
Kiss My Feet and I Will Give Myself to You!

Shera Maximillian married at the age of fifteen at the eldest young master of the Voltaire family. But instead of happily ever after her life turns into a living hell. After being married for fifteen years to a man whom she only met once. She died tragically at the hands of her husband’s lover Lera Sebastian. For fifteen years Lera tortured her while the family of her husband turned a blind eye for that. They don’t like her for the young master of their clan who is too talented. They preferred Lera Sebastian to be his wife who grows up together with him. “If there is really a second life I will never fall in love again. I will become a powerful and influential woman …..” she said to herself before she died. “Do you think Zander will love you? Why don’t you die now and let him go? I am much more suited to him than you. I am talented, rich and beautiful hmmm” said Lera arrogantly. “For this second life of mine I will let the both of you pay the price” said Shera angrily. Looking at the two cheating couple. “Woman you belonged only to me up until you die so stop dreaming of leaving me or else I will lock you up and never let you see the sun again” Zander said to his wife. “To hell I with being your woman I don’t belong to anybody else but myself” Shera shouted. Zander grabbed her tightly at her left wrist and forcefully brought her inside the room. He put a chain to her left and right wrist. He smiled at her wickedly and kissed her passionately. “You turned me into this now you don’t want to take responsibility” he whispered to her ear before he lick her lips again and goes out.

jennilyn_nopia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Lera's Secret

Chapter 17

"So are you going to wait here to get killed" Shen Xinli shouted angrily.

The man gain his confidence and continue his driving. But the man in front of them raised his gun and shot the front wheel of the van one by one. They are forced to stop the van.

The man holding the gun signaled his fellow to accompany him to go in the van.

Shen Xinli and Eliza Mizelli were shocked when they saw that they were surrounded. When one of the men opened the door of the van it sprayed something then all of them fell asleep except Shera.

All the people inside passed out aside from Shera. One of the men give her a white capsule which is an antidote for the drugged that she was forced to drink earlier. She didn't passed out just like the other to the sleeping powder that her men brought because she also drink an antidote for it even before the two insane women tried to kidnap her.

"Miss, are you alright?" asked Juro concernedly he saw Shera's lips with a trace of blood and bruised. A sign that she was hit in the face.

"Yes, I'm fine don't worry about me" Shera replied formally. "Do what I tell you to do" she added.

"Yes, Miss" Juro replied he guide Shera to their car first.

"Do according to what the plan Miss told us" command Juro to his fellow.

"Ok leave it to us" said the other men.

"Juro, the men they paid in the hotel room is ready. We also double the dosage of the Aphrodisiac we give them. The effect of it is thirty after they take it and will last for the rest of the day" said the man who is holding a gun.

"Ok take them away, bring the two women in the hotel and the man who hit the miss cut the hands he used to hit her" Juro ordered before he accompanied Shera inside the car.

"Miss, where did you want to go?" asked Juro when he gets inside the car.

"I want to follow them in the hotel" Shera replied formally.

"Ok Miss" Juro replied.

Inside the car Juro and Shera is the only two people inside while the other men used the van that the two women used to kidnap her. They tied the men but not the two women.

When they arrive at the hotel. Shera's men brought the two women to the specific location where they book it. The men put the two women on the bed before they let the six men be freed from being tied. The room is also contaminated with aphrodisiac that's why the men who brought the two women inside wear a mask.

After they get out they lock the door. Earlier they also instructed the hotel staff to not disturb the guest of this room. So no one will disturb what ever happened inside. The room is also sound proof, nothing can be heard from the inside.

The six men who are freed from being tied regained their consciousness. They remember that they are paid to do something fun. They felt strangely uncomfortable on their sensitive parts.

"Hey guys we have here two beauties" said the other man because he is the first one who gets near on the bed.

"So what are we waiting for?" said the other man.

The six men remove their clothes fast. They tore the clothes of the two women and pounced on them. Their reasoning was blurred by the aphrodisiac they have. All their thinking is to relieve themselves.

Shen Xinli and Eliza Mizelli regained their consciousness when they felt their bodies are aching terribly. The two got shocked out of their wits when they saw the men surrounded the two of them and each of them are pounding roughly on their bodies.

