
Jumping Through Life With Magic By Your Side (Jumpchain)

The end of my rope came and I being the sane individual I was had accepted the end yet life was not done with me yet it seems. What was that saying again? "End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take." Now its time to explore some worlds and see how far I can go. Wait Magic Is Real?! Can I Cast Fist?! (Any and all recognizable worlds and characters are not mine and belong to their individual creators. Please support the official releases so I do not get sent to the shadow realm.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Reunion And Understanding

Nezan POV:

You know, as I traveled the world, I met a variety of people, some of them good, some of them bad, and some of them just plain or indifferent, but all I can say right now is that the people in this world are extreme, to say the least. 

Specifically to the point, it's been a day since I arrived in this world, yet everyone seems to either be in their happiest mood or at their wit's end, and it has baffled me as to why every emotion seems so extreme in this world. But then I remembered the name of the world from the document I filled out: Harry Potter fanfiction, not Harry Potter.

As I consider that idea, it all falls into place. While most fanfictions that I've seen have good ideas, the world-building is lackluster in a decent amount of them, and it seems to be affecting this world, as well as people's emotions and intentions, which seem much more on their sleeves. 

In comparison to my own emotional values, I may seem like a dead person. I never was one to converse with others, yet it seems like everyone in this world is going out of their way to be as extreme as possible.

In terms of how I filled out the documents, some of the drawbacks have already made themselves known, specifically the Bandit drawback, which, from what I remember, thankfully with my not-perfect memory, they are going to appear once a week in either the form of muggers or Since I'm still in this world's version of primary school I had to attend school with Dudley and to say Harry had a hard time is an understatement. 

Based on the so-called schedule, the school itself ends at 3:00 in the afternoon, yet it feels longer as, due to my advanced age, it's like being sent back to my childhood. Yet the contradictory part is that I never even went to school in my old life, and I didn't have the money to buy any supplies. Later in life, I did manage to eke out a GED, thanks to the wonders of online classes, but it took a while. 

"Hey Potter! You have the money or not?" This coming from a kid named Wallace Lowth is the epitome of irony, and as he and his goons approach me in the gym locker room, the doors are locked by the other two with him. I turn around after putting my gym clothes in my locker, and I say, "Sadly, I do not. But may I ask what you need the money for? You seem to be from a relatively well-off kind of family." 

My response seemed to put him off as he asked, "Are you sick or something? You're talking like my old man. But to answer, I need it because I want it, and you are going to give it to me."

If this were a normal circumstance, I would simply report this to the teachers or the other authorities, but considering the fact that I would have no proof because there are no cameras in the changing rooms, it would be a moot point and considering that based on the memories I have Harry was a bit of a social outcast. So, I have to try another method.

"Well, if you were to give me another day, I might be able to locate some funds; otherwise, I have nothing for you, Wallace." My response seems to annoy him as he and his goons approach ever closer while they crack their knuckles, which would be intimidating if they weren't my age. 

But seeing that they would not back off, I locked the doors with Magic and created a notice-me-not barrier. To be honest, the barrier itself was paper thin due to my limited ability to manipulate my Magic as I can't try too hard or else I risk getting the Ministry Of Magic on my proverbial ass.

As they approached, one of them tried to grab me, but I immediately grabbed the arm and placed it behind his back, which would risk breaking the arm or dislocating it if given enough pressure. The boy cries out in pain as Wallace remains at a distance and says, "Let him go, Potter! Don't make this worse for yourself."

I smirked as I said, "I don't know what you guys are talking about. He tried to grab me first, so this is just self-defense. I know my rights. I wouldn't try to approach me, though, because all they would take is the smallest adjustment of how I'm holding him to dislocate the arm. Now, here is how this is going to go. We are all going to walk out of here, and we're going to go our separate ways. That is it."

Thankfully, Wallace seems to get the message, and they back off as I slowly make my way towards them with the other boy still being held while trying to resist, but I've dealt with men that are willing to kill you as much as look at you schoolyard bullies are a joke. As we make our way out, I unlock the doors and disable the barrier, and as we walk out into the hallways, I let him go and say, "Well, this has been enlightening, gentlemen. See you next week."

I then give them a smoke smirk and fast walk towards my next class, but thanks to my innate connection to Magic, I can somewhat sense the emotions of the other boys behind me, and they are stewing in it. Internally I am laughing my butt off. That's why I hold no enmity against them. 

Its still fun to make people mad. However, my skills at such things pale in comparison to Jim's. That man had a talent for getting under people's skin.

