
Kaiser Impact: The Victory Key

This rotten world is destined to be destroyed. And fighting this enemy, is like fighting a natural force... No, it's not like that. Fighting this enemy is almost like fighting a Cosmic God! But there is still a chance to win. It is small, but it is there. It's time to start [Project Kaiser]! "Kaiser" is a word that came from German and means [Emperor]. It's a bit ironic when you think about it, but... only a ruler of high rank, something like an emperor, could defeat other rulers, right? It's time for the Kaisers to wake up and for the [Parallel Truths] to be found! ~~~~~~~~~~ + ~~~~~~~~~~ Important Notes 01: I write this story in Portuguese and then translate it into English. If you find any grammatical errors, let me know! Because we speak different languages, there are different rules! 02: This story will NOT follow the chronology! This story was created thinking of an ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE! It is even possible to find counterparts in this world... Morax as a Kaiser? Really interesting! 03: This story will be divided into other volumes/books, but this one is the first. 04: I plan to make you feel anger, indignation, happiness, get excited, feel comfortable, and I want to make you cry. Please respect some of the things that will happen here. I mean it!

Soleil_VAR · Videojogos
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4 Chs

[Chapter 01 - A Confident Boy]

My head hurts...

It's serious. What happened yesterday? I don't feel like getting out of bed at all, but I think it's necessary... there are tests today at school.

Slowly I began to open my eyes. Honestly, I thought that the first thing to appear in my vision would be the ceiling of my room, but I was completely wrong!

At the same time that I opened my eyes, they were completely battered by the sunlight that apparently came through the window and was more than enough to make me close them again.

Unconsciously, a long, heavy sigh came out of my mouth.

"Haah. I think I forgot the curtain open- Arg!", Before I finished speaking, a sharp pain in my head forced me to hold it open with my hands. "A-Arg~...! Shit. What happened? M-My head is hurting too much. Did someone break into my room with a truck by any chance?"

Seriously, what the hell is going on here?!

"You seem to have woken up, sir. You slept quite a bit, to say the least," said a female voice. "Excuse me."

Huh...? Did I wake up? What do you mean "excuse me"? Is there someone else in my room?

Let's be honest? I'm completely confused about what's going on... Wait! H-Heh! Why the hell am I hearing a female voice in my room?!

Wait... Calm down! Think calmly! I don't live with my mother and I don't have any sisters.

So that can only mean one thing...

Could it be...? Did I finally get my first one?! Hehehe... final- Shit! I almost made that weird smile again.

Ahem! I almost lost my composure...

Anyway, I'd better open my eyes and find this beautiful and respectable lady, correct? That explains why I didn't close the curtains last night, correct? I was "too busy" to worry about that kind of thing.

Dad! Your son has finally become a man! Our family's wish will finally be fulfilled!

Without wasting any more time, I opened my eyes so that I could see the girl I slept with. Without a doubt, she must be beautiful!

Ohhh! So it is... a child!



What the...?

A... child?

A child with platinum hair...?

Why is there a child in front of me...?

Strange... My brain seems to be having some difficulty processing.

At this very moment I was looking at a child. She would be twelve or thirteen at most, and she looked like she was wearing a nun's outfit, but a little different. The combination of black with gold lines suits her. The black of the outfit makes a nice contrast with the white of her hair, which is long and tied up in a low ponytail and placed over her shoulders.

"Huh? Is there a problem?" the child asked. "Are you delighted with me? Hmph! I don't blame you for that! I'm the cutest girl in the world. I know that!"

......... Father, forgive me. I think your son really fucked up this time!

But if you look closely, there is no denying that she is beautiful.

...... Right. Shit. For some reason, I feel like I bought a one-way ticket to prison.

"Are you okay boy?"

The child's blue eyes were staring at me in a worried way.

She's really cute... but...

"Is there a problem?"

...I can't believe I did this to a child!!!! What the fuck did I do?! Did I drink something?! The last thing I remember is sleeping in my room!

"Are you okay?"

I don't even remember leaving the house!

"Hey, why are you looking at me with that pitying expression? Did something happen...? W-Why are you looking at me like that?"


What should I do- Huh? O-Oh... shit. She looks scared and has tears in her eyes. Looks like I scared her. I'd better calm down.

"Q-Would you like me to leave?" she asked.

Oh God! Forgive me!

Without a second thought, I held his right shoulder.

"Huh?! The... What!?"

"I will take responsibility!", I stated with as much seriousness as I could find. "Don't worry!"

"H-Huh? What...? A-Assume?", Quickly his cheeks turned a redder shade.

M- Forgive me father. I won't be able to fulfill the goal of our lineage...

I must assume what I have done!

"Did you do something wrong?" she asked.

Her look of concern is so... so pure! An angel...


