
Kisses and Glares [BL]

Ezra Val was a successful young werewolf who excelled in everything he did, Except one thing. Dating. He could not hold his girlfriend even for ten days! And it was all thanks to an annoying person in his life named Rio Velveta. he had been a cancerous existence in his life that would steal his girlfriends at every chance he got. At one point Ezra lost his cool. He decided to seek revenge. Ezra carefully curated a well-sought-out plan to somehow hurt the man and break him down once and for all. But he faced a small problem. That maggot-like person named Rio, ended up being his mate. This threw him off course for a bit. Ezra was forced to accept that this person was his one true mate. but even now he held the past grudge in his heart. His revenge plan continued. albeit with a slight change. This time he decided to personally squish the man’s heart after making him a lovesick puppy. Rio Velveta was going down!

Lullabybao · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 13 - Stranger danger

"Quick, get the cleaning supplies. We have to clean this up before your parents get home." They hurried to get the mess cleaned up

blech to every single cleaning supply in hand they tried everything! Nothing worked!

Nothing could remove the ugly yellow stains on the pristine white couch.

After a while, Mateo gave up on his life. he laid on the carpet with a soft sigh. "if this is how I die I will die with glory."

"Shut up, we can clean this. why don't we watch a few more YouTube tutorials?' he searched up cleaning hacks.

"I give up," Mateo rolled on the ground, hugging the couch. "I just can't believe I'm going to die because of a freaking couch. Is this how my fate ends?"

Ezra sighed loudly. "Get your dirty ass up and take a bath. I'll think of something," he dragged him up by his collar and gestured to the stairs. "Go. I'll find a way,"

"This is unsalvageable."

"There must be a way to clean this up." he scoured the internet trying to find a way to clean it up while his best friend took a well-needed bath.

Right then the doorbell rang loudly.

Startled he looked at the door apprehensively. "Shit, his parents are here. looks like he really is doomed to die.' with a disappointed sigh he went to the door and opened it.

To his surprise, a young man stood there with a huge backpack.


"Is this the Gil's residence?" the young man looked at the address in his call sheet.

"Yes, this is the Gil residency. Who might you be?"

"I just received a call for my service here."

Ezra raised a brow. "What service?"

"Cleaning service." he smiled. "Can I come in?"

Ezra paused for a second. 'Maybe that stupid guy finally deiced to save his life in the price of a few bucks.' He moved out of the way for him. "Come on in,"

The young man straight up went to the couch and started to clean it up with a special vacuum and a spray.

He watched in astonishment as the ugly yellow stains disappear right before his eyes. The strains that they had struggled for hours to get out were gone in mere minutes.

"What sorcery is this?" he mumbled under his breath.

the young man chuckled.

"it's my family's receipt." The young and shook his spray bottle. "don't worry, the wet patch will dry in a few minutes. For the odor, I suggest you guys light up a scented candle or something. The smell will disappear in a day." he got up and packed his supplies.

"You did such a great job man. How much do I owe you."

"Oh, nothing. It's all paid." The young man smiled and left the house quickly.

"Thanks…" he waved at the man as he drove away. "Looks like we are saved." he walked back into the house but this time he avoided the white couch and directly sat on the carpeted ground. he would rather not get any close to the precious treasure.

"Oh my god!"

A loud exclamation pulled him out of his dazed state.

"What magic did you do? did I tell you how much I love you." he rushed to him and hugged him tightly, kissing his cheeks. "you're the best man."

"Ew slobber," Ezra pushed him away. "Why are you thanking me? It's the cleaning guy who did the work."

"You hired a cleaning guy for me? Oh, my god. you were willing you spend your hard-earned money just to save my life. my knight in shining armor." He happily clung to his neck.

"What?" Ezra froze. "You're joking right?"

"About what?" Mateo wiped his wet hair.

"You hired the guy."

His best friend shook his head with a slight frown. "No, I was taking a shower."

"He said someone hired him and paid him…. I thought it was you, so I let him in. You're not playing with me, right?"

"No man, I'm not."

The realization hit them. They just let a stranger they didn't hire into their house.

Ezra felt a slight chill at the thought of the man being someone bad. "What to do? Shall we call the cops?"

"Cops will laugh at us." Mateo sighed. "Better safe to have a surveillance picture of him. I'll ask my mother to keep an eye out for him."

"That's good…" Ezra gulped.

if that guy had any kind of bad intention, they both would have been in grave danger.

Even though he was part wolf he still was susceptible to injury. Unlike the myth, werewolves were not indestructible. A gunshot can easily kill him.

That's how easy it was to kill them.

that's also why their pack lives out in the words in a secret community away from hunters and dangerous humans.

"Hey man, it's okay. Nothing bad happened. Plus, we got a clean couch. Saved our lives tonight." Mateo hugged his shoulders. "let's get a pizza." He pulled him to the sofa.

"oh, I'm not sitting on that one. Let's go up to your bed." they headed up and had the leftover pizza and headed off to sleep.

The next morning, they had forgotten all about it completely and had a wonderful weekend.

They played around and ate every kind of junk food they can. By the evening, Ezra had to leave. He had only asked permission to stay out for the day, so he left Mateo's place and headed off to the pack house on foot.

Along the way, he had a strange feeling of being watched.

The woods were dense around this area. it is very easy for anyone to hide in there.

'is it that guy? I hope not...' he walked around until that weird feeling went away and headed off to his pack house.