With my enhanced memory, I can recall a time when Jim and his kid were in a counselor's office, as apparently, Jim's kid had gotten into a fight with another student over some kind of debate. 

He never did tell me what they were fighting over, but when they left, Jim at least told me that the counselor never invited them back. So I assumed Jim did his thing and either annoyed the heck out of him or Jim got down to the issue.

I assume it was the former, as when Jim would talk about it, he would chuckle to himself, but other than that, the rest of the day was normal. I thank my lucky stars that I did not have any classes with Dudley, as the child is annoying enough at home. 

In terms of what I was able to get done with my magic training yesterday, I was able to get a basic handle on the Magic itself. If I were to compare it to anything, it would be able to create a basic sand castle, but it's just that one singular part of a sandcastle.

Annoyingly, anytime I try to manipulate it, the curses and charms act up and create miniature earthquakes within the Sea of Magic, making it much more difficult to control. I feel as if I am missing something fundamentally, a sort of way to focus it, like a funnel next to a kitchen sink. 

I have an idea of what I can use for the funnel, but the common wand I bought is still lost to me as I need to figure out a way to reach into the pocket space I have for it. Given the couple hours of practice, I was able to do yesterday, I was able to feel for the portal, but I couldn't reach my hand into it.

But I feel like today I will finally be able to get into the items that I bought, which will be very beneficial because, unlike the other ones in this universe, the wand I bought from the document is my own and will never betray me. Also for the fact that since it isn't created by Ollivanders, it can't be checked by anyone but me.

Apparently, it's based on the fact that these items I buy from the document are "fiat" backed. I have no idea what that means, but I assume it keeps my items from being permanently damaged or being manipulated by others. So thankfully, I do not have to worry about their upkeep.

For now, though, the school day has ended, and Vernon or Mammoth has come to pick us up in his old Vauxhall Chevette, which strains under the weight of Dudley and Vernon's weight. 

As we enter, Dudley sits in the passenger seat, and I am in the back. But unlike normal commercial vehicles, Vernon was able to set up a barrier between the front and back seats, kind of like what you would see in a limo. It was also somewhat soundproof.

To be honest, while they thought it would make me feel worse, it actually makes me feel better as I don't have to listen to those two for the couple-minute's drive from the school back to Privet Drive. For now, though, I focus on the surrounding world as ever since I have come here, I have been hearing whispers from beings I can't see, which may have to do with my Necromancy perk.

But due to the atrophy of my Magic, I can only somewhat hear them and not see them nor manifest them, but while most are simply lost spirits, others are past family members trying to guide me. I can also say they are unhappy about the boy's treatment. The only thing protecting the Dursleys from them is Lily Potter's ritual. Specifically, since Harry has dwelled within the home and acknowledged them as family at some point, they are protected until Harry turns 17.

Although since I have taken the wheel quite literally on my dad, I could revoke the protection and have the ghouls torment them for the abuse and the actual murder of Harry, the reason I can inhabit his form was because he died due to his injuries and malnutrition. While I did feel pity for the child, I am satisfied and know that he can now spend his time in the afterlife with his parents.

The dead have paid their debts, and now it's time for the living to pick up the tab, so I need to prepare and fulfill my promise and the prophecy, but for now, baby steps as I am trying to learn esoteric arts with no one to teach me but every journey begins with a single step. So I need to focus.

Gathering Magic in my hand while placing a small barrier to not let my Magic escape, I mutter one word as we pass by the streets of London.

"Lumos." As I say this, a small light forms but flickers out, and seeing this, I focus again. "Lumos," I say again, and the light forms and remains small but then fizzles out, but the improvement is there. A small smile forms on my face as I am able to do a genuine spell, even if only for a small moment.

I am not above admitting a small amount of childish giddiness filled my being, but was then calmed down as I took a breath. The car came to a stop, and I was pulled out of the car with Vernon looking at me with such contempt that it would ruin any child's innocence. "Get to work cleaning the house as Petunia is still out with her friends. Then prepare dinner." He then took Dudley into the house to watch television.

Scoffing at the man's cruelty, I walked inside and saw the two watching soccer or football on the old TV set. I walked to the closet and began to clean while trying to focus on my magic control, aiming to control it to the point where simply being would allow me to use Magic. 

Thankfully, my gift for wandless Magic made learning this easier, but it would still take a while, if not a month, to control the Magic if I was highballing it. 

