
Chapter 11 : Kiyoshi's request

Shin had finished his ramen and drank the cola when he saw Kiyoshi and Kuroko. He waved his hands to them as they approach him. He then said "Perfect timing, I just finished eating".

"Mind if I sit here?" asked Kiyoshi.

Shin replied "Not a problem". He looked at Kuroko and said "Aww Did you miss me that much Kuroko? That's why you tagged along with Kiyoshi?"

Kuroko was almost reaching his boiling point this time. Thinking "This guy just won't stop once he starts. Calm down or this guy would continue teasing me".

Taking ang long deep breath, Kuroko ignored Shin and sat close to him.

While Kiyoshi sat across the table in front of Shin. "What's up with with these two. A while ago they were talking friendly now it feels like they are enemies or something."

Shin asked Kiyoshi "So what do you want to talk about Iron Heart Kiyoshi?". Before you answer that, Shin looked at Kuroko and said "Hey Kuroko? do you want to eat something? You know you gotta eat to grow, right?"

Kiyoshi could only shake his head hearing this. "Why does he keep teasing Kuroko?"

Kuroko sighed and thought "He doesn't stop till I apologize. Fine." He looked at Shin and said "Shin I'm sorry for what I said when we were talking a while ago".

Shin with a smile said to Kuroko "How can you say that? We are friends. You don't have to apologize". Then he put his arms on Kuroko's shoulder indicating that it wasn't a big deal.

This 180 degree turn of character made Kiyoshi speechless. He could only mutter to himself that "Is this guy a kid? That's why he kept teasing Kuroko just to make him apologize".

Kiyoshi asked "ahem! What did you say to him Kuroko that made him tease you like that?"

To which Kiyoshi was met with fierce eyes looking at his direction by both of them, looking ready to pounce on him.

This made Kiyoshi wonder "I just asked. Why am I the villain now? Not you too Kuroko".

Shin then said "Alright that's enough now Kuroko were not kids anymore".

Kiyoshi almost wanted to shout at Shin telling him "You are the kid!?" but he held it inside. He forced himself to calm down, reminding to himself to just ignore Shin's nonsense.

"So what is it you want to talk about?" asked Shin to Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi then looked at Kuroko first and said "Kuroko can I talk to him privately at first. Do you mind giving us a moment?"

Kuroko nodded and said "it's fine. I'll just be inside the store".

Hearing what Kiyoshi said, Shin was cringing inside.

He almost vomited in front of them.

Luckily, he held it in but he looked pale and a sweat was running down his forehead. "What the f**k?! What are we? A couple?" thought Shin.

After Kuroko went inside the store, Kiyoshi looked at Shin and was surprised to see him pale all of sudden.

He asked "Are you alright?" not having the slightest idea what is on Shin's head right now.

Shin wanted to say "Oh please stop or I might really throw up". But he still kept it to himself and said "I'm Okay, I'm okay. You can continue".

Kiyoshi then said "You told us you are not affiliated with any school at the moment right?"

Shin answered "I don't as of the moment. Why?"

Kiyoshi continued "I think you should already know where this is going, so I'm just gonna be blunt about it. Would you come and enroll to Seirin High?"

Shin looked at Kiyoshi straight in the eyes and said "Why should I join Seirin High? When there's so many school to choose from like Rakuzan, Tõõ Academy, Kaijõ, Yõsen, Shūtoku and there is also that team I saw on a guy's basketball uniform he was wearing I think it was Shohoku. Why Seirin High?Can you tell me the reason Iron Heart Kiyoshi Teppei?"

Kiyoshi then said "I know it was selfish of me to ask you about joining Seirin. I'm sorry about that.

It's just that I won't be able to help them playing against those teams since I will be leaving to America in a couple of days to get a Knee Surgery. I want to help them but I've got to fix my knee first and return when I'm fully healed. With you playing and guiding them they can play without worries and improve themselves. That's why I'm asking you to join Seirin so they can have a fighting chance. We barely even won against those teams. Now that I'll leave for surgery they'll need a backbone for the team that can support them when their backs are against the wall. Who knows you might enjoy playing with them too.

