
King of Mages - A TBATE Fanfic

I don't know how but I died and now where am I . . . my life never felt complete maybe I'll feel complete with a second chance.

DrippyDippy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Player on The Move

(A/N: I'd really like to know your thoughts on who you guys think should be the love interest as I really don't know.)

In an office we see a tall elderly woman wearing elegant violet robes as suddenly she collapses as a shocked look comes across her face.

And after some time, a man who was visibly out of breath and shaken up burst in.

"D- Did you feel it, I- It was this wave of power and I just collapsed!" The man exclaimed.

"Yes, in fact it did a number on me I collapsed." Cynthia would gasp.

"W- What it knocked you out . . . S- Someone as powerful as you this can't be anything normal." The man blurted out surprised at Cynthia's remark.

"Yes, I know I assumed it was an awakening at first but no awakening I had ever seen was like that." Cynthia sighed before rubbing her head as a splitting headache had just come over her.

"I- I'll check up on everyone else." The man assured as he ran out of the office.

(POV: Cynthia Goodsky)

I was sitting in my office as I felt a wave of power . . . maybe an Awakening but this wasn't like others it went on for almost 10 minutes it was most likely a Conjurer Awakening how could someone absorb that much Mana I need to find who did that, with proper training at Xyrus Academy he could most likely become strong enough to be an AA-Rank.

I have to find who emit that amount of power before someone else does . . . someone bad because in this moment I saw Death as my vision became pitch black . . .

(A/N: Also, BTW I mentioned last time that Kaisel learned swordsmanship but because of his quick learn I would say he's better than Arthur but not King Grey as Arthur trained in an adult body so he wouldn't be as good in a younger body, but Kaisel has Quick Learn and he trained in this body, so he knows how to use it unlike Arthur.)

- 2 Weeks Later -

(POV: Kaisel)

It's been a couple days since I unlocked the System, I've been training my stats and my skills, and I've increased in power dramatically.

'The Daily Quest has gotten way easier I did it quickly. Oh yeah let me collect my reward.'

[The following rewards are available.]

Reward 1. Full recovery of your physical condition

Reward 2. Three additional stat points.

Reward 3. Random Loot Box

[Would you like to collect them all]


A wave of green aura coated my body before I was fully healed though I really had no use for it due to me training beforehand.

'The random loot box huh I was waiting for this . . . I'll do it later.'

Before I could use all my points a pop-up appeared.

['Skill: Dash Lv. 2' Has levelled up.]

['Skill: Tenacity Lv. 2' Has levelled up.]

'Hm so a level up huh I guess I should start focusing on my skills someday.'

[Skill: Dash Lv. 2]

Mana required to activate: 5

The constant running fortified your legs. When this skill is activated, your movement speed will increase by 40%. During its activation, 1 Mana will be depleted every minute this skill is activated.

[Skill: Tenacity Lv. 2]

You possess uniting tenacity. When your stamina drops below 30%, this skill will automatically activate and reduce all damage received by 55%.

'I've never actually used these skills; they could come in handy in a fight.'

'Open Stat Window' I said in my head.

Name: Kaisel

Level: 1

Title: None

HP: 125

MP: 200

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 18

Stamina: 15

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 11

Sense: 12

(Available Points: 21)


[Passive Skills]

- Tenacity Lv: 2

- Quick Learn

[Active Skills]

- Dash Lv: 2

'Hm, I forgot to put these points on . . . let me fix that how should I distribute these I've boosted basically every stat I have but I could still grow stronger, you know what I'll just balance it for now.'

'Open Stat Window'

'Di-Ding' The bell rang.

Name: Kaisel

Level: 1

Title: None

HP: 125

MP: 200

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 24

Stamina: 18

Agility: 22

Intelligence: 15

Sense: 16

(Available Points: 0)


[Passive Skills]

- Tenacity Lv: 2

- Quick Mastery

[Active Skills]

- Dash Lv: 2


['Skill: Quick Learn' has evolved into 'Quick Mastery'.]

'Hm Quick Mastery huh . . . wonder what that'll change it must be powerful I test that out.'

I was about to close my Stat Window until something caught my eye.

'Looks like the Unknown Skill isn't there . . . guess I never noticed as I really never checked my skills, I guess the Architect doesn't exist in this world.'

'Wait a minute was Arthur 4 when he got sent to Sylvia . . . it should've happened by now so that means he should be going to Elenoir pretty soon and start his training. I guess I should start training so I can keep up with Arthur, let me focus on this Unique Magic Division first.'

