
Konoha-Son of the fourth Hokage

Minato and Kushina: “Happy Birthday! Make a wish!” Naruto: “I hope my mother will give me a Sister" Kushina: “Huh???” Minato: “Why not have a younger brother?” Naruto: “Because I am the elder brother, I would be as gentle and powerful as Big Brother Itachi, and if it were my younger brother, he would be as stupid as Sasuke. ” … What kind of changes will the traveller Alex who became Naruto bring to the Naruto world? /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If you want to support me, please join my Patreon ID -patreon.com/Ancientdragon164 Thank you for reading

Ancient_dragon_317 · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

New Year

This is Naruto's third New Year in this world. Konoha's New Year has no Otoshidama (New Year's money), no Kagami Mochi (dumplings with hidden coins), and no Spring Festival Gala...

Looking at Minato and Kushina, who were busy in the kitchen, Naruto suddenly had an idea: "I could do it myself without the Spring Festival Gala."( Chinese New Year Festival)

"Gala?" Kushina stopped her busy work in the kitchen.

"Yeah," Naruto nodded and explained, "It's a show, featuring singing, dancing, skits, magic... ninjutsu, and more so that the entire village can watch and celebrate the old year passing and the new year beginning with lively festivities."

Minato also looked over. "It's a good idea to use the festival to deepen the villagers' understanding of ninjas and increase their sense of identity with the village. And more importantly..."

Minato held his chin in thought for a moment and then said happily, "I can perform my Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three and I can bring you to the stage with me, Naruto!"

Naruto's refusal came from his father's kindness: "I decline!"

The technique, 'Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three', combines the Flying Thunder God technique with flash bombs. In battle, it involves throwing Flying Thunder God kunai and using flash bombs to emit dazzling yellow electric light, creating an illusion of blocking the opponent's line of sight Ninjutsu and taking the opportunity to defeat the enemy.

Naruto had experienced the Flying Thunder God technique many times, but it didn't feel good. The instantaneous change of space, rapid scene switching, and the illusion of spatial dislocation made people feel dizzy.

In the past, out of curiosity, Naruto had once begged Minato to let him experience the art of the Flying Thunder God. After the procedure, he felt nauseous and vomited at first, constantly craving sour foods for relief. He slowly got used to it over time. But this technique was different; he knew he must learn it in the future.

Minato, who had been rejected by their son to perform on the same stage, was a little disappointed but quickly cheered up: "There's not enough time this year for a large-scale social gathering, but we can have our family celebration, a party."

"Okay," Kushina washed her hands and said, "I'll go and get Kakashi first."

To Naruto's disappointment, Kakashi wasn't dragged along, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that Kakashi was accompanied by a green-clothed boy with a melon head.

"I'm back."

"Excuse me." *2


"Lord Hokage!"

Kushina poked her head out of the kitchen. She said, "Oh? Guy is here too? Sit down; the last dish will be ready soon."

"Yes." *2

Naruto casually greeted Kakashi and observed the now 18-year-old youth, might guy. He was very curious about the person who had outdanced the ghost of the Uchiha.

Although he had seen odd individuals running upside down in the streets or hopping on one foot, he had never had a close encounter with them.

"Oh~ Could it be that you are the son of Hokage-sama?"

Guy jumped in front of Naruto, bent over, hooked Naruto's shoulder, and said, "It's our first meeting; I'll give you a precious gift."

Without waiting for Naruto to respond, he produced a green jumpsuit seemingly out of thin air, waved it around, and began to introduce it:

"This outfit offers excellent breathability and moisture retention. It's designed for perfect shape and beautiful lines, allowing for easy movement. When you wear it, you'll immediately feel the difference and become addicted. This is the secret of Konoha's proud Blue Beast might guy for becoming stronger!"

Guy gave a thumbs up, and a peculiar light shone in his eyes.

Kakashi held his forehead, exasperated by this behaviour.

Naruto also found it hard to look directly at guy and tugged at the corner of Kushina's clothes. "Mom, he's showing his teeth at me!"