"Sniff Sniff Sniff!"

"Heh?! What... Why are you crying!", She looked confused, afraid and worried. "Is it a side effect?"

Before I could answer...


... Someone started laughing uncontrollably.

Huh? Who is this other woman?

Looking at her, I saw that she was a woman with red hair and wearing a black suit (this skirt was really small...). She was tall in stature; with long, silky red hair and a beautiful, magnificent body... Wait, is that body real by any chance? Look at it! It looks like something out of anime- Ahem! Keep your focus, Soldriel!

Looking around more carefully, I noticed that I was not in my room. Instead, I was in a hospital room. It feels like I am in the hospital bed, not in my bed.

This is getting more and more confusing.

"Y-you guys can explain to me...?"

That was all I could say.

It was a simple question, but it was enough to make both of them look at me strangely. To be more exact, they were both looking at me with... sadness and pity.

"I'll do that," the redhead replied. "But before that, how about we introduce ourselves?"

It's true! How did I forget that part! Ahem...

"Right! I had forgotten, sorry!", I replied with a smile. "My name is Soldirel K. Solly! I'm turning seventeen and I'm a sophomore at Nagazora College, since I've decided to spend some time in the city."

I finished introducing myself, but they just remained silent. Their looks of pity and sadness seem to have grown stronger.

What happened...? I'm really getting worried.

"C-Correct! Our turn..."

It was the red-headed woman who decided to answer.

"I am Murata Himeko. The one next to me is Theresa Apocalypse."

Ohh... what a change! Himeko-san conveys a really professional and rigid air. I didn't expect that! A few minutes ago she looked like an ordinary person, but suddenly she changed her posture. I feel like I'm talking to a squadron captain! That's strange...

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise, Mister Solly."

"You can just call me Soldirel, Himeko-san!"

She smiled after I said that.

Man... she is really beautiful.

It looks like I won't have time to admire her, since Himeko-san has a serious expression on her face. I think they will explain to me what happened.

"Soldriel, what do you know about [Honkai]?"

"Huh? O... Honkai?"

This is a really strange and unexpected question, but considering the serious look on Himeko-san's face, I think it's better to answer truthfully.

"Actually, I don't know much about him. There's hardly any information to read or watch...".

No matter how hard I searched for information about it, I never found anything really useful. All I could find on the Internet or in books were just theories, legends and mysteries.

None of the colleges I attended helped in this quest of mine. Very little is taught about Honkai in the regular colleges...

"[Honkai], or commonly called "humanity's greatest enemy," is nothing more and nothing less than a natural force. To be more specific, he is an entity...," Before I continued what I was talking about, I ended up reflecting on a few things, "...or maybe he is a God? A cosmic monster? Honestly, I have no idea what Honkai really is, Himeko-san. I know only the basics."

All I know is that the world has been dominated by Honkai. No matter where you go, there is Honkai Energy spread all over the place. This energy is already present all over the planet (in fact, Honkai energy has even been found on other planets). It is an apocalyptic energy that destroys and corrupts everything. This energy is really problematic, and has been trying to destroy humanity for years!

To be honest, the fact that there are reports and legends about great diseases and monsters appearing in human history from previous centuries only makes it clear that Honkai has been manifesting itself in the world in different ways. It has already been proven that Honkai can manifest itself through natural disasters, as it was with the ash rain that destroyed New York once; through extremely dangerous plagues, such as the Black Death or the troublesome Coronavirus that appeared in the past, and the most annoying and laborious to solve.... by creating monsters, called [Honkai Beasts].

These Honkai Beasts are really annoying and troublesome. Just one of these monsters, depending on its level, is already capable of destroying an entire city by itself. These monsters remind me of those manhwas from systems.

Anyway, what is the reason for all this happening...? Why is humanity under attack? I don't know. My knowledge ends here.

It is quite demotivating to know that I have learned so little about Honkai, even in so many years of study...

"I believe that will make things easier," Theresa commented. "The truth, Soldriel-kun..."

Soldriel-kun? Are you serious? Wasn't there something better?

"...you were found unconscious in Nagazora after the [3rd Honkai Impact]."

I froze.


Where had I heard about that? Impact... Impac- I remember! That's it!

[Honkai Impact], or just Impact, occurs when a series of Honkai Eruptions and aftershocks happen at a specific place. The amount of honkai energy at these places is absurdly high. This is one of the most feared events for humankind.

The reason? Because an Impact will always result in only one thing...the birth of a [Herrscher]* (from Latin German, meaning "rulers")!

They are entities that have been chosen by Honkai himself as his envoys to humanity, considered to be the midpoint between the human race and the Honkai Beasts.

Unlike Honkai Beasts, Herrschers are fully aware of their actions, yet they are said to be influenced by Honkai's will through their emotions...