'Where can I get Magic Items from, wait the town duh but I haven't got any money and I don't want to resort to stealing. "Sigh". I guess I'll try find some Beast Cores first.'

"Miss I'm going on a walk so I can train." I said waiting for a response.

"Ok then be careful and don't get lost." Elena sighed worriedly.

"Don't worry I'll be careful, and I'll be back soon." I assured.

(POV: 3rd Person)

Kaisel would begin journeying looking for Mana Beasts to fight but still he could find none no matter how much he looked, and he would find a river sitting down and practicing his Water Magic and as he would do this after only a couple minutes, he would quickly pass through the Skill Levels of a normal Mage.

'Maybe this is what Quick Mastery does, it feels way easier to learn magic . . . I should try this with my swordsmanship.' Kaisel thought surprised at his own growth.

'Wait a minute talking about the system . . . I still have my random loot box maybe this could help.' Kaisel remembered.

Kaisel would open it and what came out would be some kind of Key and as he held it, he would recognise it as a Dungeon Key finding out where it was.

Kaisel would continue to journey again finding out the location of the Dungeon and he would pull the key out of his pocket unlocking the Dungeon and seeing a portal open up as he would be pulled in.

(POV: Kaisel)

"So, this is what a dungeon looks like, I wonder if this is the same Dungeon Sung was sent to b-"


I slowly turned around seeing what looked like a pack of wolves.

"Huh well then I guess it's time to level up." I sighed as I pulled out a blade and rushed toward the wolves.

"Activate Dash."



'Level UP'


'Level UP'


'Level UP'

With one attack the wolves fell to the ground dead. What seemed like half an hour of fighting passed as I lost track of time in the excitement of my first fight and as the battle went on, I felt my skill grow this could be a part of Quick Mastery, but I soon grew tired of using my blade, activating my fire magic incinerating the remaining wolves.


'Level UP'


'Level UP'


'Level UP'


'Level UP'


[Title Achieved: Wolf Slayer]

And I walk towards the boss room opening it I saw Kasaka the snake Sung fought.

(POV: 3rd Person)

[Blue Venom-Fanged Kasaka]

The snake lunged towards Kaisel but before any attack from the snake could hit.

"ɘoꟻ Ym ᴎᴙUd ꙅɘmAlꟻ 'O ꙅɘmAlꟻ." Kaisel uttered as a burst of fire would appear, but it would not affect the snake due to its scales.

"Ugh his guy's tough he won't be taken down as easily as the wolves." Kaisel grunted.

'Screw it I'll have to find a way to pierce through its scales first . . . I'll need to look for a weak point.' Kaisel thought annoyed.

Kaisel would jump up sticking his hand out.

"ꙅɘimɘᴎƎ Ym qAᴙT HTᴙAƎ ꟻo ꙅɘkiqꙄ" He uttered as spikes would begin falling from the sky pinning the Snake down.

"If my magic won't work, I'LL USE MY BARE FUCKING FISTS." Kaisel shouted in rage as he punched and punched till, he bloodied his knuckles until he finally cracked through its scales as he would pull out his blade plunging it into Kasaka's bare flesh tearing it open.

[You have killed the boss; the dungeon is complete]


'Level Up'


'Level Up'


'Level Up'

"Huff" "Huff" "Huff"

"I did it . . . I KILLED FUCKING KASAKA." Kaisel would scream at the top of his lungs.

[Item Obtained: Kasaka's Venom Fang]

[Item Obtained: Kasaka Beast Core: C Rank]

So that's one Beast Core and one Magic Item to my goal.

'Open Stat Window'

'Di-Ding' The bell rang.

Name: Kaisel

Level: 13

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 1950/2500

MP: 1100

Fatigue: 34


Strength: 36

Stamina: 30

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 27

Sense: 28

(Available Points: 0)


[Passive Skills]

- Tenacity Lv: 2

- Quick Mastery

[Active Skills]

- Dash Lv: 2

- [Quest: Form Unique Magic Division]

Obtain Magic Items: Incomplete (1/5)

Obtain Beast Cores: Incomplete (3/5)

Reach the Dark Orange Stage: Incomplete

'Hm seems like I got some Beast Core Shards from those wolves and the made one big core but where can I get magic items from.' Kaisel would say

"I better start getting home Elena will be worried." Kaisel sighed as he left the Dungeon stronger and closer to his goal."

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