
Khal Al Ghul

Khal Ra‘s al Ghul always knew he was different. But he only gradually understood, just how different he was. His character was not fit for the setting he was born into. His soul was far too pure, giving him a good heart, that hated cruelty. This made him weak in the eyes of the world. But the special gift, which someone gave him, he learned to adapt and force his will onto the ruthless world he lives in. From the weak boy to the Warlord.

DaoistqZxYMH · Livros e literatura
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6 Chs

Khal al Ghul

The MC is not a reincarnator. The references I use are from the 3rd Person POV


(3rd Person POV)

- 280 AC -

No sound was heard. The rowdy Dothraki Khalasar was silent as they watched in awe and fear, as the young Khalakka murdered his father and now stood in front of them with an impassive look. 

But then the silence was broken. The Bloodriders of Khal Pharon attacked the young Ra's. It was the way of the Dothraki. Ancient traditions proclaim that when a Khal dies, his Bloodriders die with him. Should the Khal die in battle, the Bloodriders live only long enough to avenge him. Once done, the last service the Bloodriders must perform is to escort the Khaleesi to Vaes Dothrak to join the dosh khaleen, and then they are to join their Khal in death.

But this was a different situation. However, the Bloodriders chose to see this as a battle and attacked Ra's. But that was not a smart move. The first Bloodrider swung his arakh at him. He moved to the side slightly and caught his hand. He used his arm to block another attack and then kicked the first Bloodrider and took his blade.

He ducked another attack and swiped the blade he had acquired at the feet of the second Bloodrider. 

"AARRH", the man screamed as his legs were cut off cleanly by Ra's. His new strength was allowing him to move at speeds unheard of for a human. And he would only grow stronger. 

Ra's didn't care about the cry of the bleeding Bloodrider. He was already moving to the next one. Their blades clashed once and then a second time. 



Then with the sudden and unfamiliar mastery over weapons he gained, he moved into the man's guard, cut off his hand and then pierced him with his own hand. 



Ra's pulled out his hand of the dead Bloodrider, holding his heart in his hand. The man fell to the ground with a heavy thud, which ended the fight for 'succession'. The fight to the death was over and a new Khal was born. Logically speaking, the Khalasar follows him now, as he has just proven his strength and capabilities by killing the strongest of the Dothraki and coming out unscathed. 

The aura around Ra's had changed. He was a predator, the most dangerous of the beasts. Everyone around him could feel it and they knew that a new 'ruler' had been born. 


- 282 AC -

The first two years of Ra's as Khal had passed and it was a hectic two years. He had to prove himself as a powerful man and ruler. Someone with authority and strength to back up his claim and decisions. He had to become ruthless. But that was a bit hard for the young Khal. Even though he had locked away his purity and gentle heart, he was still the same man as before. He despised senseless murder and killings but understood the need for death and even torture. But there were things he never allowed and that was r*pe and slavery.

There was something about the act that made his blood boil. It was the act of taking away the person's freedom that he didn't like. He wanted to be free, like all the Dothraki, but his thirst for freedom was much stronger. This of course led to disputes among the Khalasar.

Buying and selling are considered to be unmanly by the Dothraki, and they instead use giving and receiving gifts as a common way of doing trade. However, giving a gift in return might not always occur immediately upon receiving a gift. This is exemplified by the Dothraki "selling" their captives on occasion to the Slaver Cities. They call these slaves "gifts", and as payment receive gifts from the slavers.

The Dothraki culture was rather complex for those who didn't know any better. Ra's knew about it since he grew up there, but he didn't care. He decided to change things, even if only slowly. Ruthlessness had taken a place in his heart, but he was not heartless. Certain things could never be taken from him as they made him who he was. He now had the power to enforce his will on the cruel and filthy world. No matter how strange his beliefs were and how contradictory they seemed, he would get what he wanted.


Almost every week there were people who challenged his rule as Khal, opting for him to kill them in a very cruel way. He took out their eyes, tongue, pharynx or even parts of their spine. But that was something he only managed to do at the end of his second year. He was now 15 name-days old and his strength was still growing stronger. After he did a Predator move, no one challenged his rule any longer. 

Instead, those who were afraid, yes there were Dothraki who were afraid of Ra's, simply left the Khalasar in the darkness of the night. Ra's didn't care about that and for good reason. First, he was only interested in truly loyal warriors who did his bidding and listened to his every beck and call. 

Secondly, he had no need for an army since he could simply create homunculi to fill his ranks as high as he wanted. He still didn't push all of the Dothraki away. Those who proved loyal and willing to follow his change in 'status quo', were welcomed into his ranks and Khalasar. This diminished the Khalasar's numbers from 25'000 to a whopping 8'000. 8'000 men and women who could fight and would fight for Ra's al Ghul. 

It was not much, but it was merely the start. 


Ra's could call forth homunculi troops that are trained and equipped. The power and amount of homunculi he can call are only limited to his power. So as he grows stronger, he will be able to summon more homunculi. Ra's tried to play around with this ability and found out that he could unsummon homunculi again, should he wish. 

His Khalasar was on its way towards the mountains surrounding the Red Waste. The Red Waste is a region of Essos west of the Bone Mountains. The desert is a barren and unforgiving landscape of stunted trees, devil grass, and ancient ruins. 

