expectations. He became the first of the homeless, an exceptional status that couldn't be savored for long. Life led him to a temple, a fateful encounter awaiting him with an entity shrouded in mystery: Kronosia, a being above the very Gods and Goddesses of Agrazeel. Thus begins the odyssey of a perceived "trash" that would make even the divine weep tears of blood. In a world of wizards, emperors, and knights, Arthur Cumore's journey unfolds – a journey where he rises from the depths, conquering all, and bringing the mighty to their knees. Amidst the seven wizard towers ruled by the Wizard Kings of the time and seven orders devoted to the seven gods, the Agrazeel continent of Gaia will serve as the stage for Arthur's electrifying conquest. This is not just the story of a man; this is the epic saga of Arthur Cumore, a tale that defies destiny and shakes the very foundations of Gaia.

The_Fake_God · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Kronosia, the Sovereign Weaver

Arthur's father had never called him a trash but the moment he was left at the orphanage, him being different than others, lacking that one thing, the mana root system, that everyone had, caused his life to spiral down towards a single conclusion.

"I am a trash. That's why i was abandoned."

A trash. Yeah, that was what Arthur had been called every day for the last seven years, not by one kid but by everyone.

Now a statue that he was seeing for the first time, even a statue was calling him trash. 

Being called trash out of nowhere was so shocking that Arthur's fear shattered like a glass as he realized that the tower belonged to none other than the statue who was speaking to him.

The statue had referred to itself as "The Master".

In this eerie and enclosed temple, being the master meant that Arthur was facing the master of the temple. The ruler, God of a mysterious order or either an ancient king of the wizard tower.

Either it was an order that wasn't even supposed to be in the Losmo Kingdom. 

Or, a secondary branch of a wizard tower that was next to impossible as Losmo Kingdom already had a branch of a wizard tower.

"A statue called me trash...a stone statue...an ugly stone statue with a cracked throne called me trash..." Through his embarrassment and the absence of fear along with the mysterious identity of the being, the thought gear in Arthur's mind was stuck such that he couldn't stop himself from rambling about the situation he was in.

Only three seconds had passed since the statue had spoken, and now it was already raising its head which still had a horrifying expression.

The grin slowly vanished from the face of the statue, its dark eyes were glaring at the chubby boy in front of it.

Arthurs word reached the statue and the sharp stony eyebrow of the statue twitched.

"Boy, do you know who I am?"

"If you knew this master, you wouldn't utter such words of disgrace aimed at my exquisite appearance?" The statue scolded Arthur instantly the moment 'ugly' was aimed at it. But, Arthur was still mumbling on and on.

Seeing that, the statues stony nostrils twitched as all the surrounding air was forcefully pulled inside it.

"You bitch, how dare you call me ugly!?"

The statue shouted so loudly that the whole enclosed space almost came crashing down.

Arthur was hit by a pressure unlike any other. In a mere moment, he found himself kneeling on the ground like a pressed dough.

Feeling the pressure still crushing on him, Arthur shook with an internal fear. For the first time, he felt as if his life had already been submitted to the will of a being that he couldn't comprehend. Just a moment more and death wouldn't be just an option but it will become his reality.

The mumbling stopped as Arthur realized that calling the chiseled statue, ugly was a decision with an outcome that he was unable to handle, now and possibly never.

'If I die here, then this tongue of mine would be the one to blame.' Arthur thought to himself before looking at the angered statue.

"Ugly? I must have caught a glimpse of my reflection bouncing off the sheer radiance of your face." Arthur quickly blurted out with a forced smile.

Though it was obvious that the statue wasn't a being who could be fooled by Arthurs flowery word, but the pressure slowly subsided. Arthur was finally able to breathe without worrying about the looming death that felt as clear as the statue in front of him.

"Are you a real God? A master of one of the seven orders, maybe? But, the Losmo Kingdom never entertained any order, for there to be a temple like this here. Were you here even before the birth of the Kingdom." With a light in his eyes, Arthur bombed the statue with questions, one after another.

Arthur looked excited but showing his interest in the statues identity was the only way to know about the predicament he was in and the only way he would ever get a chance to take his letter back.

"A master of the order? Even if all the orders were combined, and all their gods and goddesses came forward and bowed before me, I wouldn't flinch. Why would my great self lead those who aren't even worthy of my presence?" The statue said as he stared at Arthur with his dark eyes.

"The seven gods and goddesses are unworthy of your presence...what bullshit." Arthur was taken back as he carefully filtered what came out of his mouth and what he was thinking in his mind.

'What an arrogant statue.' Arthur mumbled while focusing on the dark eyes.

Arthur who was also looking at the statue with a dumbfounded look noticed something flashing in the eyes of the statue.

For a moment, Arthur felt that he was looking at himself in the eyes of the statue.

From a baby to a fat chubby boy fast-forward to a tall man ripped enough that Arthur couldn't recognize.

Ripped and bloodied from head to toe, standing alone in a battlefield with a saddened face.

But that was not his current self as it wasn't his reflection instead it was a live 'Arthur' whose life was flashing by.

A moment felt like an eternity as everything was so clear that Arthur could even feel the emotion of the Arthur that existed in the statues eyes. 

A moment later, the dark eyes became clear as the vision of this other Arthur vanished.

Arthur spell struck found it hard to breathe as a tear rolled down his face while the statue slightly moved on its throne as the dust from the two staffs that it was holding shook off.

The letter moved and slowly made its way down towards Arthur like a leaf. Grabbing the letter and hurriedly hiding it within his shirt, he looked at Kronosia.

"Your mother abandoned you for a reason. The same goes for your father. What do you say, how about I give you a chance to prove your worth?" The statue spoke to Arthur with a cheesy smile.

