
Kono Subarashi Hunter World

Autor: Rian_Mae
Anime e Quadrinhos
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  • 1 Chs
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A One shot of Konosuba and HxH Creating this just for fun because I saw a similar concept.... Characters Aint Mine

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Chapter 1The Crimson Devils

-Hunter Association-

You can see an irritated woman wearing green dress and has a dog face walking fast in the hallway of Hunter Association's main building.

-Cheadle POV-

"To think that Kazuma, the leader of the Crimson Devils will come in our door himself. He must have been planning something! We need to know their plans before they execute it!" Said by the Lady while fumming towards the interogation room.

The crimson Devils - The worst known terrorist group in the whole world, consist of seven people. They are the most dangerous Nen users up to date, Even the so called Phantom Troupe is far more Docile than the Crimson Devils. It is even said that the Zoldyck and the Spiders didn't want to accept any assassination mission or any comissions that has the Crimson Devils name on it, That's Just how notorious and powerful they are.

1ST is the Leader, Kazuma the SCUM, He is known to be a Manipulation Type nen user with a powerfull Emission and Transmutation Hatsu. He is said to be manipulating the members of his team to obey his command.

Also Two of the conditions of his Manipulation hatsu is known to all.

First condition is that you say his name -

"Satou Kazuma"

Second condition is that he replies -

"Hai hai Kazuma desu"

After that exchange he can already manipulate you to do what he wants, And most hunters that is sent to them has always been successfully manipulated as if it was predestined to happen. After he gets what he wants and let you leave, then you will just realize that you have been manipulated. Even if the Victims did noy know how they fell in the manipulation, and will only know that they are manipulated when they left.

Next is his Transmitation and Emission Hatsu, He can Transmute and Emit 4 Elements using his aura. namely Ice, Water, Fire and wind. he is known to be a Genius and talented in this field as he only looks 17 years old and can already transmute his aura to 4 types. this tallent may even rival of that Ging's. And lastly his super Zetsu state known as "Lurk". they say that its almost feel like he is glitching, Even though he is in your [EN].

2ND would be the Specialist/Manipulator, Aqua the Nopan Vice Commander, she can heal any injuries, purify anything and can revive the dead. That's right she can REVIVE the DEAD. There is also a rumor that she can buff her allies.

First is the heal, it is troublesome enough that she can heal even limbs, then came her Purification that can purify anything, it is a nen exorcist without any price to pay. She once Purified the salted waters of an Underwater ruins and killed most of the underwater creatures living there because they can't adapt to the sudden change of fresh water. Ging became furrious at this and chase her for about 6 months straight.

Next is the Resurection hatsu that she have, we have seen it numerous time and it still feels unbelivable. It is also reported that one of the conditions in her hatsu is that she can never wear panties again.

But the most dangerous of all is her Manipulation Hatsu, She created a cult named AXIS cult, and in just 3 years the total members exploded to 10 million. How terrifying manipulation that was, and it was also stated that all people in this cult are Insane.

3RD is their super Emitter, Megumin the one eyed Nuke, it is reported that her [Bakuretsu maho] can erase a medium to large island itself, and that's with her sealed power. What if she release the seal of her eyepatch? No one knows and no one wanted to know.

There 2 known conditions for her Explosion.

One is that she needs to use it atleast once a day, or else she dies

second is that, after she use it, she will be forced to enter zetsu for the whole day.

Base on her her conditions alone, there is no doubt that she will be their greatest damage dealer. Although it's eassy to locate them with her, the rest still covers her back..And it is also reported that she exploded 3 ruins that Ging is refurbishing and that got her in chase with Ging for one and a half year.

4TH is their Enhancer/Manipulator, Darkness the Maso Aeigis. She is the most resilient enhancer known in the world, she converts her taken damage to heal and enhance herself, and she is also a one hell of a manipulator. It is stated that she manipulates her enemies to lock their agro on her, you can only look at her and no one else... As for her defence it will take atleast [Dead man's rose] to destroy her [Shu] enhanced armors, and leaving a scratch on her.

After you hurt her, You will hear her shrill, see her face reddening and will hear a ragged breathing, that's when the manipulation hatsu starts. Victims don't know what is happening at this time, as they are forced to look away from her. some speculated that she uses this time for fully enhancing her body and to heal some of her injuries.

And after that, she will lunge at you while screeching, at full speed with a death hug that might destroy a city or two if not for their leader Kazuma the SCUM to stop her just in time. as it will ruin some of his plans.

5th is another Manipulator/Emitter, Wiz the Economic null, she manipulates the people of the company or mafia family for the easy access, and she will be a clerk at any of their firm. After she is accepted , She will begin to sabotage their business and make the company or mafia family bankrupt, leaving them with billions of debt and loans. It was reported that the Nostrade Family was brought down to their knees by her alone. they swore an eternal vengance to her.

She is also a powerfull emitter that can shoot lightning and fire as if she was their queen. it was also satated in the report that she can steal nen from someone.

6TH is their last member, Manipulator/Conjurer Vanir the Troll. He can read the minds of his opponent and toy with them. then he will take them down by a lovable dolls that looks like himself, than explodes it at contact.

And if you are still standing, You will receive the fearsome [Vanir Death Ray] Some says its an emitter but top hunters says it was manipulation, he uses the light to break your mind they say..

Thats all of them.. I think





Wait I think I missed some one

That's Right! the 7th member!

7TH member and last member of the Crimson Devils, the Super Emitter Assassin, Shinigami YunYun. It is known arround the world that she was the greatest and will be known as the greatest [Zetsu] practitioner in a thousand years of time. An absolute Monster at stealth said by the Zoldycks themselves. that even Electronics and her own teammates forgot her as well from time to time.

