
Chapter 3: Euclidean Empire

"I don't know... was it an explosion?" Secretary Gao, who was driving, glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that the young master's expression was not so pleased, so he carefully ventured a response.

An explosion?

What nonsense is this?

The expressionless young man, who had not found anything of note in that video, felt even worse: "Has the verdict for the Original Jade Stone fraud case come out yet?"

"It has, but it's strange, sir. The mastermind this time turned out to be the orphan girl adopted by the second household."

"The orphan girl?"

The man sitting in the back, recalling the girl he had seen a few times at home, who was always meek and followed behind the woman of the second household, had a hint of a cold smile on his lips: "Do you believe it?"

Secretary Gao hurriedly shook his head: "Of course not, but now the second household has pushed all the evidence onto this little girl, making her the scapegoat. Even if we wanted to give them trouble, it would be useless now."

Indeed, that was the case!

The man, holding the closing document that had arrived in his hand, grew dark in the eyes: "We'll let them off this time. Continue to keep an eye on them, and finding the true mastermind behind them is key!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, hurry up and find out who was responsible for what happened at the hotel that night, and who was that woman?!!"

Secretary Gao: "..."

Sir, it's been two months, and you still haven't recalled how you ended up in someone's room that night. How do you expect me, an outsider, to investigate it?!!


=====Time Division Line======

Five years later, downtown, Ou Family Building-

After the struggle of five years, the Ou Family's shares began to be clearly distributed. The decades-old brand "Dragon-Phoenix Jewelry" naturally went to the second household, which has made rapid progress in the jewelry industry in recent years.

And the third household? Without the inheritance of jade ware, they took over other projects, such as Ou Family Department Store, Ou Family Real Estate, Ou Family Hotel. While not as famous as "Dragon-Phoenix Jewelry," the businesses have flourished under the management of the young master of the third household in the past five years and were in no way inferior to the second household. Moreover, he recently established his own jade brand "Yuzhirun," ready to enter the jewelry market.

"Ningning, are you really sure you want to interview with this company?"

Qiao Feiyu parked her Xiaoxia in front of this iconic skyscraper, saw the "Yuzhirun" sign above, which was a very small lightbox, and couldn't help but worry.

A newly established brand, can it really make an impact?

But the woman sitting behind her just glanced indifferently at the building, then gently set down the little boy she was holding: "Xiaobao, be good and listen to Auntie Qiao here. Mom will be back soon after going out for a bit, okay?"

"Mom, are you going to work here?"

The little boy, only about four years old, plump and cute like a delicate doll, asked like a little adult after hearing his mother's words.

Seeing this, the woman, whose mood had been somewhat tense, suddenly softened: "Yes, do you like it? If mom gets the job, I can buy you your favorite toys."

The little boy: "..."

After a while, his little face, looking out the car window at the building so tall he couldn't see the top even if he raised his little head, reluctantly admonished: "Then mom, be careful."