Arthur wasn't bothered. He expected that much.

He just seen all that in the eyes of the being that was offering him a choice that felt like a devils whisper.

'He not only knows my infamous title but also knows that I was abandoned...but what's up with the ends of his staffs that he is holding...' Arthur's eyes were fixed on the different ends of the two staffs that the statue was holding in each of its hands.

One staff had an hourglass on the top, and the other staff had a round ball.

The hourglass was empty. While the round ball contained in itself the whole space.

"EVEN A PRESENT TRASH HAS TO CONSIDER MY OFFER?" The statue asked Arthur again as though it couldn't wait to hear Arthur's answer.

"I am a trash as you said, that's why I have to think about it." Arthur mumbled and focused on finding the identity of the statue.

"Who are you? Are you from one of the void continents of Gaia? Are you a being from the forbidden realm that have stayed unreachable from the ancient times?" Arthur questioned the statue instead of answering it.

The boy aged thirteen was meticulously matching the statue with care which seemed as profound as the natural forces of Gaia.

"Good. You should be at least be this suspicious of me to honor the bloodline that your mother left you with." The statue said as the chiseled warrior's face soon became expressionless.

"I am the Master of Fate. The Carrier of Time and Space." The statue spoke and slowly got up from his throne.

The hall rumbled as flashes after flashes of thunder fell inside the temple, making it brighter than a star.

"The master of fate..." Arthur mumbled to himself as the flashes of thunder blinded his sight.

Only the voice of the statue was powerful enough to envelop the thunderous outrage going on inside the temple.

"I am Kronosia, the Sovereign Weaver." The statue revealed his identity to Arthur.

Arthurs sight was already bright because of the sudden thundering but it got brighter as he heard the voice of the statue.


"Kronosia...there is no such God who goes by the name Kronosia. I have never heard of a God who carried not one but three titles." Arthur said to the statue with a doubtful look as something was forming right next to his face.

A scroll took shape and slowly unfolded. The round edges of the scroll vanished leaving behind a flat screen.

Words appeared on the screen as Arthur was staring at it with astonishment.

( You have learned of a God! )

( You have become acquainted with Kronosia, The Sovereign Weaver! )

( You know of the Master of Fate! )

( You know of the Carrier of Time and Space! )

( Your name has been registered in the Divine Tome Stored in the Lower Heaven's Library! ) 

( An achievement has been unlocked! )

( Achievement: First person of Gaia to know of the presence of Kronos! )

( Position of Kronosia will be revealed to the Gods of Lower Heaven in an hour! )

Arthur looked at the screen, it was something he was unaware of. 

A first experience that was making him confused. 

Arthur was thirteen but as they say, knowledge maketh the man. So, Arthur was already a man, with a mature thought process but the things he was experiencing were out of this world.

"Tsk. They will be aware me of my presence soon." Kronosia looked fazed for the first time.

The god who had announced to Arthur that the Gods and Goddesses were not worthy to be in his presence, that same God looked unsettled through his thick stony skin.

"Boy." Kronosia looked at Arthur and got his attention with a simple call.

"It's good to be suspicious but a offer from me would even move all of your Gods to tear. Being in my presence is the only chance that can change your life and you have already seen it." Kronosia told Arthur after sitting back on his throne.

Hearing that, Arthur remembered the clear visions that he had seen of himself in the eyes of Kronosia.

"Ba-dump." A heartbeat loud enough could be heard rising from Arthurs chest.

"How do I prove my worth?" Arthur had finally dropped his guard and asked Kronosia.

"In a way that you can't even imagine." Kronosia calmly told Arthur while slowly lifting the hourglass staff and pointing at the grave behind Arthur. 

"Losmo Draegon!" Arthur mumbled the moment he looked at where Kronosia was pointing with his staff.

"Just know that it will be hard as I am the Sovereign Weaver. Only future sovereigns are worthy enough to prove their worth to me." Kronosia said with a prideful voice.

He didn't have to explain much to his soon-to-be new subject as there was already an example in the hall.

Arthur nodded his head with a confident eyes.

"To prove your worth...Are you ready?" Kronosia asked Arthur for the final time.

Realizing where Arthur was, he couldn't help but glance at his chest where he had hidden the letter.

'The academy can't be worth more than a chance to prove myself to a God?' Arthur mumbled to himself before going to his knees.

This was the second time he was on his knees for Kronosia, but this time it was out of his own will.

The thirteen year old boy had finally realized the being in front of him out of his own will and was ready to take up on his offer.

"I am ready. But, the me that you showed me...can I really become someone like him?" Arthur asked Kronosia as he couldn't get the glimpse of his future self out of his mind.

The offer had been accepted by Arthur, and he had expressed his readiness along with a doubt in himself.

"No!" Kronosia instantly answered Arthur who was smiling as though he had heard a 'yes' instead of a 'no'.

"I see...Huh?" Arthur with a shocked look stared at Kronosia.

Kronosia already had an evil grin on his face as if he was on his way to slaughter a trapped pig, and the pig in question was none other than Arthur.

( You have submitted your will to the God, Kronosia! )

( You will now learn of the hidden title of Kronosia! )

( Hidden Title: The Fraudster of the Lower Heavens! )

( The chance to prove your worth will begin now! )

"Ignore what you see, Arthur, my Apostle." Kronosia's voice entered Arthurs ears as he was reading the screen in front of him.

"You.." Arthur tried to say something but before he could, Kronosia spoke once more.

"It's time for you to prove your worth." With this sentence, Kronosia rained both of his staffs on Arthurs head.

Kronosia after bitch-slapping Arthur with his hourglass staff


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