
chapter 1 just a glimpse

I have watched and read alot of romance movies and novels and how the male leads are always obsessed with their partner and the love and clinginess over them, but I never knew my own will be so different immediately I got married. I have day dreamt alot about how perfect my life would be once I've found love and gotten married but guess what baby girl ,this is the reality.FACE IT!! I scolded myself as I stopped whatever daydream or nightmare rather I was having and quickly went to the kids room to prepare them for school...my husband had gone to work by then, he always leave early .

By the way my name is Amira and I'm a 23 year old house wife and mother of two damsels that God gave me .my boys are just everything I needed to keep me going .well my husband is a multi millionaire, drunkard, wife beater, arrogant ,snobbish and anything bad that u can describe someone with and a PERFECT DAD. like he does anything for his kids pamper and spoils them like crazy but treats his wife and MOTHER of his kids like trash and I'm like who does that!! .

People always envy me and thinks I'm having the best life because i have a rich husband who earns so much money but little do they know that I could do anything to escape from this bondage and live their life

Everyday is just tears and tears for me .

oh well this is just a glimpse of how my life is.

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