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xhnile · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


"Still our school is good!" Aomori showed a big smile and opened his arms wide and lamented

May "Ada is really"

Basketball Department -

"Back..." Shuzo Koumura and his coach, Hakkamoto, who were waiting outside the gym, greeted Koumura with a smile as they walked in front of him. Akatsuki," Koumura looked at Akatsuki Seijuro

"Well, I won," said Akashi, nodding to Hongmura and his coach.

Buckinabenye and Koumura look at each other for a second, the two of them unanimously look at everyone's happy and high face "hard work everyone, then today there is nothing to go back early, after all, tired for a few days, right" Koumura looked at Akashi and them, and thought "that Akashi you wait and we go down to the office, right? "

Akashi froze and glanced at the coach and the rainbow village "Well"


Miyazaki shrugged his shoulders and unscrewed the door handle, twisted it for a few seconds, looked down and looked through his bag, took out a key and inserted it into the lock hole, twisted it and the door opened, Miyazaki threw the key back into his bag and took it away with him, walked to the shoe cabinet, hung the bag on one side of the wall, squatted down and changed his shoes, Miyazaki dragged his slippers to the living room and looked around at the empty space "Where did they all go...?" The first thing you need to do is to go up to the second floor while thinking about where your parents have gone, go back to the door of your room, unscrew the door handle, but Miyazaki looked stunned, his room is very messy, very messy, super messy, Miyazaki stared at the door and fixed his eyes, "Mom did it?" I'm not sure if it's a good idea. It's not possible, "Could it be a burglar?" Miyazaki tightly frowned, crept in, looked at their own cluttered room, just did not find the small drum bag on the bed, Miyazaki bent down to pick up some from their own 10 years old since the father of Ultraman, Miyazaki quietly looked at the hands of this Ultraman "thieves put ...?" Put Ultraman on the computer desk, look down at the floor everywhere children play toys

"Miyazaki turned around and looked at the quilt that had formed a mass on the bed and kept wriggling, Miyazaki's eyes turned and walked over step by step vigilantly, the quilt was pushed away by the unknown creature inside and fell to the ground, Miyazaki stopped and looked down at the unknown creature (child) on the bed with an expression on his face "Where did you come from can child, sleeping in my bed!" Miyazaki just out of the bed from the bed of the head of the Miyatoko hyun sitting in bed confused looking up at Miyazaki, little face red, not clear, confused staring at the small eyes, a small, big eyes staring at each other, Miyazaki step forward to lift the long arms of the little boy sitting on the bed to lift, like a chicken to grab the collar of the fierce "Hey, ask you! Kid, where did you come from?" Miyato Zixian was mentioned by him, the little dumb bug instantly scattered, was so excited, Miyato Zixian glared round eyes, desperately struggling "let go of the nest, you bad egg let go of the nest" little leg effort to stare kicked Miyazaki, Miyazaki frowned to this little rascal lift far away "Wow! Ooooooooooooooooo, bad egg, bad egg nest medicine to sue Auntie Su, oooooooooooooo ~" kick can not be people, Miyato Zixian like open the sluice gate to spurt tears, Miyato Zixian cry vaguely Miyazaki simply can not hear what he is saying, see this little rascal crying, Miyazaki some panic hurriedly put him down, Miyato Zixian as soon as free immediately ran to him after the small foot to make a lifetime of milk The fair little feet stepping on Miyazaki's feet, a small contrast, Miyato ZiXian this force is like scratching, not painful, not even feel, Miyazaki blinked his eyes and looked down at the fierce little kid