
Jumping Through Life With Magic By Your Side (Jumpchain)

The end of my rope came and I being the sane individual I was had accepted the end yet life was not done with me yet it seems. What was that saying again? "End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take." Now its time to explore some worlds and see how far I can go. Wait Magic Is Real?! Can I Cast Fist?! (Any and all recognizable worlds and characters are not mine and belong to their individual creators. Please support the official releases so I do not get sent to the shadow realm.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime e quadrinhos
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19 Chs

Jump Supplement: Generic First Jump

Generic First Jump Supplement

Jumpchain CYOA 

By Ursine The Mad Bear

Every epic story has a beginning, every long journey has a first step, and every franchise has a first installment. There was a first jump for each of the vast multitude of extra-dimensional adventurers called Jumpers. 

And for many, the first jump was the last. Too many eager new Jumpers have immediately chosen to visit their favorite settings, not thinking how dangerous they are to live in. The tendencies of first Jumpers to overestimate their abilities and prematurely end their chains has caused Jumpchain to create a tutorial level of sorts, something to ease Jumpers into their new reality and provide some necessities and survival skills. 

Due to the unique nature of this Jump, dying does not end your chain. Instead, you can continue with your Chain without any purchases you made here or try again. Luckily, you do not have to repeat any Level you have completed. Also, this Jump can only be done as your first Jump. 

So, take this +1000cp (Choice Points), and pay attention. The life you save may be your own.

First Jump: Harry Potter Fanfiction (Slice of Life/ Fantasy)

Origin: Tourist- These Jumpers are in it for the experience. They want to visit their favorite settings, meet their favorite characters, and fix a few things the original author got wrong in their opinion. For them, it is all about the world they are visiting. 


Basic Requirements (Free to All): 

You will receive whatever special abilities, traits, backgrounds, and skills are required for basic participation in the jump you are in. For example, if you go to a Modern Occult setting focused on psychics tracking down ghosts, you would receive general knowledge of the supernatural in that world and enough psychic abilities to match the average in the setting. 

A Military setting based on the Vietnam War would give you a decent fitness level and basic training for the military organization you were a part of. A superhero setting would provide powers or abilities to match the average ability of the featured characters of the world. This also provides in-universe backgrounds, histories, and memories that fit the identity you acquire in that Jump. 

When you leave that Level, this perk goes away when you finish this jump. Nothing can be done to retain these abilities, but you do benefit from any practice, training, study, or actual use of any mundane skills at the jump itself. 

Body Like A Jumper (Free for All): 

You are cured of any physical ailments or disabilities you may have entered this Jump with. 

You become as physically fit as an average healthy athletic person would be. Your fitness will never deteriorate below this level, or any higher level that you have reached by actual training unless you wish it to do so, as long as you have sufficient food and water to survive. 

You can also render yourself fertile or infertile at will and can stop or start any menstrual or breeding cycle at will. 

Mind Like A Jumper (Free for All): 

You are aware of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities, or other conditions you may be suffering from as you enter this jump and may choose to have any or all of them removed. This does not make you immune to these things. It just removes pre-existing conditions. 

Sexy and I Know It (50cp) 

Jumpers tend to be rather vain. Almost all of them eventually take some sort of appearance-boosting perk, so let's just deal with that now. 

You are incredibly good-looking. On a scale of one to ten, you are a perfect ten. The exact details of your appearance, build, and "endowments" are up to you, but you look as good as it is possible for a human being to look, and you stay that way no matter your condition or circumstances. Anything that happens to alter your appearance, such as scarring, amputation, cybernetic implants, or genetic mutation, will always leave you somehow still looking incredible. You may become a rotting zombie, but you will be the sexiest rotting zombie ever to crave brains. 

You will retain your fit and attractive appearance, even without exercise or a proper diet, as long as you consume enough calories to avoid starvation. You will either heal perfectly, without any form of scarring, or your scars will enhance your appearance in some way. Even if your current appearance is inhuman in part or completely, you still remain this attractive. 

You always stay clean and as pristine and perfect as possible unless you choose otherwise. The sweat, dirt, blood, or whatever else will perfectly complement your looks. You also instinctively present yourself as well as you possibly can at all times. Your posture and movements never make you seem awkward or unattractive, always showing you in your best possible light and making anything you wear look amazing. Supermodels train for years to stand and move like you and never quite make it. You never need to brush or floss, have perfect teeth and a great smile, your hair is always perfectly done up in whatever style you want it in, and if you don't want to shave, you simply won't need to, facial or body hair not growing until and unless you want it to.

Furthermore, you have perfect control over your fertility and menstrual cycle in the case of females. Any sexual partners will believe you when you tell them you are protected as long as you are telling the truth. Your voice is equally incredible in some way, whether it be sexy, commanding, soothing, or just pleasant. Your body scent is either extremely pleasant or you have no scent at all, and you can switch this at will.

Common Sense (50cp): 

The least common advantage of all. You can tell when something you are about to do is contrary to basic common sense and rationality or when you are about to do something your Benefactor will punish you for. You can also tell when your emotions are clouding your judgment. 

Self-Motivation (50cp):

You have no difficulty motivating yourself, quickly putting your full effort into any task, training, or activity. You only procrastinate by choice. 