"Hey please stop it hurts already" Shen Xinli said pleadingly.

But the men just laughed at her. She looked at Eliza and see that she is enjoying it. As time passes the medicine blurred their reasoning and that's left are moaning in pleasure by the people inside the room.

Inside the car outside the hotel....

Shera is looking at the restaurant of the hotel from the car window. She see Lera occupying one of the table of the said restaurant.

Shera smiled mysteriously "You still dare to harm me. I already cut ties with the Voltaire family" she said to herself. While looking at the woman with hatred.

"Miss, do you have any other instructions for us?" asked Juro. He felt the hatred that her boss emits to the woman in the restaurant.

"I don't have, just do what I tell you and observe that woman in the restaurant. Don't let her disturb the people enjoying in the hotel room" Shera said formally.

"Ok Miss" Juro replied. He gets down on the car and instructed the others of what Shera said.

In the US ...…

"Eldest young master, Ms. Lera ordered her men to kidnap your ex-fiancée. But something happened and they failed to do it. I find out that there is a strange organization your ex-fiancée is involved with. I don't know yet the reason why they are protecting her" said Michael.

"Hmmmmm... Maximillian family is just a simple family right? Based on your investigation they are not related to that noble family of Maximillian" said Zander to his personal assistant.

"Yes, Eldest young Master" Michael replied formally.

"Don't interfere just continue observing them. We have to make sure that woman Lera Sebastian don't have any ill intentions toward my family" Zander said seriously.

"Additional for the report about your ex-fiancée. According to our men she seems to have a secret vacation for half a year and just returned to her family. I already ordered our men to stop monitoring her" Michael said.

"She didn't have any connections to me already so no need to bother about her. She is but a stupid woman who knows nothing but to pester a man" Zander said disgustingly.

"As you command young master" Michael replied. He is holding the file that is currently gathered by their informant about Shera and her current picture which is attached to the file. Michael closed the brown folder containing the report and put it inside the information section in the office.

"Are you done with the preparation about the upcoming event for the succession of the Carillo family?" asked Zander formally.

"Yes, young master and regarding the gifts you prepared we prepare the pink diamonds as an ornament of the regular diamonds" said Michael and show the black velvet box containing the bracelet.

"That bracelet will be called as the "Everlasting Promise" said Zander while looking at the bracelet.

"Any news about the next successor?" asked Zander to Michael.

"We didn't have yet. But we still investigating about it. The Carillo security is hard to break just like the Maximillian" Michael replied seriously.

In the restaurant of the hotel...….

"Miss Lera we still didn't have receive the contact from Miss Eliza and Miss Shen" said her body guard who is standing beside her while she is drinking her tea.

"Hmmmm .... Let's just wait for them" Lera said formally.

"How about the others? Did they check whether the room we book is being occupied already?" asked Lera impatiently.

"Miss we are already asking the staff we paid about it. But they are telling us that they are not yet here" replied the man.

"Ok let's just wait here" Lera replied. While she is drinking her tea her phone vibrated and answer the call.

"What do you want?" asked Lera impatiently.

"Relax! Young Miss how about meet me now?" asked the man's voice over the phone.

"I'm busy right now" Lera replied with irritation. "This man really won't stop black mailing me" she said to herself. If not for the naked pictures he takes from her she will never let this man command her.

"Really! You are busy? Remember I still have your cute pictures on my phone" replied the man teasingly.

Lera sigh roughly "One day I will kill you" she said to herself while her anger can be seen through her eyes.

"Ok fine tell me the place" Lera replied forcefully.

"Hmmmm ….. That's good to hear. Come meet me at Lorica Hotel" replied the man.

"Ok I'm here already" replied Lera.

"Wow! That's nice to hear. Ok come here at room 306. I'll wait for you baby" replied the man.

Lera felt disgusted with what she heard. Zander is the only man for her this disgusting old man is too much. If not for her mistake of drinking the drugged wine she take in a bar during the birthday party of her friend this man will never hold something for her. The wine she drinks contain a sleeping powder and when she woke up the old man is at the top of her pounding on her non-stop and aside from that he also takes her nude pictures and recorded their sex videos.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Thank you very much for reading my novel!

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