

It was a dark corner of a brilliantly lit city. A space between cramped up buildings you'd barely even notice.

I don't know if I glanced down there, or if something caught my eye.

But I saw an empty, deserted cot behind the buildings, where a duel was about to begin…A mortal duel.

One man there was a giant who was easily over 190cm tall. Just one glance at his face and I could easily tell that he wasn't any ordinary man. Especially not one that was to be trifled with.

His muscles had swollen to the point that you could clearly see them breathing uncontrollably under his clothes!

And his dorsal muscles, the linchpin for punches, were protruding almost unnaturally. His fist could have easily been mistaken for a boulder, and it had countless scars on it. Scars of varying sizes ranging from tiny to extra large. Nobody could ever doubt that this man was strong…very strong.

And facing off against this presumably strong man was a young man in a tracksuit. In about his mid twenties. He seemed to be somewhere around 180 cm tall, that was a full head shorter than his opponent.

On top of that, the giant's chiseled muscular body was further accentuating the difference between him and the young man in a tracksuit.

Is he getting In a fight with that giant??

He's gonna get himself killed!

The giant towered over the young man with an ominous look on his face. His heavy aura bursting out in all directions.

He spoke, his voice sounding as menacing as his appearance. You're insane. There's my face build…you've got plenty of information to work it. If only you'd just payed attention to to it, you'd be able to tell that I ain't no normal person, I ain't on the square and that am way stronger that you wouldn't ya? But instead, you picked this fight. With me a yakuza, that's far stronger than you, you picked a fight. That ain't sane.

That's right. Who fights a guy this much bigger than him? He's definitely insane.

The young man had a lackadaisical look on his face, like someone who just awoke from a deep slumber to see the yakuza giant chanting a nursery rhyme in a foreign language.

Hmn mm. The young man finally spoke. I was really curious to see what he could possibly want to say. Nice try…. You're half right.

The yakuza feigned a quizzical look.

Oh, you want me to check over your talk? The young man asked dipping his pinky finger in his ear. Seeing as the yakuza giant didn't answer, he continued. First off, you got the part about your identity of being a yakuza right. I could tell you were a yakuza at first glance. Now….here's what you got wrong.

The young man in a tracksuit suddenly smiled broadly with full teeth on display. He had an almost maniacal expression on. On good day, anyone who saw such a face was bound to scamper away, but I was too curious to see the face off between them so I chose to still observe them from where I hid.


Why dont ya quit talking and come at me ya big Tubo' lard!

Even from the distance i was hiding, i could clearly sense a killing intent swell in the yakuza giant.

W...what did he just say? Not stronger than him? He's dead meat now!

The yakuza giant was seething mad with anger as he watched the young man smiling in such a mocking manner. He muttered to himself, but not so low that he couldn't be heard. No...I got one more thing right. He raised his head to look at the especially annoying young man, his voice also increased by a notch. You really are f*ck*d in the head!

As the yakuza giant spoke, he ripped his shirt off. this young man was definitely not going to survive this.

As the man threw off hs his shirt, his muscles seemed to grow in formidability. The sight of him looked just like the the statue of the great deva kings. In fact....There was a great Deva king sitting on this man's back.

How can he be so huge?!! Is he the terminator or something? There's no way in hell that young man can beat this monster!

But this wasn't hell.

The young man grinned mockingy, seemingly not intimidated by the intense muscles staring him down.

Damn! That's pretty impressive! You'd make most body builders look average. You couldn't have gotten such muscles with some half-assed....


Before the young man could finish talking, The yakuza giant had lost his patience and threw scraps of his shirt at him. Maybe to blind him and make him unprepared for what came next.

Watching the tattterd shirt flying towards him, the young man still grinned. Maybe this was a grin of the defeated? The grin of the weak perhaps?

Suddenly the piece of shirt flying towards him disappeared. It was replaced by the giant yakuza who clenched his fists looking to pummel the annoying young man. The yakuza giant raised his hands with a force that couldn't help but spell doom. In addition to his explosive force, his hand was moving so fast that it was blurred.

Wahh! He dodged it!!

Somehow, the young man evaded the strike successfully. I guess you're used to fighting after all! The yakuza giant roared as he threw his boulder-like hands forward multiple times in a bid to knock-out the young man.

He's way too fast and swift for that giant body, is he even human? NO. He has to be, afterall the young man is dodging his attacks without breaking a sweat.

The young man smiled even wider. Holy sh*t! It's like am fighting a buddha statue!

His nonchalance and lackadaisical attitude told the giant that he didn't take him seriously. And this infuriated the yakuza giant the more. The yakuza giant roared in anger as he clenched his hands even tighter. He mustered every ounce of strength in him as hi speed multiplied. He was ready to end the fight....If he could.