They are extremely dangerous, even to the level of being called the Gods of Honkai! Many say that they are the arms of the entity that wishes to destroy humans, the [Honkai God]!

... it's amazing how I've memorized all this, but I still haven't learned how to do percentage...

"I see. So you had an Impact in Nagazora..."

"Exactly. You were one of the survivors found there. It was a really amazing sight to see you lying in the center of the impact," Himeko said with a serious, analytical expression. "You were in the newspapers for quite a while. Men are more easily contaminated and killed by honkai, as you may already know."

Actually, I had forgotten about that part too...

"I see. I didn't expect something like this in Nagazora..."

I couldn't help but be silent for a few seconds as I thought about how terrifying it must have been.

Wait... is my sleep that heavy!? I kept sleeping even during an honkai eruption!?

Man, my expression must be one of bewilderment.

"I understand that feeling," Himeko commented. "It must have been hard for you."

Difficult? What are you talking about Himeko-san?! I literally slept through an honkai eruption! How many people can say they were relaxing and taking an afternoon nap during an honkai eruption? Just me!

I feel so fucking fucked up! I am awesome! This one I will tell all my kids!




Oh. It looks like they are worried. I guess it's kind of obvious, since I have that stupid grin on my face again...

"I wanted to thank you for what you did back then."

Huh...? Did I do something? Will she thank me for sleeping? What a nice person.

"I heard from my niece that you saved her and her friends," Theresa soon bowed with a serious expression on her face. "I thank you for doing that. You really helped them! You have my gratitude and one day I will surely repay you!"

"I say the same, Soldriel," Himeko commented.

Error. I think my brain stopped working. I don't remember any of it.

"Huh... are you guys sure about that? I don't remember doing anything like that."

I could see that they both shuddered at this. Aren't they too serious about such a trivial matter? I survived an eruption, so what's the problem? Do they regret not getting there sooner or something?

"Looks like the disease did that too...," grumbled Himeko. "That shit...!"

Himeko was really angry. I could see her veins bulging out from so much anger. Her clenched fists were red from so much force.

Theresa had a bitter expression on her face.

"Why did it have to be a man?"

Oye! That was really rude of you little girl!

They are really blaming themselves for something, but for what?

"Did something happen?"

They both stared at me for a few minutes, until the little girl stepped forward. She didn't look very confident.

"It's just that... Well... The truth is that you... Heh...," Theresa seemed to be searching for the right words to say that. "You... Soldriel, you were..."

"You are suffering from [Honkai Disease]. Probably... you will die soon."


I didn't know what to say. I just... I have no idea what to say or how to react.

I'm going to die, so...

Should I cry?

Should I scream?

Should I be sad?

I don't know what to do...

"I know this is a lot to digest," the redhead said in a failed attempt to calm me down.

Himeko had a pitying expression, but at the same time she seemed to understand me very well. In fact... slowly her face turned into a strange expression of regret and self-hatred.

What kind of reaction is this...? She is looking at me, but I don't feel as if she is really staring at me...

"How much time do I have?"

"We brought you here for just that reason," Theresa replied.

"Here...? Here where?"

"We are in one of the capitals of the country, in [Soukai] currently."

HEH?! Wait! I'm in "Valkyrie City"?! Soukai is a famous city, since it's where the biggest Valkyrie Academy exists!

[Valkyries]... they are a mystery to me, but I respect all of them immeasurably. They are the ones who fight against the terrible Honkai Beasts, and many of them are responsible for great discoveries!

Valkyries are women with an adaptability to honkai. Their bodies have mutated and become resistant to honkai energy. Much more than that, some of them have even become absurdly more powerful!

I don't know how to react! It's amazing!

I wonder if I can meet one of them in person! Maybe I can meet the mysterious captain who is said to live in the city, the [Crimson Captain of Ruin]! Ohh, it would be awesome to meet the principal of the Valkyrie academy, she's said to be extremely strong and cute (a nice combination)! Wait! Wait! Maybe I can even meet the strongest valkyrie, Durandal, also known as the [Goddess of Valkyries]!

Man, this is magnificent.

"Hahaha! I can tell exactly what you're thinking, kid!" commented Himeko.

Finally returning to normal, I noticed that both of them were staring at me with great interest.

Ah! ~ Shame on me... my face is getting hot.

"You seem to really like the Valkyries, huh?"

Theresa's tone of voice made it clear that she was trying to embarrass me, but... I won't deny my love for them!

"Yes! I really love and admire each of them, especially the Crimson Captain of Ruin, Durandal and the Saint of Judah! It would be no mistake to say that I really love them!"

It seems that my answer took them by surprise. Their reactions were similar, although still different.

