

Fantasy Romance
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Leia o romance KLNATION escrito pelo autor AquariusQueen89 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Forever Mine (do I think is love...)

Let's welcome Lucas a student of Royal high school who just sent his resignation letter to the Red bloods association,this association is known for dangerous event. Mere looking at Lucas you would think he's cool but his the devil himself,a loner and doesn't like to stay around friends. He's every girl crush and any girl would fall for him at first sight,he loves wearing hoodie and big coat Monalisa called Lisa for short a village girl who got transferred to Royal high school,she got bullied by other students cause she's poor,most times she got troubled but Lucas seems to be by her side Here comes Elena the principal's daughter,also the head of girls in the class,she hot and sexy but very rude,she fell in love with Lucas since he got admitted to the school,she was actually the reason why Lisa was bullied most times, would get Lucas at any cost. Lucas doesn't even like her for a second and wasn't interested in anything love he's not that type love is not his thing but that change when he met the village girl Lisa, though it brought problem and tribulations to the both lovers sending a resignation letter to the Red bloods?do you think Lucas gonna succeed would Lucas admit his love for Lisa,the village girl? How those it go then? what about the almighty Elena and her friends? what gonna happen if Lisa finds out Lucas was a member of the Red bloods? Grab your popcorn let's go on an adventure hope ya all ready for this awesome novel? Let's move.... much love Kingsley Duru-author

Kingsly_Duru · Adolescente
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1 Chs


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