Ra's planned to create his base of operations in the Bone Mountains and the mountains to the East of the Red Waste. He would create a secret society there, where he would grow farms and build homes for his people. This was very unlike a Dothraki to do, but he didn't plan on living there all the time. It was only his base of operations, where his people could stay, like the farmers, pregnant women and the elderly or children. He would still go out and roam the plains and spread his influence throughout Essos in the meantime. 

Ra's had taken a liking to a particular group of homunculi. He knew all about the homunculi once they were summoned. He didn't know what it was, but he came to enjoy the 'ninja' homunculi. Their skills were remarkable and their work ethics left nothing to be desired. He called for a batch of ninjas and assassins originally, because he wanted to gain information. He knew that ignorance would get him killed otherwise. 


Currently, the Khalasar was resting. Almost everyone was sleeping or having intercourse. The only ones still awake were the guards whom Ra's had personally started to train and of course he himself. Ra's no longer needed sleep. He had endless endurance and stamina. Nothing sort of destroying him completely would ever take him out for good. Today marked an important day for Ra's. He was planning to call a particularly powerful homunculi which he had been waiting for. 

Currently, after training and growing powerful during these two years, Ra's could summon 500 ninja homunculi together with their equipment and special homunculi that took care of the equipment.


But Ra's wanted something else. He wanted a powerful right and left hand. His Bloodraiders, but better. So he waited until he felt he was strong enough to summon a particular homunculi he wanted. He didn't know anything about the homunculi before he summoned them. But when he focuses on what he wants he gets a feeling about whether or not he is strong enough to summon it. Today was that day. 

So he sat down cross-legged and focused his will to call forth the homunculi that he wanted. He was looking for an armoured fighter. A mixture of a deadly assassin and a knight. But without the knightly values of course. He wanted someone that could teach him and give him more fighting experience. He had the talent and the mastery over the weapons, but no experience. 

Ra's closed his eyes and thought about it. And after a moment, it was done. Standing in front of him in the desert, stood a new homunculi with a formidable and imposing figure. 

A half-orange and half-black helmet covers his entire head, leaving only one eye exposed. The helmet has a sleek and menacing design, with a metallic finish. His single visible eye is white, adding to his intimidating presence.

Besides that, he is wearing armour. His armour is dark-coloured, a mix of blacks, greys, and sometimes orange. The armour is adorned with various pouches, straps, and equipment holders, indicating his readiness for battle.

Finally, the man carries an assortment of weapons, including swords, knives, and even a staff. 


The presence of this man would have been intimidating for anyone, but Ra's was equally dangerous. However, Ra's presence paled in front of the new homunculi. 


"Fini is yeri hake?" - (What is your name?), Ra's asked. He knew that the homunculi could talk, but the assassins especially preferred to stay quiet unless spoken to. 

"Slade, tih Khal." - (Slade, my Khal.), the man said and then bowed his head ever so slightly. Ra's understood that he was a very proud man and if it was the original one, he was certain that he would probably never bow to him. But this was not the original person, this was a homunculus and he was absolutely loyal to Ra's. 

"Anha wish to gain fighting experience ha ajjin. Anha am zin amassing tih Khalasar ma searching ha tih secret base ki operations. Vo ato laz keep yath ma anna though ma, therefore, anha hash summoned yeri. Yeri presence tells anna ki yeri are hrakkarikh ma deadly. Apart ha ki, anha am looking ha tih zhorre Bloodraiders ma jil- ma sindarine-qora men ma women. Are yeri yath ha ki thikh?" 

(I wish to gain fighting experience for now. I am still amassing my Khalasar and searching for my secret base of operations. No one can keep up with me though and therefore I have summoned you. Your presence tells me that you are powerful and deadly. Apart from that, I am looking for my own Bloodraiders and right- and left-hand men and women. Are you up for that task?), Ra's asked Salde.

He spoke in Dothraki since it was the only language he knew. All of the homunculi could understand him and speak the language he spoke. He was interested to find out whether they could also speak other languages and whether he could learn them. 

"Anna would be tih honour, tih Khal." - (It would be my honour, my Khal.), Slade says and then bows slightly. 

"Rekke is vo need to kohol to anna. Anha care qisi loyalty ma vo pointless bowing ma ass licking.

"Ven yeri wish, tih Khal." - (As you wish, my Khal.), Slade said. 


As the Khalasar moved further east, Ra's started his fights with Slade the Death's Stroke, or Deathstroke as he liked to be called. Ra's told Slade to go for the kill and really hurt him if he saw an opening or a weakness. Having mastered a weapon or a fighting style doesn't mean you can defeat someone who has decades of experience on his back. 

So they fought. 

It was a brutal way of training, even for Dothraki standards but when the Dothraki saw that their Khal would get his throat cut and then stand back up like nothing happened, they learned to fear him and respect him even more. Ra's became a symbol of power and skill. As time passed, he became stronger and faster and his tactical intelligence seemed to adapt to the way of high-speed fights. Getting impaled, bisected or incapacitated was no longer anything new to him. He adapted to both the sensations and the fights and grew into a different kind of monster, the world had never seen. 


Comment on some of the homunculi Ra's could summon. They have to fit into the setting though. So no superpowers or anything like that.