"One step at a time. Control and then fire, not the other way around." I think to myself as I cleaned, which, thanks to the life skills perk, made it almost too easy.

In addition to the fact that the perk I chose was a hyphenated name, I was currently working on my physical form to make me the peak of my bloodline, and with only a day and a half, my sunken cheeks gained a little more life, and my hair gained some luster. But slow and steady wins the race, and I have ten years let's make the most of it.

James Potter POV:

Darkness and cold are two things I felt as the killing curse hit me, and I saw my body fall as I remained standing. The despair of watching my wife die and my son about to follow both of us, yet Lily, being herself, had a backup plan. 

A ritual somehow connected to the very concept of familial love that protected our son at the cost of her life. What I did not understand was why Voldemort disappeared as well, as it only should have deflected the killing curse, which may not have even ended up hitting him.

But as I stared at my wife, who was now as cold as myself, we embraced one another and watched as Hagrid arrived to carry away our son, but instead of taking him to Sirius, who did show up, they left him with Lily's sister, Petunia. I could not fathom the stupidity of leaving our son with them. Vernon and Petunia abused our boy, and all we could do was watch. I would have given anything to hug my boy.

Then I would watch as Sinivellus showed up and grieved Lily's death, and while I took some happiness from his despair, I knew he was simply misguided and foolish just like I was, and since I was dead, it would be pointless to hate him even if I still do. 

He would then stagger out of the home to go who knows where, but I would assume he would head to Dumbledore. I never did trust the old goat. To be honest, the only good advice he gave us was to use the Fidelius charm to hide ourselves.

During those years, I despaired, thinking it was punishment for my earlier acts against others when I was back in Hogwarts, or maybe it was just my own mistakes or pride. Luckily, Lily was with me to help keep me together. But then disaster struck as the mistreatment and the injuries mounted too high, and our little boy fell asleep to never wake up again.

Knowing of the prophecy, I thought all was lost, Voldemort would return, and no one would be able to stop him, but then, as I saw my son's Spirit appear before us and walk away from his body, he was smiling. As we embraced, I asked, "Why are you smiling, son?"

Harry simply looked back to his body, and it woke up with a start. He said, "It's because I know everything will be all right." I could never understand why he said that, as having one's body puppet by someone else does not exactly sound forthcoming. 

As the day went on, I saw whoever took our son's form not lashing out nor abusing his power but simply learning and planning.

But unlike men such as Dumbledore and he who shall not be named, the plans he made were what Lily and I dreamed of for our son: freedom, the ability to travel the world unimpeded, and to learn all there was to see. 

What left me in shock was the fact that even though I knew he could not see me, he looked straight at me and nodded his head, and I nodded back, if unconsciously. But so far, I am left to see the boy's potential. I do hold a glimmer of hope that even though he may not be our son, he may be able to live a life using his form.

Then, in the backyard shed, he made a promise to explore the world of all things and to enjoy life, all the things done to honor our son and our sacrifice. While I can't say I was satisfied, I can definitely say I was appeased in a way. Harry was busy with his mother as I watched the boy train his Magic. 

This brought a small smile to my face as I envisioned teaching my own son how to use basic spells, but I guess this is the closest thing we will be able to do.

It does make me wonder how he's going to do in Quidditch, though. But knowing that the blood that runs through his veins is my own, he should do fine. As he finishes cleaning, he heads back to the shed and tries to summon a lumos spell, and the small light appears for longer and longer each time. When he learns more and is able to see us, I can guide him on my ways.

I believe it is time for prongs to make a return after all. But that does make me wonder how my friends are doing, as Lupin never showed up, and Sirius seemingly disappeared after allowing Hagrid to leave with Harry. 

It does make me wish that I couldn't move further past my son, but if I were to do so, we would disappear and go to wherever the souls went after they died. Both Lily and I refused to do so until we saw he who shall not be named dead right before us. That and it gives Lily time to spoil our boy.

"So Harry, let me tell you how your Father fell off his broom for the first time." Lily says as Harry listens, but asks, "Wait, you both used brooms to fly?" Lily shakes her head and says, "I was more into apparition than flying. That was more your father's skill, but even he started out rather roughly as he could barely stay on the broom for a couple of seconds."

"I believe that is enough, Lily dear." I try to say, but Lily takes Harry and runs as she says, "But I need to tell our son about all the embarrassing experiences. It's a part of the parenting process."

'Wait, don't tell him about the dance!" I yell as I chase after them, and they both laugh.