

In 1938 there was a World War in which there was one of the German soldiers who was an expert sniper, he became a fugitive or enemy target at that time but could not be killed easily.

When the enemy soldiers were gathering in their fortress, and at that time this sniper was aiming at the captain of the enemy army, after hours he waited for the right time to guess, DOORR!!! He successfully targeted the captain of the enemy, leaving their members in disarray because there was no one to command.

After months of the enemy searching for the sniper's identity, there was one enemy soldier who pretended to be a friendly soldier.

The enemy soldier found out the sniper's identity when he eavesdropped, he heard that the sniper's name was Jack and he knew who to target next. He didn't know that the name Jack was a pseudonym but he knew who to target next.

The soldier already knew who would be targeted next so he and the other soldiers were ready to stand guard and surround the area and look for this sniper, one day had passed he thought that the news was a lie but he was still sure it would happen in the future.

And at the same time Jack / The sniper is looking for a building or the right place to aim with one of his colleagues, when he has found the right place there are enemy soldiers who see but he does not know that it is the sniper, he immediately reports to his commander that he saw someone and one colleague was in the building of the former hospital, there the enemy commander immediately realized that it was the sniper he was after.

The commander immediately ordered his soldiers to surround the building and capture the sniper dead or alive, but the commander did not know if the sniper was him. When the commander wanted to go to the headquarters with 4 soldiers escorting him, but in front of the sniper aiming with a distance of 5km was very easy, when only a quarter of the way the sniper immediately aimed at the enemy commander, it didn't take long he shot and hit the enemy commander's head to death.

At that time the soldiers who were besieging the building heard the sound of gunfire from the top of the building, the enemy soldiers immediately rushed to go upstairs to catch the sniper. when they arrived on the 3rd floor they were faced with 4 soldiers from the sniper's partner, the enemy soldiers were surprised "He said there was only 1 partner escorting him".

But they were not outnumbered at that time, 4 colleagues died because of a guess from the enemy and 5 enemy soldiers died because of the same thing they had a shootout at that time, the sniper heard the sound of the shootout he immediately rushed to leave the place, he saw from above that he was being surrounded he thought hard to be able to escape,

he went down through the window and sneaked and held one soldier from the enemy and took his attributes and then used it to disguise himself. The soldiers who went up to the top of the building were confused looking for the sniper,

it was getting late but they kept looking until the sun rose they didn't find him, the enemy soldiers were very disappointed not to be able to catch the sniper. At the time the other day when there were soldiers eavesdropping at that time Jack saw it so he already knew that it was enemy soldiers but he did not immediately act he waited for the enemy soldiers to report to his top so that the sniper did not come far to the enemy commander's place, he already knew that if the soldiers reported their commander must be in that place.

This novel is only fictitious and written by the creator. If there are names or other concerns, we ask

Prince_Takanacreators' thoughts