Their leader said that no one can really remember her if she wants, even if the planet itself makes a move to find her, she will not be found. That's how powerful her Zetsu is.

And when she came to rescue the rest of the Crimson Devils when they are cornered. you will only see a trail of shocked and burnt bodies in her wake..

And they are all controlled by Kazuma the SCUM. The greatest Manipulator of all time, more so than Ging and Pariston.

And you Say that He just walked infront of Hunter Association and surrendered??


He must have a plan if he came all this way!


" Good after noon Cheadle-sama" greeted by the staffs in the interogation room.

I nod in confirmation and said "Bring me to him immidietly! Before he manipulates someone else!"

"Yes Cheadle-sama"

After leading me to the interogation room I saw a Brown haired man with multiple chains arround his body and a mouth gag to his lips, else he manipulate someone.

"Satou Kazuma!" I spoke with a high tone " pls tell me, What are you doing here!?"

"rgh rgh rgh rghhhh" was his answer to my question

This will not work

"Take his Gag off" I said to an officer.

After the officer took the mouth gag off, I spoke to him again. "Now TELL me what are you planning this time SATOU KAZUMA!!"

"Hai hai Kazuma desu~, Enough of that! Megumin just said that she will blast the gates connecting to the Dark continent!!! Please stop her! Before she brings another Calamity! She said to us that she will show the Dark Continet the might of her Explosion! please stop her! If you can't stop her, please just put me in the lowest and deepest prison you have, I beg you." was his histerical answer

what was that? Dark continent? why would he know that? And is he really surrendering? adding his histerical and afraid voice and what Megumin might do, He might really be thinking of staying in the prison and reflecting.

"Stop your thought process Cheadle, you might not think of it but you are already in his manipulation" interupted by a Man in his 30's with a dark green spiky hair.


"[REN!!!]" * Fwooosh*

Sh*T! I just forgot , he answered me with his second phrase. Since he suddenly dropped the dark continent and calamities, i forgot his second condition! What a guy! So this is the man infront of me, Satou Kazuma, The talent Equal to Ging, and one of the greatest manipulator of this time, The SCUM. I can't help but sweat my palms and my back at what just happened! of it wasn't to Ging I might still be in his manipulation!

"Thanks Ging, You save me there" I said to Ging

"No problem, but be carefull next time" reaplied and he looked over to kazuma and says. " So you are the famous leader, The SCUM, Satou Kazuma?"

"Hai hai Kazuma desu~, Just please lock me up! I don't want to be a part of the peoples who got the calamity sickness. pls lock me up!" again with his histerical voice that almost tricked me.

" And How did you know about the dark contiment? please do tell?" asked Ging to him seriously.

" Vanir Hacked the Hunter Association for black male but found the secret file V-5 is hiding and he told everyone in my team about it and then Megumin feel like it was a challenge and wants to "Spread the Beauty of Explosion in the dark Continent" and been gungho since yesterday! please just lock me up in the deepest cell.. please." right now he is really sobbing. what an unsightly man

"Even if you don't said to lock you up. we will still lock you up, in the deepest pit in this hunter association itself! try breaking through zodiacs and 2000 hunter on standby here on the main office!" I shouted to him.

"This is literaly your last day seeing light SCUM-Zuma. Ging, come to the meeting of the Zodiacs later. even though he is bluffing about Megumin, we can't sit still while there is a chance that the 6th calamity might come because of these lunatics."

"Okay I'll come later althogh something feels wrong, Dunno what though, i'll just ask it later at the board" was Ging's fast reply

(Few Minutes Later After the Breifing)

-Cheadle POV-

"Natero sama you can't be serious! What if it was a ploy just like Ging's assumption and Kazuma just wants us to split apart so they can pick on us one by one?" shouted Nana

"I'm with nana with this one Chairman, The Crimson Devil must have plan something like this among the line, as expected of terrorist." added by Botobai

"I understand that, But we can't just let a 6th calamity happen!!" shouted netero

At this heated moment Pariston's voice and tone surprised all. as this is the first time he spoke someone else name with clear venom. "My my, this is such an impasse. But I do agree with Nana and Botobai on this one chairman. I also have debt to pay with the SCUM."

Yes this is really bad. Even though we caught the leader. But the Crimson Devils is still pressuring us to this extent. What a fearsome terrorist. after contemplating..

the shout of the chairman interupted my thoughts.

"Enough! If it comes to this then we Vo-


"That felt Underground, cheadle contact the team in that area." commanded Netero

"Yes Chairman" Cheadle reached for her phone and dialed the sector " Hello, Yes, What happened? . . . . WHAT!! THE TWO MOST DANGEROUS PRISONER ESCAPED!! SH*T!! Chairman, the officer just reported that Kazuma and the Locked up Cannibal, Kaneki Ken Just Escaped the prison with the help of Megumin, Wiz and some other black haired girl!!"

"So that was bugging me the whole time, Kazuma manipulated us to lock him up next to Kaneki Ken so that he can recruit him. He also bought theselves time by the 6th calamity issue. What a great tactics. He relly is the gratest Manipulator of this era" Commented by Ging

Ging's comment wanna make me cry. I feel powerless. Two Zodiacs manipulated just like that. Just how much will they terrorize the world. are the 7 of them still not enough?

My sorrow is being replaced by something, more prominent more explosive. and I shouted.



Meanwhile in a mansion after getting teleported by wiz

"Hai Hai Kazuma desu~"

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