Theresa turned a little red as she looked away. She was also playing with her own hair... oh, she's trying to hide her blush with her own hair! That's very cute!

Himeko seemed convinced that she wanted to keep her posture. She stood erect and puffed out her chest, exuding professionalism and rigidity, but... she was failing miserably at hiding the blush and smile at the corner of her mouth. A truly incredible sight...!

Wait. Why did they react like that? I mean, I just confessed my love and respect for the Valkyries. There's nothing wrong with that, right? It's thanks to her that people can live happier and more peaceful lives!

In any case, it is better to change the subject.

"B-Well...getting back to the point...," Theresa commented. "We can't tell what is happening to you. The honkai disease inside you, is very strange and unique. Normal people would have died long ago!"


"What?" asked Theresa.

"I was in the hospital for how long? Talking like that makes it sound like it's been months..."

The two seemed to have noticed something.

"Soldriel...you were in a coma for two years."




.... what?

"D-Two... Two years?"

Himeko nodded.

"No one can tell what is happening to your body, but... with so much honkai energy in your body, it is quite likely that you could die at any moment!"

.... Shit.

I have no idea how to react! I just remember to lie down on my bed and go to sleep...it's like I've hibernated.

I couldn't help but let out a long, heavy sigh.

"So... I was a victim of the Third Honkai Impact, lost my memories of the accident, contracted honkai disease, lost two years of my life, and now I could die at any moment... looks like bad luck wants me as a birthday present, huh?"

After the short summary of my enormous misfortune, the room just went silent.

Honestly, I am lost. What am I supposed to do? I literally could die overnight. It's so... agonizing. It's as if I have no control over my own life.

Will I simply die?



While I was lost in my thoughts, I ended up remembering someone... it was my father. He always said that we should follow our hearts, regardless of anything else. I really miss the old man.... that's it!

Suddenly, I stood up from the bed and jumped on the floor.

Wow! N-Wow... my body feels much heavier than before!


"What is it boy?"

The two seemed startled.

"I have made up my mind! I will fulfill my ancestors' wish before I die!"

The two seemed to be really impressed.

"Pfft... Ha ha ha ha!", Theresa started laughing non-stop.

Himeko, unlike Theresa, had a stunned expression. This is understandable. Normal people would be screaming, crying or making a mess, but me... I'm excited to realize my goal!

Now... I feel like every second of my life is worth 100x more! I will take this chance!

"Incredible!" commented Theresa. "That's impressive, Soldriel-kun!"

The little girl had a big smile on her face and had both hands on her waist. She looked impressed and happy with my answer. It seems that I said something that made her really happy.

"You're a really confident person, huh?"

"That's my greatest skill!"

Now, let's get down to business.

With a serious look on my face, I walked over to Himeko and stood in front of her.

"What? Do you need anything-"

"Please be my first girlfriend!"

At that moment, it seemed as if time had stopped.

Everyone was quiet.


That is the desire of my lineage... The dark desire that haunts my father's descendants and ancestors! The desire to do what no one has ever done! The desire to have... the greatest and most incredible harem that the history of mankind could ever know!

Of course, I know exactly the problems of having a harem! I know how hard it is to take care of all your wives equally, to make them feel happy! But I will not give up!

All my ancestors have failed in this mission, but .... I will not fail!

I could see that Himeko, and even Theresa, had a strange expression. It was a bit of embarrassment, but I could also see a bit of... disappointment and disgust.

I really felt bad about those looks. Strange... as far as I remember, I was very beautiful! Way above average! I did everything I could to be the most amazing person possible for my harem!

I had forgotten about the two years. My body must be all atrophied... wait, how can I stand up? I spent two years lying in bed, so why can I stand up? Trying to find a way to see my reflection, I looked around the room.

Oh! You can see my reflection in the window......

What the fuck is this?


I began to shudder at what I was seeing.

My hair, which used to be neatly combed and brown, was now messy and with a golden streak in the bangs... I got smaller!

I looked at my body.... I couldn't see my feet. M-My belly was big... very big!

It took me a while to understand, but ... I got fat. I got fat as fuck!

My body, it used to be beautiful. I spent years training my body! I haven't missed a day at that fucking gym that I love so much!

My muscles... my dear muscles... what happened to you, my little children?

I could feel my tears falling.

"S-Soldriel?", asked Himeko. "What is it...?"

I couldn't think straight.

I lost my children... I lost my work and effort! The fruits of my labor were murdered in those two years...?

Why...? Why are you doing this to me, laws of nature...? This is wrong... It doesn't even make sense!

I have lost two years of life; I am destined to die; I have lost memories... and now I have lost my beautiful muscles....

Ahhh... I give up all this. Fuck you, you fucking Honkai!

After such a disaster, I lost my conscience.