Orphan-turned-bartender Jaime, believed to be ordinary despite a superhuman-creating event, is the most powerful among them, able to mimic and amplify superpowers. With Armageddon approaching, he is destined to be the Superhuman King, standing at the crossroads of a celestial war. Armed with immense powers, he must choose his allegiance between angels or demons, his decision bearing the weight of the universe's fate.
"Can you make both of us disappear? We need to leave now," I whispered to her. I still had another task to complete and inevitably had to prioritize the safety of others. Instantly, energy from her body spread into mine, and I quickly accepted and synchronized it, allowing the mixed energy to cloak and carry us away.
"Sir!" Nadia whispered softly, calling out to me, but I pretended not to hear her as I began to hover high above the buildings, searching for a large tour bus below. I didn't want to talk to her because there's a chance Nadia might recognize me later at Café Eve. Although she only met me once, she might not. As for Lee, I had never seen him at Café Eve, so I felt relieved talking to him.