

fr fr

xhnile · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


"Are these four people monsters?"

"First Army ugh, I can't believe they joined the First Army, it's the First Army"

"Are they really junior high school students?"

"They're not just junior high school students, they're first-year junior high school students, right?"

"And the purple-haired one is not a first-grader's height, okay?"

"Since you can join the first army, is it not comparable to the strength of the seniors of the first army, this terrifying ability is comparable to each other"

The freshmen who had already joined the Second and Third Armies couldn't help but discuss in amazement on the sidelines.

And the players of the second army with the four first-year against the process, has been tearful, dazzled, said the good seniors of the second army lost to the first-year monster juniors, their strength has been indescribable, this is not even the strength of freshmen, OK? You have seen the first year will dunk? Have you ever seen a first year scurry past you with the speed of a cheetah? Have you ever seen the speed where you can only see the shadow and not the person? Have you ever seen such strong explosive power? With the four of them race has always belonged to the consequences of being crushed, okay. This class of freshmen is simply a monster!

The process of the four of them he has seen, the explosive power of Aomori Daigui, the accurate three-point shot of Midori Mantaro, the quiet guard control ability of Akashi Shoujuro, the guard rebound control of Shibara Atsushi, one is better than the other, it seems that this year's Teikoku basketball department will be more exciting than It seems that this year's Teikoku basketball team will be even more exciting than last year's.

"The first army will stay, the second and third army will report for duty."

"Yes, coach"

"Although Qingfeng is a bit of an idiot, he is like a different person when it comes to basketball, and his explosive power is strong. But it is to give others a very strong sense of oppression, as for his height and physique, it can make others panic, but that red hair to my feeling is very strong, there is a kind of submissive in his basketball can not reverse the Xu. The air around him emits an emperor-like feeling. The green-haired precise three-point shot is very interesting, it seems that this time did not come for nothing ah"

Miyazaki sat on the appearance of the degree to look at the four people under the stage, ah ~ originally to sleep here to rub the air conditioning, but became here to watch the test of Aomori and Atsushi, ugh ~, obviously when you come to very few people, why so many people all of a sudden? Even if I sit in the corner and sleep, I won't be able to sleep for long before I wake up, so I'll just get up and watch for a while.

You were left behind?

Then I looked around the audience, and next to myself, maybe it was graded out, the second and third army went to report, and only the first army was left here, so there were many people left.

There should be other things left behind, right?

Na, just now did not sleep. You can have a good sleep now.

Said like a puddle of water on the seat closed eyes dormant

"Classmate, classmate"


Feeling someone pushing himself, opened his eyes with a bit of fog, confused to look at the person in front of him, should just be pushed awake still a bit unresponsive Miyazaki dumbfounded at the person who disturbed his sleep "?"

" You're awake"


"Miyazaki? What are you doing here?"


A little confused looking around and at Aomine in front of him, turning his head to look at the window outside the audience, it's dusk? That's when I realized

I overslept.

"Do you know each other?"

Akashi Shoujuro looked at Aomine Daigai

"Yeah, we came together, but we split up outside the basketball hall."


"Nothing, just came up to check on you and then found you sleeping and wanted to remind you that we were getting ready to close"

"Ah, okay."

said scratching his hair and stood up

The man was a little surprised to find that he was about the same height as Atsushi Shibara, but he was back to normal, and he looked at the man in front of him with black hair and blue eyes and white skin, dressed in a simple white short-sleeved top and a pair of loose black shorts, a little bit of a hangdog.

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