The sound of a giant fist tearing through air filled the atmosphere. Due to the empty space, The sound echoed over and over again. But the young man still dodged the super-powered punch. and he did it even more effortlessly than he dodged the previous strikes.

The power that the Yakuza giant concentrated into his hand propelled him forward after he missed the strike. He stumbled forward, losing his balance.

He's off balance, now's his chance! Or so i thought. The young man who was still grinning seemed to know much better than me.

From that unbalanced stance, The yakuza giant shifted his feet and spun with a heavy kick. His leg raised dust and dirt particles flying into the air. The space around his leg even seemed to contort because of the stunning speed.

Nope...He's really going for...The young man smiled as he raised his hands to parry the kick. He realized almost immediately that if he tried anything other than dodging that leg, then his bones !!were certainly going to be broken, shatterd even.


The concrete wall couldn't help but crack uncontrollably as the yakuza giant's leg stomped on it.

W...wh..what??!! He kicked right through a concrete wall!!

Standing a small distance away, the young man spoke. His normal lackadaisical tone ever present. So those are steel boots huh? I sure wouldn't want to be on the bussiness end of that.

His leg still on the wall, the yakuza stared him down from over his shoulders. You're a real irritating son of a bi*ch.


For some reason best known to him, the young man still laughed. Maybe he had a laughter disorder or something. Or maybe he just found the Yakuza so amusing that he couldn't help but keep laughing. I sure am irritating aren't I?

He's no match for him. A thin and delicate young man easily defeats a giant....Is a plot that only abounds in a fantasy. Because in reality, Strength and size are linked! The small are overwhelmed by the large and the soft are overrun by the large. That's just the state of Nature!

C'mon...How long are you going to keep running around. The yakuza giant spoke, he was really disgusted by this dude who picked a fight and was running away. You picked this fight! Why dont you bring some.....

sure here goes.

Taking the big guy's strategy into motion, the young man charged at him before he could finish talking.

Now that's more like it!!

The giant roared In a fit of excitement.

The yakuza roared in excitement as the young man finally took the initiative to attack.

the giant threw his hands forward in an attempt to intercept the speeding young man.

For some reason, the young man was particularly very fast. maybe it was because of his small size.

Wait! The young man isn't in any way a small person. it was just the giant that was too big, making him look very small.

Moving very fast, the young man still managed to duck and avoid the attack. He countered swiftly with a fist strike of his own.


The yakuza was stunned by this movement. Could this guy actually...

The yakuza giant was surpprised. He didn't know what to do or how to react. because of this confusion, his groan ended up coming out as a bit of a question. The terrible pain he felt in his face told him that his face was swollen....Really swollen. Just because he received one punch from this guy who was so much smaller than him.

The yakuza paused for a bit. His body was quivering from the immense anger he felt. It was rare to see a human of that size and build look so flustered. The yakuza immedately recouped himself and stared at the young man for a while, his face devoid of any emotion.

Suddenly, he roared in fury as he charged towards the young man. when he rushed into the fight earlier, he had never thought for once that he was going to feel this way because of this guy in a tracksuit.

The young man stood still, his ever present annoying grin plastered accross his face.

Something moved!

The young man's leg flickered and reappeared in the face of the yakuza. he dealt a very powerful kick to the jaw of the yakuza. The yakuza's muscles tightened as he groaned in pain. He watched in despair as a few of his teeth danced happily out of his mouth. As he fell to the floor, he thought to himself. Damn! I really didn't see that coming.

The young man now towered over the kneeling giant. He spoke slowly and dramatically.

You just dont get it do ya?...Just muscles aren't enough! He raised his voice a bit as he kicked the yakuza's jaw again.

I couldn't believe my eyes. This man, the size of a hill seemed to shrink before my very eyes.


He wasn't shrinking but the young man in a tracksuit was getting bigger and bigger. He seemed so unbelievably big that the giant deva king looked just like a pet to him....A very tiny pet.

Huff....Huff.....Huff....The yakuza breathed heavily as he still managed to get into a fighting stance.

The young man evened grinned wider as he watched on the laughably pitiable act the yakuza was displaying.

So now...The young man spoke slowly, his grin completely disappearing as a cold air and aura surrounded him, had this powerful aura been there, the yakuza wouldn't have gotten into a fight with him no matter what happened. ....Do you understand which one of us is the challenger?

The yakuza's face contorted in both shame and anger as he realized that he was actually the challenger.

Well…just bring it on like your life depends on it. The young man was grinning again.

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