Life Skills (50cp): 

You have the basic life skills everyone should possess. You can cook, clean, do laundry, drive, perform basic maintenance, balance finances, and perform other tasks that the average person needs. 

Boredom Immunity (100cp): 

You are completely immune to boredom. When engaged in a simple repetitive task, you can choose to fast-forward through it, remembering to perform the task without having to experience it fully. This fast-forward ends instantly if something changes that requires your attention. 

No Matter Where You Go, There You Are (100cp): 

Your priorities, sense of morality, and beliefs only change how you desire them to. You will instantly process and deal with any trauma in the best possible way for you, making you immune to PTSD and similar issues. 

The Road Goes Ever On And On ( Free for The Tourist): 

Your mind is well-prepared for dealing with eternity. You can find joy and satisfaction in everyday life no matter how long you have been alive, you can adapt to new cultures with ease, and you will never see your emotions blunted by the passage of time and boredom. 

Seeing The Sights, All The Sights (100cp, Discount for The Tourist): 

When your primary focus is the experiences you acquire and the stories you can tell, forgetting them is a tragedy. You will never have to worry about that. You have a perfect memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, excellent indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memory. This perfect memory is fully retroactive. You can choose to erase memories, leaving a knowledge that something was erased and a basic description of what that memory was, and you can restore that erased memory later. Nothing can detect these erased memories or force you to fix them. Your memories can only be read by an outside force with your permission. 

Harmony (400cp): 

Sometimes, the things you collect will clash or are difficult to use together. That is no longer the case. You could safely use both the Dark and Light sides of the Force, channel both divine and demonic energies, wield conflicting forms of magic or energy, mix radically different technologies or biologies, and even keep your entire harem in one place, and they will all get along with each other. They will get along with you as well. None of your abilities, possessions, Companions, or anything else that belongs to you in some way will be able to harm, corrupt, or alter you against your will. 

Ride The Rails To See The Sights (200cp, Discount for The Tourist)

Maybe you want to help blow up the Death Star, fight on the walls of Gondor, or fight off the Agent Smith virus. For those events to happen, events before them kind of have to go a certain way. This is your guarantee of that.

Now, as long as you do not deliberately cause large-scale changes, the canon plot of a Jump's setting will proceed as expected, adjusting for minor alterations you might have caused. This can be toggled on or off, but once turned off, the butterfly effect may make a return to canon events impossible.

Universal Translation (100cp): 

You can understand, speak, read, write, and think any language you have ever encountered, as long as you have the necessary anatomy. This is retroactive to any languages you might have been exposed to in the past. 

What's Mine Is Mine (200cp):

You never give up what is yours. Your abilities of any kind never fade or deteriorate with time or disuse. A skill not used for decades will be as effective as if you relied on it for daily survival. This also means you are likely to age gracefully and healthily, though it does not extend your lifespan beyond what having the immune system and healing of a person in their prime would do. 


Bare Necessities (Free to All Origins) 

You have a job that pays enough for you to live on, assuming you live simply. You also have a home of some sort, a cheap but decent vehicle of an appropriate type, and the various basic sundries needed to live. Basically, you have a life set up and waiting for you. The job will be something you are capable of performing and that works with your background, and the schedule will be flexible enough that it will not interfere with your normal jump activities. 

Camera ( Free For The Tourist)

Oh! That picture reminds you of when you challenged the devil to a game of tiddlywinks! And that one reminds you of the time you put Gabriel in a Cobra Clutch for a full day! You don't get a camera. Instead, every time you do something memorable and noteworthy or just wish to remember a moment in the future, you will receive a snapshot of the moment, framed at just the right size and from just the right angle. You can always get more copies from different angles if you wish or receive digital copies on any of your devices. 

Security Pass ( Free With The Tourist) 

This name badge will alter itself to have the appropriate credentials to bypass any security. It does not create any background records or add your name to exclusive lists, just provides a perfect fake credential. How else are you going to get to meet your favorite characters? 

Jumper Total Fitness (100cp)

You have access to special workout facilities. These facilities, besides being an absolutely amazing gym, will adjust to provide a good, safe workout for you, no matter how great your physical abilities become. It also includes facilities for safely and effectively training any special abilities you might possess, no matter how powerful or dangerous those abilities are. This attaches to your Warehouse after this Jump.

Ultimate Book Of Ultimate Brain Teasers (100cp)

This book contains an unlimited number of puzzles, games, riddles, and other activities that are always fun and are always the best possible way to train your mental abilities.


Amnesia (+200cp) (Since the main character had not taken any jumps before this and it is not total amnesia he's literally just gaining free points from this.)

Until the end of this Jump, you can not remember the events of any jumps except the one you are in. 

Archmage's Interest (+100cp) (i.e. Dumbledore)

A very powerful, well-connected, and influential being of some sort has taken an interest in you. They don't hate you, but they are not necessarily on your side either. They mostly just find amusement in your antics and want to keep things interesting or under their purview for as long as possible.

Bandits (+100cp) (Schoolyard Bullies Mostly)

No matter where you are going, you will be accosted by bandits, muggers, bullies, or someone else who wants to beat you down and take your stuff at least once a week. They may not be powerful, but they will be persistent, and probably ugly. 

Total CP: 1,000+ 600= 1,600