Kushina finally recovered from guy's antics and rapped Naruto on the head. "Naruto, don't be rude."

"Oh." Naruto rubbed his aching head and took the jumpsuit. "Thank you, Big Brother ."

Even if he didn't wear it, it would make a great souvenir. If it didn't fit him, he could give it to little Naruto later. It didn't look like it was sized for children.

While talking, Minato brought the last dish to the table.

"Let's eat!"

The five people at the table started eating. Minato occasionally asked Kakashi and guy some questions. Kakashi replied calmly, while guy answered enthusiastically and loudly. Kushina occasionally interjected, asking if the two of them had girlfriends.

Naruto...kept peeking at Kakashi. It had been three years, and Naruto had never seen Kakashi's true face. This guy always wore a mask, not even removing it to eat. The mask was swiftly lifted and put back in place, and he continued eating. Naruto wondered if Kakashi had mastered the art of eating without revealing his face or if he had been single for too long.

Naruto even felt like he could see Kakashi's eating movements clearly with his developed dynamic vision.

After a lively meal, the five of them set up a small table and some small benches brought snacks, melons, and fruits, and sat in a row in the yard.

Naruto walked up to the others and picked up a carrot as a makeshift microphone:

"Ahem, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

Another season of snow drifts by, and another year of growth.

The old year has firmly walked away from us,

The new year approaches with the dawn of hope.

Perhaps our path ahead won't be smooth, and we may face challenges.

But we're not afraid, because we'll grow through hard work and progress with high spirits!"

Minato, Kushina, and Kakashi listened with puzzled expressions on their faces. Although Naruto's speech was eloquent, it seemed quite unusual for a three-year-old.

Only Kai was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes, and he danced and shouted, "Oh!! Well said, Naruto! Youth means overcoming all obstacles with hard work and determination!"

Naruto waved his hand with a smile. "The first Konoha New Year's Gala begins now!"

After the party, Naruto was very excited and felt like he had celebrated the New Year with a group of entertainers.

Tonight, he witnessed Guy's Konoha Fluid Art collection performance, Kakashi's Dog Head Earth Release Wall and Chidori, Kushina's special display of various sealing techniques with cool light effects, and the newly developed 'Party Package Glitter Dance' by Minato. Naruto also sang a bunch of random songs enthusiastically...

In the end, Kakashi bid farewell and left. Guy announced that he was going to do a handstand and run around the village. Naruto returned to his bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Minato and Kushina lay in bed, unable to sleep.

"Hey, Minato, didn't Naruto seem a bit unusual today during his performance?"

"Ah, it does seem like Naruto has never been as happy as he was today, not even on his third birthday."

"This child has always been different from other children. He learns quickly, doesn't enjoy playing with his peers, is always curious about strange things, and sometimes behaves like an adult. What Naruto said today in his opening remarks didn't sound like the words of a three-year-old at all."

"Yeah, sometimes I even wonder if Naruto pretends to act like a child deliberately. One day, I saw him looking out the window with a distant expression, as if he were sad, or... lonely."

"Is there something this child can't share with his parents? I'll ask him."

"Don't rush things; Naruto has his reasons."


"It's okay; Naruto is our son. Let's give him more time."


Naruto was also feeling conflicted. Should he tease the giant fox in front of him, or should he play it safe?

Naruto was convinced that he wasn't dreaming; he was in a sealed space.

In the dim, dark environment, the water on the ground barely reached his ankles, and in front of him stood a massive iron gate, several tens of meters tall.

A colossal orange fox lay by the gate, its eyes just opening, fixed on the young boy.

Just as Naruto was pondering what to say, Kyuubi spoke first: "Little devil, come here and open the gate."

"I can't open a gate that big," Naruto made up an excuse.

"Just tear the piece of paper on the gate."

"It's too high; I can't reach it," Naruto continued to make excuses.

"Come here; I can can lift you."

"No," Naruto thought, "I trust you, old fox, but you're pretty tricky."
