
Just being friendly

beau and kit has been friends for over 10 years, they’re childhood friends. kit is a playboy and spoil brat because since he was young beau spoiled him so much, so for him he gets everything he wants but there is one thing he can’t have beau is someone who is willing to do anything for kit

P_JeJu · LGBT+
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1 Chs

younger you

"Do you think I want to" the two adults were screaming at each other in front of a young boy.

"Get out don't want to see you" the dad yell "it's not like I wanna stay here anyway" with that the mom left, without a word to her crying son.

"Mommy ~" he wants to follow her, but his dad stopped him "kit, where do you think your going?" He look at his dad "mommy is leaving" he point at the door.

"Glad she's out of here" then he look at his son, he kneels to his level "from now on its only us, kit"

Kit wasn't understanding anything but he just stare at his dad, he watch his dad cry while hugging him.

Who knew that his life would turn upside down like this, he knew that his mom didn't love him at all because she never once act like a mom to him, his dad wasn't like that tho. His dad love him a lot because he's his only son, he is a good father for him.


3 years later

Kit is now 10 years old and today is his first day of school, he got ready and waited for his dad. After while his dad comes out of his room, as soon as he saw kit. His face becomes red because of anger, kit got scared.

"I should have let her have you" with that he walk away, kit follow his father from behind.

* at school *

Kit walk to his class, he could feel the stares from his classmates. He felt scared, he couldn't walk straight almost trapping himself to the floor. It's not new to him it's happened every day, they stare at him because he's ugly he believes and because he doesn't have a mom. He doesn't have any friends, nobody wants to be his friends. He saw one boy coming up to him

"Why you don't have a mom" the boy asked, then another boy come "it's because his mom doesn't love him" making the young boy cry, it's not his fault his mom left him.

* after school *

All the kids got pick up by their parents, and it's been 2 hours, kit has been waiting for his dad to pick him up. It was getting dark, he feel hungry and tired but his dad is not here yet so he can't do anything. He seat on the ground, while crying.he hugs himself and He bury his crying face in his arms.

After a few minutes he could hear someone walking up to him

"Why are you sitting here alone"

He look up

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