
Kill it With Fire

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What is Kill it With Fire

Leia o romance Kill it With Fire escrito pelo autor Kira_Kazuto_4040 publicado no WebNovel. God, it's is a word, that is shared among many believers in their individual religions, to represent a source of worship, when we are hurt we pray to God to heal us, when we are desperate we pray to G...


God, it's is a word, that is shared among many believers in their individual religions, to represent a source of worship, when we are hurt we pray to God to heal us, when we are desperate we pray to God to help us, and when we are lost we pray to God guide us. Religion is the very thing that separated the world into different beliefs, but what happens when Religion becomes nothing but a lie, a farce, and a fucking disease, what if the Devil, the demon, the heretics, was our one true savior all this while. What happens when these so-called Gods, Angels, and divine beasts were the real demons that wish humanity nothing but their absolute downfall all this while, tell me is your religion and belief even necessary at this point. No, it isn't, so with that said, here what I think, to fuck with the Gods, to fuck with the angels, and to fuck with everything that has to do with them, I hate God, I despise them, why you ask? "Hmmmm.... Very well then let me tell you the story of my journey to the top, of how I Nika Ashborn Letitburn become one of the strongest Devils and the symbol of Fire that burn the embers of humanity rage in the war against the divine.” In the year 2012 the world as we know it came to an end, the heavens crumble, and the gates of hell opened, Armageddon as we know it dawns upon us without warning. But when the angels come, and the trumpets blow, and humanity gaze at the very God they worship, they bow and send praise in unison, but little did any of us know, those thing we call divine, were the true parasite, because as soon as they came, the world end, they send their angels which are their minions to start killing us, but it didn't end there, apparently the divine eats human to empower themselves, and we are nothing but livestock that has reached perfection. And we couldn't do anything about it, as our technology was useless against them, bullets were like small pokes that tickle, rockets felt like a tiny slap, and missiles and nukes were nothing but a sun tan. At that moment we lost all hope, or so we thought because just like the angels descend from above, the manifestation of humanity's sins came to our aid from the pits of hell itself, the demons, and with nowhere else to turn to, all the world leaders sign a contract with the demons and devils, or as they are called now, the sinful, that in return for the power to summon heroes of the past, that use to live in the old world and were also capable of using magic and dark arts to fight off the divine. We humans must stay true to our human nature and continue doing all the bad in the world to power the demons, the thing Is, despite the 100% absolute reassurance that all humans are capable of summoning a legend of the past, even if it's one from a parrel or neighboring reality with the aid of demonic energy, me Nika is unable to even comprehend much less utilize this energy making me humanity most worthless, that is till one day when I was going through the school Libary I came across a weird book, titled 101 ways to summon a Dragonlord from another world for dummies, by emotionally damaged cliche Isekai hero.

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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