
Kill la Kill: Path of Power

A not so normal teen wakes up in the body of the boy who stole a Goku Uniform... Suzuki, read on as he rises to the top driven by the thirst of power

God_Of_Degeneracy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


I open my eyes and and sit up on my bed I look at my alarm clock and notice its 4 am, "Todays the day huh" I say before standing up and heading to the bathroom for my morning rituals.

Just as I am about to walk in Ryo runs in and shuts the door in my face, yes I allowed Ryo and Tatsuo to move in since they had nowhere to go. "Oh come on Ryo! I swear I'm gonna beat the crap out of you!" I shout and yes I can now sense the difference between the 2 but that's besides the point

"To slow idiot!" I hear him shout from the other side of the door, we have gotten pretty close in just a month these guys are pretty much my brothers but they can be really annoying sometimes

"I should of woken up earlier" I mumble even though it is 4 and we are supposed to be at Honnōji at 8 we just woke up now to be able to spar and workout.

I sigh and decide to head out for a run, I head downstairs and notice Tatsuo about to head out to run as well so I join him.

After getting back from our run I have a shower and eat breakfast, while waiting for Tatsuo to get back from his run, I look at the clock on the wall and notice it's 6 am so after Tatsuo got back we decide to make our way to the Academy.

We walk outside the house in our uniforms and start making our way to the Academy, "Ryo I'm still gonna beat the crap out of you" I say nonchalantly.

"Oh c'mon dude don't be like that aren't we friends?" Ryo asks and I responds "Not after you called me an idiot"

"C'mon that was just a joke right Tatsuo?" He says and turns to Tatsuo,

"I aint helping you out on this one bro I really don't want to get beat up" he responds before ignoring Ryo.

"Damn betrayed by your own brother must be rough" I say before grinning for ear to to ear.

"Man that's creepy" Tatsuo comments while shivering.


We look up at the giant archway leading into the school and I cant help but comment, "What's the use of a gateway this tall? I get it being wide since there are alot of people walking inside but c'mon the height is overkill!"

"This is a power move on Honnōji Academy's end, they are just flaunting their wealth while most of Honno city is in poverty" Ryo says while eyeing some of the girls walking past us like the pervert he is.

"Stop staring Ryo its creepy, why did they even put the Academy in this city in the middle of nowhere?" Tatsuo says to Ryo before ogling as well just less obvious, but I can tell since I have 360 degree sensing pretty much like how Daredevil see's.

"I don't know and both of you stop being creeps and lets go apparently someone's gonna give a speech and we probably don't want to be late going off of the body hanging up there" I say before pointing at some naked girl hanging on one of the tall buildings.

""Damn"" they respond before following me towards where are the other students are heading.

Arriving inside a huge hall we line up closer to the front at the demand of Ryo probably to stare at any girls who will be on the stage.

"This feels like a military" Tatsuo comments and I cant help but agree with him, I am about to say something before the giant door leading to the hall we are in closes and the lights on the stage turn while the lights shining over us switch off.

I look up and notice the one and only Satsuki Kiryuuin walks on the stage and stares at like we are some peasants, which we kinda are but that's besides the point.

"This is gonna be a long year" I mumble and start paying attention to what she is saying.


So Satsuki's speech was just about how worthless we are and how this is the place to become useful and some other crap I didn't bother to listen to, I only started listening again after some girl walked on and actually told us some important stuff.

Like where to go for classes how to join a club and how to make one if you wish, so me, Ryo and Tatsuo are now making our way to class 1-A Which just so happens to be the class Mako is in this year so I am assuming everyone who passes this year in this class will be in 2-A next year which is the class Ryuko transferred too.

Walking in I decide to sit in the classic protagonist seat that's right next to the window in the corner while Ryo sits in front of me and Tatsuo sits to my left.

I look out the window while Ryo and Tatsuo are busy talking about how hot Satsuki and wait for our homeroom teacher and I didn't have to wait long before a unkept man with disheveled blue hair walked in, the man himself Aikurō Mikisugi.

"Morning I'm your homeroom teacher come to me if you have any questions, ok that's what I was paid to say so don't actually come to me for anything got it? cool." he says without an ounce of enthusiasm.

"I love this school already, a seemingly chill teacher and cute girls everywhere" Ryo says and Tatsuo just nods sagely. I'm starting to regret choosing these guys as my friends.

I sigh and pull out the book Aikurō just told us to.
