
Just to Pass the Time

*There will be gore and violent content in some of the stories; various topics such as mental illnesses, abuse(verbal/physical), negative stereotypes, etc.; as well as some crude language that may bother or not be suitablefor some readers.* (I will put a warning on the chapters where it is more pronounced.) This will be a collection of short stories that I have written over the years. There will be some stories with male leads and other with female leads. Some stories will be fantasy, mystery, realistic fiction, LGBTQ+, science fiction, slice of life, and more. If some are "popular" enough and any reader likes the story, I can create a "sequel" or just extend the story a bit. Anyways, I'll leave a brief description before the start of each story and the chapter titled will really be the title of the short story. Hopefully anyone reading enjoys :)

KayyRo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Date Night Complications

*Thriller* *There is some violence(no rape) and crude language in this chapter; be advised*

*Whoosh* The soft sound of the waves hitting the shore along with the soft sound of the bugs "singing" in the distance, broke the complete silence of the night. There were two people sitting on a small wooden bench at the edge of the beach; their feet sitting softly on top of the loose sand, still warm from the previous day.

The man had a slightly nervous look on his face and his body was somewhat tense. He worse khaki colored dress pants, brown shoes; that were now off to the side, and had a light blue button up shirt over a plain white t-shirt. The light blue complimented his medium brown skin tone and hair color. He then looked over in the woman's direction; she was facing the ocean and had her eyes closed, with a soft smile on her slightly round face.

'Her hair looks so soft today, I love her natural curls,' he thought to himself; his eyes slowly began to trail down her body. 'Her neck looks so good, so slender...so smooth, her light brown skin...mm so alluring.' He took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, "Maya?" His deep, husky voice filled her ears and she shuddered slightly, just at the simple sound of her name coming from him.

She then opened her eyes and slowly turned to face him, her light brown eyes and long eyelashes focusing intently on his deep, clear green eyes. She slightly licked her lips and without speaking, moved her eyes down from his eyes, to his lips. 'So plump, I like good lips on a man,' she thought to herself as her eyes went down to his shoulder and his chest. 'His body is so strong and built, I can just imagine how good it feels to be held tightly in his embrace.'

He could tell she was lost in thought, he saw her eyes trailing down his body and smiled slightly. 'Wow, she has such a wild and hungry look in her eyes. It's absolutely, beautifully...arousing.' She then made eye contact with him once again and slowly tipped her head to the side, biting her lip ever so slightly in the process.

"Yes...Salizar?" His eyes widened slightly and his body tensed once again, that was the first time he had heard her speak to him directly. 'Her voice us like warm honey, wow. I bet she makes...the BEST sounds,' he thought lustfully. He then noticed her cheeks had a slight pink tint from her blushing, and her chest seemed move more noticeable up and down with every breath she took.

'She has such a nice collar bone...her skin looks so soft and warm, her chest...so, fun,' he shifted slightly in his seat to try and hide just how much he was enjoying this beauty sitting just inches away from him. She smiled sweetly, noticing his enjoyment even before he shifted his position, 'Thats...wow,' she thought as she slowly reached towards him and put her hand on the crook of his neck. "Salizar...we don't have to do anything you aren't ready for,' she said in a low whispering tone.

He smiled slightly and leaned into her hand, "Nothing you haven't done before...Right Maya?" The smile on her lips quickly faded and she rolled her eyes, removing her hand in the process. "Seriously Salizar, if that's even your real name, why did you have to go and ruin it?! You hired me, specifically, for a reason did you not?! Didn't you read my-" *CRACK!*

*Clunk* "I really wish you wouldn't have done that Maya," Salizar said as he threw down the branch he had just hit her with. The force of his hit caused her thin body to fall from the bench onto the warm sand, a small pool of blood was pooling near her mouth.

Salizar bent down near her face, "Oh my pretty, don't fret. I'll take-" *THUD!* within a moment of him talking she gathered her strength and headbutt -ed him with all her might, "Gaah!" he fell back onto his butt and held his head in pain.

Maya quickly got up and kicked sand into the direction of his face as she turned to run away. "Sorry Doll, but I am NOT letting you take me to José," she said as she ran as fast as she could. "Heh, I didn't get paid enough for this bull, GET BACK HERE!"

Salizar regained his senses and began running after Maya, his long strides bringing him close to her in only a short while. Once he was within reach he swung his arm out around the level of her torso and grabbed her, quickly pulling her against his body, to minimize her fighting and struggling.

"L-let me go! This isn't how I imagined this at all!" As she struggled and thrashed about, blood from her head wound was being splattered on his shirt. "Huh? Maya look, you're ruining my shirt. It's not like he will kill you or use you for pleasure, he's your brother for crying-" *CHOMP* "AAH! DAMNIT!"

Maya bit down hard on one of his fingers during their struggle, resulting in him dropping her and her running away once more. "Screw you Salizar!" She said running away as she flipped the bird with her hand. "Plan 3, take her out," Salizar whispered and within seconds, *POP* there was a small popping sound in the darkness and Maya fell to her knees.

"A-A tranq? Really Sal...Iz...uh" Just as he reached her body she passed out from the tranquilizer. "Heh, all set; call the boss. I'll bring her in by morni-" *BANG!* Salizar was alarmed and looked down to his torso, "Did I?" he saw a blood colored stain quickly appear on his shirt.

"Don't underestimate my sisters ability you swine," A man with a raspy voice said from the darkness. "J-José...why..." *Thud* Salizar and Maya fell to the sand with a muffled thud. "It was all a set up Sammy, my sister has always remained by my side, loyal only to me. I used her to lure you out."

A tall slender man wearing all black stood up from the brush nearby and walked over to where Salizar/Sammy, and Maya were on the beach. "Don't you know how much of a bounty is on your head? Yet here you are, chumming it up, trying to screw my sister. I would take your head if the bounty didn't require you to be alive."

The man, José, crouched down just infront of Salizar/Sammy, "And don't think I didn't find your snipers hidden. They were the first ones I took out, aside from the one with the tranquilizer of course," he said with a smug tone.

Salizar/Sammy was struggling to keep his eyes open, "You won't die from my shot, I won't let you be that lucky...I told you to stay off my turf Sammy. You should have listened to me...then none of this would have happened." José then grabbed his sister Maya, and took her body over towards another man who was coming out of the shadows.

"I will hunt down anyone that is left, who disturbs and cuts into my profits...Remember that. You will never see the light of day again. Take care Scumbag, enjoy the last smell of fresh air, because once you get to Maria, you'll wish I had killed you," he said as he walked off into the darkness, as Salizar/Sammy struggled to even stay awake, "Shit..." he said just before another man came and put a bag over his head.

Heh, soo yeah. Just a random short story I thought about, wrote down, then typed everything on here. I was originally going a different way with this story but I changed my mind mid-way. Anyways, I hope anyone reading enjoys it :) feel free to check out my other main novel as well. Stay safe reader(s)

KayyRocreators' thoughts