

Before the dawn, there was the Great Emptiness. In the Great Emptiness there are the three Numen, holding jurisdiction of all creation: Void, who brings creation to equilibrium, Infinitum Dao comprised Yin and Yang revolves creation to bring unending variables, and Aeternum Radix connecting creation to Origin.

The Three Numen were without form or energy, but embodied the authority of the Great Emptiness. From the Great Emptiness, reality and worlds blooms into form constantly, like a field of blooming flowers. When a world is born, time begins just as space formed. In space and time, celestial bodies took form to accommodate vitality, giving birth to life. There was life and then death. The Cycle came to be. The three Numen watch over every world, ensuring stability and its life-forms.

In one particular moment, a peculiar world was born from the Great Emptiness. However, in this world, the Three Numen became self-aware. Growing self-aware, the three Numen became curious of the worlds they helped create and explored amongst the denizens. That peculiar world quickly became their favorite, learning many things while watching that unique world.

The Three Numen were very fond of one clan called Manu. They were fragile in body, but their eyes burned with intellect, spirit, and courage. In the most dire of situations, when it was impossible to run, the Manu rose defiantly and valiantly against their foes in order to preserve their clan. They killed for food while thanking nature for providing sustenance. They honor their dead and the dead of their enemies, believing the struggles of nature are the cycle of life. The Three Numen saw the Manu was in tune with the world and also closest in body and spirit to The Great Emptiness. As they spectated the Manu, their fondness for the clan grew to the point it biased their opinions.

Through the Manu people, the Three Numen learned of love and also fell in love with the Manu Chief and the Manu Chieftess, the two leaders of the Manu clan. Their love was not that of man and woman, nor the love of parents for their children. Since the Three Numen are the Great Emptiness' authority, their love was transcendent in which the authority of all Creation cherished the two Manu Chief and Chieftess.

One catastrophic day, the Manu people faced unprecedented calamity. Four ambitious tribes in those primordial times sought to conquer all life in that peculiar world. The killing and enslaving fed their bigotry and their arrogance, calling themselves Gods, Immortals, Archmages, and Deities. Other tribes and races forced to flee can only exist as the captured, the enslaved, and the conquered.

The Three Numen saw the crisis befalling the Manu people. People of the Manu Clan took in the primordial beasts of the world, struggling to hide and seek shelter from the tyranny of their enemies. The Three Numen were helpless, as their very existence was the authority of equilibrium, variation, and origin. To help them would be to go against their authority, their very existence. They could only watch the struggles of the Chief and Chieftess from afar.

The eventual battle came. That battle, the Manu Chief and Chieftess lead their people to war. Allied with primordial beasts, the Manu people fought boldly. However, overwhelmed by the joint attacks of their enemies, the Chief and Chieftess sacrificed themselves to establish a restriction on their land. The Three Numen were heartbroken and felt extreme sorrow for the first time in their eternal existence. In their anguish and mourning, they banished everyone from the restricted Manu Land before hiding it in forbidden shadow. They also banished the Manu people, leaving them with a prophecy of their Chief and Chieftess' return and only allowing a visit every millennium.

Later, the Three Numen split their authority into two and gave it to the spirit of the Chief and Chieftess to nurture them within the land and be reborn again. The primordial beasts split into Yin and Yang in acknowledgment, to be reborn alongside the Chief and Chieftess, binding themselves to their spirit.

After it was done, the authority given to the Manu Chief and Chieftess, the Three Numen ceased to exist and so did the workings of Creation, sealed inside two Manu clansmen. The Great Emptiness perceived the missing force and reacted, releasing Singularity energy to promote new entities to bear Creation's authority.

The age of Renaissance Controversy began. Life-forms in all worlds pave their road to cultivation and cultivate towards The Great Emptiness while the restricted land of the Manu stays hidden, silently waiting for two Manu clansmen to be reborn...