

<p><br/><br/> I hop in my Mercedes-Benz and drive off to work. I work at a small mechanic workshop downtown as an assistant.<br/> I fist bump my boss Kelly ,more like a friend turned Bigbrother, I've known him since college days ,he took me in since I ran away from home, from my dad and from his business world.He gave me shelter and employed me to work for him at the workshop since he discovered I love repairing and building cars ,he accommodated me till I got my shit together and got my own place that feels more comfortable and homey.<br/> I ran away from my dad because he was imposing his dreams on me by making me study business administration in college which was not what I wanted .since I was a little girl I've always wanted to repair damaged and build cars on my own,but my father dreams was to have a son who will be the heir to his company , unfortunately for him ,my mother conceived a girl which is no other person than Keira (chuckles).<br/> I did what he wanted because of my mom's pleading and persuasion to go study business in college. After I graduated ,he wanted me at the company.<br/> On my first day at the company I got different looks from the employees , some was look of distaste, jealousy, admiration and some competitive looks at that moment I realized that I never wanted the life .<br/> My Father assigned his Assistant to train me on how to run the company, during launch break , everyone left the office to have lunch except my of course, because I didn't have the appetite for any food,so I tried getting some work done until a masked stranger barged in my office and held a knife to my throat and told me that if I accept the position of the CEO I'll die a painful death and the rightful owner of the position will come after me .After he left I ran home and picked few things and left , since that very day I disappeared into the thin Air , nobody knows my whereabout except Brie of course I trust her not disclose any information about me .<br/> Honestly I've never wanted to be a business Miguel like my father,he is a monster and can be very brutal when it comes to business,you don't want to mess with him, that life is not what I want ,a life that I'll have to look over my shoulder every minutes ,for the rest of my life<br/>According to father" A man have to be callous and greedy when doing business ,any kind of relationship i.e Friends , family or relatives are not entertained when doing business" that created alot of enemies for him.<br/> I choose the easy way by leaving that life behind .Here am I today working and doing what I've always wanted and working through the part of achieving my Dreams</p>

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