
KinoMori: The StarHit of Maphina

Konoha Yadama was a average 16 year old girl. But, despite being young, she met her dreadful ending. Now she is reincarnated as the first princess of a matriarchal country. Can she survive THIS time?

Kinoha_JECA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

KinoMori: Slave Boy and Girl

"Rany..." I whispered as she continue to snuggle on my chest. Ranyllia gets all great feelings over simple words from me... Is it because she's just a fox or is it because I'm her owner.

"Master... How old are you?" That question shock me, "Why?" I asked her. "Because, your face looks like an adult's, also your height. But you're flat. And I heard that adult woman has boobs now."

I was... Offended. True, I am flat. But my mom's boobs are completely normal sized. Well... I still hadn't reached that age yet...

"I... I am.." wait. How old am I?

"I'm either twelve or thirteen, Rany..." I answered her question. The reason why I said "Twelve or thirteen" is because I don't know if my birthday already passed. The day where I slay monsters was close to my birthday.

"REALLY?!!" She yelled. I can tell that she's flabbergasted... My body grew up maturely(still flat tho) that people would already mistake me for an adult.

"Y-yeah..." To be honest, I was kinda embarrassed.

There was an awkward silence between us. "A-anyways! Let's go level up!" This was the only way I can think of to break off the awkward silence between us. "O-okay..." Rany and me stood up and began walking.

Walking and walking. "Master." Rany called out and I stopped. I turn to her and all of the sudden she dashes towards me, "Eek?!" I yelped. I thought she was going to injure me but she didn't hit me. I was closing my eyes.

I quickly opened them as I feeling nothing. I turned to Ranyllia and her sword was deeply pierced into a medium sized spider monster. I was confused, "Wha.."

"The monster was using an invisibility spell." Rany casually said... What. She can already sense invisibility? After a few training? And how old is this girl? A days old? A months old?!! I suck and let's just leave it to that. I sighed.

"... Master, I don't think you noticed but... You always sigh when you of something that displeases you or makes you exhausted... Is there.. er..." She stopped mid sentence. I shake my head, "no.. there's nothing wrong, Ranyllia... I'm just..."

I sat down on the cold floor.. "I... I'm sorry, Ranyllia..." I stare at the floor so lifelessly... I hate myself. Why am I making such a big deal over this? I was certainly not the type of person who gets jealous and make such deal with it...

I can sense that Ranyllia's worry increased. She knelt down.. she looked me dead in the eyes with worry. "What happened?" I can tell that not only is she worried, she's extremely worried. "You can tell me anything, master..!"

"I... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." Tears swells up in my eyes. "But..." I stopped. There's no need to cry over jealousy. And Ranyllia probably worked harder than me... But... It took me years to achieve this... It's.. just not fair...

Tears were already rolling down my cheeks. Ranyllia began to panic. "Master?! Are you hurt?!! What happened?!!" I wipe my tears away. I looked at her and smiled brightly.

"Nothing! There's really nothing wrong, Ehe!" I joked. I stood up happily, "Let's continue!" Ranyllia stood up also, but the worry in her face didn't leave yet.

"Okay..." Ranyllia softly said. Ranyllia grabbed her sword.

As time passes on. The more I realized how good Ranyllia is with swords with just little training... She has good senses and pretty fast too. She took down 3 monsters at once.

As I counted she killed 6 monsters while I killed only 3. I should just let go... But I couldn't...

Ranyllia's ears twitched. "Huh?"

"Faster!!" We both heard yelling and quickly dashes towards the sound. We both hid. I looks closely. Two men.. with er... Huh.

2 demi children?!! I can see a whip on one of the men's hand. "Ran–" I turned around but I all of the sudden feel a eary aura. Ranyllia's face was darkened. "Rany.. what's wrong..?" I asked her.

"Do.. do you see that collar and bracelet on those two?..." I looked back at the two demi humans and the two had some sort of metal collar on them with a green orb on the middle, the bracelet is has the same design but the green orb on the bracelet is much smaller. "Uhh.. yeah?"

"That.. is called the [Slavery Gear]... If you disobey that green orbs will turn red and it will force you do obey." For some reason, I already expected that. In almost Isekai animes out there, most slavery things are that collar and bracelet thingy thing.

If I'm going to be honest, I wanna stay out of slavery. In truth, I don't have a personal opinion on slavery. I don't dislike nor do I like it.

We both walked out, as the four turned surprised to see us.

"Who are ya?!!" One of the men said. "... Maph..." I didn't finish my sentence. These people looks like they know who I am if I say my name. "Maph? Well, f*ck off! Ya hear me?" Damn, he sounds like a big d*ck.

"Can you please let two go?" The two Demi didn't pay attention. The little dude was confused on treating and comforting the girl, while the girl seemed weak. They were both wearing rag clothing.

The two smirked sinisterly "the only way to let the two go out of our grasp is to sign the contract." The bald guy pulls out a slavery contract.

I sighed. I signed the contract. The two Demi's slavery gear glowed then it stopped.

[ Notice!! ]

[ For owning two slaves at once, you are rewarded with a new skill: Subjugation ]

I don't even need details for that. I already know what Subjugation is. "Now," the guy with short hair said. "Give us 200 silver and 5 gold coins for those two!" They snickered... D*cks.

I reached my pocket and grabbed 100 gold coins my father and mother gave me back then and threw it on they ground.

Their smiles became more sinister and thanked me. They quickly ran.

I sighed. Those d*ck were getting on my nerves.

I approached the two. The boy was hugging the girl tightly.

"Hey.. uhh." The little boy was cautious. "What do you want with us?" I can feel him glaring. "Uhm..." I don't really know to talk it out with slaves...

Rany walker towards them and smiled "She saved you. Master isn't the type of person who hurts someone who's been through many things." How does she know—is it obvious?

"...." The demis were silence.

I carried the little boy even though he is still hugging his sister, "H-Hey!" He exclaimed.

I ignored him and continued walking. I stopped and realized... I could've followed those two d*cks and find the magic circl.... I'm so stupid...

Hokutsu = Cat Demi humans. It is a fairly common race to the Demi human race. Very common in slavery too

Kahuko = Wolf Demi Human. The wolf demi human are also common race but very rare in slavery, because the wolf demi human have excellent experience when it comes to self-defense and combat, that's why most demi human slaves are children.

Hijuko, despite at the age of 11, he is experienced too. But, not that experienced.

Lexina is a Hokutsu because she got her mother's genes, Hijuko is a Kahuko because he got his father's genes

Next Chapter: The Ring In My Finger

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