

The beauty of a young lady ,Brenda by name ,is admired by god's of opposite universes ,as they fall in love with her ,bringing a clash in kingdoms and causing a huge battle so fierce that even the heavens were disturbed . Brenda gets pregnant by one of them , changing her life story totally and bearing what she isn't sure of calling a blessing or a curse .but it ,or He rather ,tries in his own way, to balance the story of his life and generations to come after him "I am the result of the love of man . And not just any man but a demon by blood and it might be a disgrace here on earth but not in my kingdom...our kingdom mum." "You are a queen .but it's a shame you don't understand the value of your destiny mother" " But I promise to prove that to you mom . that's my promise please stop crying... I will end our problems but with one motive In my mind" "Vengeance" " I vindicta must avenge my father's death and make sure his soul is satisfied In hell And even if I didn't get to know him that well, I'm sure he will be proud of me ". "But my love you have to listen to me ,yo_" "Shhh mum I have listened to you for the past 19 years of my life ." "Now it my turn".

siplgnd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

fiancee issues

"Oh no she's here".

Stark said as he got up on his feet and headed towards the door .

"Who's here"Brenda asked

"Your mum "

"My mother"??

"Yes your mum. You called her remember?

Look you have to get ready and prepared before you see her to avoid suspicions.

come on do it quickly" stark urged Brenda gently pushing her towards the bathroom

"I have prepared everything required for her arrival. I have also been in touch with her these few days you've been unconsious, so there nothing to worry about".

"You guys have been talking"? Brenda asked with a suprized look on her face.

"Yeah but I've been using your voice, so she doesn't know it's actually me talking".

"What do you mean using my voice"?

Brenda asked looking confused.

"Il explain later there's no time, just go get prepared already".

Stark told her as he walked out of the bedroom.

Getting impatient, Brenda's mom kept on ringing the doorbell repeatedly.

As stark headed towards the living room to open up for Brenda's mother, Brenda's phone began ringing from the center table. Knowing it was definitely her mother, stark increased his pace towards the door and opened up Immediately.

"Good afternoon to you Mother please come in".

Stark greeted with a nervous smile on his face

"Afternoon didn't you hear the doorbell ? I have been under the scorching heat for Godsake it's bad for my tender skin"

she complained putting her phone in her bag, looking irritated.

"I am so sorry please don't be annoyed. Please come in".

stark invited her in directing her in with his hands towards the living room.

She was a chubby woman average in height in a sari like red glittery gown, and a scarf on her neck with red fancy slippers to match, and a red Louis Vuitton handbag on her left arm with a little bit too much lip stick applied on her lips, on black shades.

She remained hesitant stepping in.

"You are welcome consider this your home too".

stark said in a polite tone, inviting her in once more

Gazing past him as she remained at the doorstep and asked.

"Where's my daughter"?

"Oh she will be down in a minute"

Stark replied uttering every word with a warm smile on his face.

Oh is that so" ?

Brenda's mother responded as her eyes scanned stark from the soul of his feet to the strands of his hair.

"Then why didn't she come down to welcome her mother"?

"She will be down in a minute she was just busy with something I don't think she knows you are around now".

"Well would you go tell her already or will you keep standing there starring at me"?

"Ok I will go let her know that you are here now".

Stark answered respectfully.

"Please do. I'm getting impatient".

She replied as she majestically walked in, as stark closed he door behind her.

She sat on the sofa, and took a deep breath and began observing around the living room nodding with an impressed expression on her face.

"Would you like anything to drink? Wine?

Stark stopped to ask her

"Oh yes please sparklin red grape I'm exhausted. And please it has to be cold"?

"Right away"

stark replied moving out of the living room when she looked back stopping him again.

"Oh and one more thing"

"Oh what is it"?

"Tell your boss and my daughter that I'm here already I don't like waiting too much. Brenda should have known this by now"

"Excuse me mam I don't understand".

"What part didn't you understand the part where you call my daughter and her fiancee, or the wine I'm waiting for"?

"oh I think there is a misunderstanding here"

Stark said with a light chuckle.

"And what could that be"

"I am the boss, your son inlaw to be ,Your daughters fiancee". I am the owner of this building.

Stark briefly explained as she starred at him from head to toe repeatedly, from his rough hair to his t shirt that seemed to be stained to his shorts and flip-flops with a suprized expression on her face.


"Um yes stark replied hesitantly"

" No wonder you are so handsome. oh! but why are you dressed like that".

"I was just doing some little things round the house"

I can't believe this. you are stark?

She asked again with a shocked expression on her face.


Stark replied.


Brenda cut in before her mother could utter another word drawing her attention to her daughter coming down the staircase, as her face got filled with expressions of heavy emotions as she open her arms wide open for Brenda.

"Oh my love come here how have you been?

it's been ages why are you so thin and pale what is wrong?

Her mother asked feeling her face.

"Is this how you have been taking care of my daughter"?

"She asked looking back at Stark".

"Mother I'm fine please stop worrying about me he has been taking care of me mom".

"Oh my dear it's been so long .How's the fever"?

Brenda's mom asked resting her hands on her forehead.

"Fever? I don't have a fever".

Brenda said denying.

"But on the phone you told me you were down with a fever"

Brenda's mom said with a confused look on her face as starks eyes met with Brenda's immediately giving Brenda a quick signal she seemed to understand.

"Oh ! the fever yeah Mom it's gone now I feel a lot better now"

"Really ? Are you sure caus-

Yeah mum please I'm okay now so please stop worrying about me an-

"Oh shut up I haven't seen you in six months now, and you tell me not to worry about you"

"I'm ok mum enough with this already, im guessing you must be hungry let's move to the dinning table now I have made some nice meals wright baby"? Brenda said looking at Stark

"Oh yes my love"

Stark replied.

Now stark was tensed upby the whole drama and Brenda could sense it

"Oh yeah I'm starving what did you make"?

" I made...umm some....

"Spaghetti, rice and salad just like you wanted ..I mean she said you wanted stark cut in.

Brenda took stark by the hand and they both went to the kitchen as stark explained all his preparations to Brenda as he went upstairs to refresh himself for lunch with his mother in law to be, leaving brenda serving her mom by herself

"My love"

"Yes Mom"

"Is this really the man you told me about"?

"Yes but -

"This is the best decition you haver made your whole life" Her mom cut in.

Huh !??

Brenda exclaimed in a shocked tone looking her mother in the eyes.