
Just to Pass the Time

*There will be gore and violent content in some of the stories; various topics such as mental illnesses, abuse(verbal/physical), negative stereotypes, etc.; as well as some crude language that may bother or not be suitablefor some readers.* (I will put a warning on the chapters where it is more pronounced.) This will be a collection of short stories that I have written over the years. There will be some stories with male leads and other with female leads. Some stories will be fantasy, mystery, realistic fiction, LGBTQ+, science fiction, slice of life, and more. If some are "popular" enough and any reader likes the story, I can create a "sequel" or just extend the story a bit. Anyways, I'll leave a brief description before the start of each story and the chapter titled will really be the title of the short story. Hopefully anyone reading enjoys :)

KayyRo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs



After the initial shock and confusion, I closed my eyes for a few seconds to see if my vision would clear, and my brain could make sense of the situation. It smelt musty and like mold; every little noise, made an echo.

Once I opened my eyes again, I tried to focus on my surrounding, still unaware of how I ended up here. "Come on...Come on! We have to GO!" Without realizing it, my friend grabbed my wrist and began to pull me along the dark and musty tunnel.

As I tried to make sense of my surroundings, I only became more confused. I watched the wall of the tunnel pass me by in a green, black, and rust covered blur. I blinked my eyes many times in efforts to better focus my slightly blurred vision, but to no avail.

The longer and further I ran, I was able to pick up more details about my surroundings. I could tell that I was barefoot and running through very cold water; my clothes were torn in some places, and we were running as best we could through water at least knee deep.

I could hear the water splashing around us as we ran frantically through the smelly and murky water. I heard occasional squeaks and squeals of small animal that I assumed resided in the tunnel. Yet, I could only see vague shapes and colors; it was if there was something in my eyes distorting my vision.

"Come ON! We have to HURRY!" My friend quickened her pace and tightened her grip around my wrist, so much so that it began to hurt. Suddenly I felt a strange tingling feeling; it seemed to travel from my feet, up to my legs, then to my back.

At the same time I noticed that I stepped on something that felt hard yet soft at the same time. I yelped out in shock, and my friend stopped running and turned to look down at the water, all the while never letting go of my wrist.

I looked to the ground to see what I stepped on and the sight of it made me shiver and shake in fear. I was unable to move, unable to scream, the only thing I could feel was my friends grip on my wrist.

There was a body of a young deceased girl, that looked about my age and height. Her body was staked to the ground with a long railroad stake. Her blonde colored hair and her summer dress was swaying slightly in the water, like sea weed in the ocean.

What was more troubling is that her eyes were open and she seemed to be staring directly into my eyes. Her arms were down at her side, slightly shuffling. I finally realized I stepped directly into her torso.

I screamed loudly as my friend and I sped off into the darkness of the tunnel once again. A million things were running through my head at the moment. I was startled to see the girl but I was also startled that I could focus on the dead girl so clearly but I had yet to see my friends face or even hear her scream.

It felt as though we were running for 20 minutes or more, all the while stuck in the seemingly never ending tunnel. Then, I finally began to notice a dim light at the end of the long tunnel.

My relief was short lived; I began to feel scared once again, fearing for my life as well as my friends life, and I couldn't figure out why. Our pace had slowed considerably and I was gasping for air, while my friend was simply motionless.

"What is this?" I whispered to my friend, but she didnt answer. Every second she didn't answer was another second I felt closer to my death. "How did we even get here?" Again, no answer.

I once again began to feel the strange tingling feeling, increasing every step forward I took. I cringed as I feared what was next to come. I just wanted to go home and take a shower, putting all if this craziness aside.

After a few more steps, I once again felt a hard yet soft feeling under my feet, then I felt a pain on my ankle; as if i was being held in place. I hesitated then looked down, and was confused even more than the first time

I once again stepped onto the torso of the deceased girl, but this time some of her features were different. Her hair was now brown, but blonde, and her clothes resemble something more comfortable and casual. Something...that I...would...wear...

I was frantic, I screamed out as loud as I could and tried to pry myself away from my friend's grip. "How can this be me? I'm right here, see? I'm not dead, I'm not dead!" My head started to spin and my friend finally released my arm.

"This is the end of your journey, Belle," she said in a slow creepy tone. Before I could react she pushed me into the water. I fought and squirmed around with all my strength, but soon I couldn't move...couldn't breathe.

I finally realized my vision was blurry, it was because of the water. It was so murky and dark that I could only see vague shapes and colors.

My body began to slowly fade and become weightless. It was in my last breath that I realized, my friend was driving a railroad stake through my chest. Soon my body lay forgotten, never able to resurface from the bone chilling waters of the sewer.

This story was actually based off a sketchy dream I had when I was in middle school, which is when this was originally written. I modified it a bit so it wouldn't be as short, and hopefully a bit more interesting. Let me know what you think and if you want more stories like this. Thanks :)

KayyRocreators' thoughts