That is my reason Shin".

Shin looked at Kiyoshi's expectant face while thinking "Should I join Seirin? This guy really loves their team huh. I wish we had someone like this at Teiko who values the team with all his heart. Well, I guess that's where his nickname came from.

What could it be like playing on the same team with this guy? F**k here it goes again. My hands are shaking from excitement".

Recovering from his thoughts, Shin said to Kiyoshi "I know you love Seirin so much that you gambled your future with that last play against Rakuzan. If you had just listened when I told you to be careful none of it could have happened.

Your knee would have been fine till now. You could have dominated that player from Rakuzan Eikichi Nebuya or any other centers in the opposing team. Well, except for Atsushi but you can still have your way around him".

Shin continued "I can't have give you an answer right now as there are things I gotta do first before entering a new school. Besides I want to enjoy my time here first while I'm back so I don't want you to expect or something. By the way, How is it? Your Knee? Do you have someone there ready for your surgery?

Kiyoshi answered "No, not yet. After we arrive there we have to look for a hotel to stay in then find a doctor who specialize in knee surgeries."

"If you want I can recommend you to someone there, after your surgery I'll call someone to help you with your recovery and rehabilitation" says Shin to Kiyoshi.

SHIN: What time is your flight going there? So I can prepare for someone to pick you up.

KIYOSHI: For real? You don't have to do this you know.

SHIN: It's alright. Don't worry about it.

KIYOSHI: Thank you so much. I don't know how will I repay you after this. I'll leave in two days 7 am.

SHIN: Okay, wait I'll call him first. So he can prepare everything before you arrive.

Shin moved a distance away from Kiyoshi then dialed a number to his phone.

In LA a physically fit middle age man, with thick eyebrows and gray hairs on the sides of his head was sitting in his couch watching tv.

Suddenly his phone rang, he looked at his phone then he saw the name "Ungrateful Brat" as the caller. He immediately became irritated and answered the phone "You damn brat?! Finally decided to call me now huh? You didn't even bother telling me where are you going, not even his family".

SHIN: Grandpa Uncle sorry for just calling. You know what happened, I needed to be alone for a while so I came back to Japan. Just tell Aunt Vanessa I'll be back when I'm ready.

The man had a thick vein showing on his forehead hearing the words grandpa "how many times do I have to tell you not to call me grandpa you brat!! Do I look that old to you?!"

SHIN: Alright, I'm sorry. By the way Grandpa Uncle there's someone I needed you to take care of. He will leave for LA in two days at 7 am. So he will arrive in LAX at 5 or 6 pm. He needs to have a surgery on his knee but he doesn't know someone there. Knowing you have so many famous doctors acquainted with, I decided to ask for your help. Could you also help him with where they'll stay? Sorry about this.

The man furrowed his brows and said "What the hell am I to you?! Your Butler?! Who is this person your talking about? Is he also the same as those Miracles your talking about?

SHIN: Nope, not yet. His name is Kiyoshi Teppei But for him to be he needs that surgery. Just use some of the money he left me for the operation. You didn't forget right? Once we debut in the NBA it will be a whole new era. Also Uncle? What I told you before, is there a possibility about it?

The man answered "Lets hope you're not wasting what he left you. Alright I'll prepare everything. About your little plan, there's a possibility but we have to get close to an owner".

SHIN: Thats good enough. Thanks Grandpa Uncle. I'll call you again if miss you.

The man was sure he heard a laugh at the other end and thought "What a cunning kid. A storm in the NBA huh. Let's hope nothing happens till that day comes. I'm already excited to see it happen. I better get to work so what that kid planned comes true".

Shin then told Kiyoshi that everything's done. He just needed to go there and everything will be ready.

Kiyoshi nodded and says "Thank you" to Shin. He got up preparing to leave.

KIYOSHI: Tell Kuroko I'll go first. By the way, What's that man's name?

SHIN: Tim Grover

//Here''s another chapter for you. Hope you like it. Thank you for reading.//

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