

Earlier on, Javino put a sleeping powder pill into the glass of wine, before he approached her and offered her a drink. Cause She was his target.

Every night, he would go to big clubs to woo and drug a naive,  pretty, lady and take her to his house, so he could spend the night with a helpless, drunk, girl. And tonight, Julia would be his victim, that's why he smiled satisfyingly as she drank the wine and said.

" It tastes good. "

Javino enjoyed doing this despicable act, during the day he was a seemingly good guy but at night, he was a sadist, and not many people knew this about him.

" Since you're new here, would you like me to show you around? "

He asked politely.

" How did you know? I'm..."

She asked, a bit surprised.

" I overheard your discussion with that bar tender guy. "

He replied, interrupting her sentence.

" Oh, well you shouldn't have eavesdrop"

She says, slightly annoyed.

" I'm just a good listener, And I noticed, he was all over you, he seemed to be flirting too. "

He said to her.

" He wasn't " She answered defensively.

" You're so beautiful. " He said to her with a simple smile on his face.

" Thanks, I know. "

She responded.

His eyes travelled round her body, from her face to her feet, he admired her plump, red, lips, and he wondered what it tastes like. he looked into her shiny, green, eyes and smooth fair, skin.

Julia observed this, she frowned and looked away, avoiding eye contact with him.

He leaned forward and placed his warm hands on her exposed thighs.

Julia had enough, she was pissed and uncomfortable with  this man's flirty behavior, she got up and was about to leave, he held her hands and says Persuasively.

" Wait, don't go, let's drink and talk, get to know each other."

She looked at him in disgust, slightly upset. She was about to  say the words.

" Stay away away from me. "

But she suddenly felt weak and dizzy, she slumped into the couch, feeling lazy, the effect of the drink was starting to manifest in her.

" I don't feel so good."

She mutters in a weak tone.

Seeing her current state, he grinned.

and took advantage of her condition.

" So what do you say? shall we? "

He asked.

Julia nods and gets up.

" Let's go " He ordered and she obeyed.

She seemed to be under a spell, she goes to sit on one of the empty Seats at the bar.

Javino follows behind her and observes her as she walks. he watched her wide hips swing from left to right, he ogled the shape of her ass and the curves of her body.

" I see you've gotten a new friend."

Dante' says to Julia as he looks at Javino suspiciously, while pouring a bottle of Alcoholic wine into a mini glass cup.

" Yes, now mind your business."

Javino responds sassily.

Dante' grins at Javino as he hands him two shots of alcoholic wine. He gives Javino a questioning look and looks at Julia, who seemed nervous and uncomfortable.

He knew she was clueless about this new guy, she met. He knew she had no idea what he was capable of, he knew they had met each other a while ago, becoming fast friends. And he wanted to save her from him.

" So tell me more about yourself. "

Javino requested as he sipped his glass slowly, while looking at her with interest in his eyes. He had a smirk on his face as he watched her adjust uncomfortably, she burped and giggled helplessly, she laughed hysterically and chuckled unnecessarily, the effect of the alcohol was slowly moving through her blood stream and this encouraged Javino to order for more shots.

" More please. "

He said to the bartender.

Dante' gave him a hateful glance.

Javino drank two shots of wine and gave Julia the other one, in one gulp she drank all of it.

At this moment, Julia was tipsy and dizzy, she said something in gibberish words that made Javino laugh for the first time since they met. He stood up and held her hands.

" Let's dance."  He said to her.

Julia sluggishly stood up and almost fell, she could barely lift herself up, but she stood anyways. She felt his hands around her waist. Javino led her to the dance floor.

As he took her away from the bar, Dante' observed them. She heard herself laughing loudly, She danced to the tone of the pop music that played. Dancing like never before. He held her waist from behind and moved along with the rhythm of her body.

Dante' watched them as they danced, he was angry and annoyed that javino had his hands on Julia, he wanted to protect her from him, he knew what javino was capable of.

After a while of dancing, She turned to face him, he kissed her cheek.

" Kiss me. " She heard herself say in a desperate tone.

Javino smirked and said.

"I don't think you're ready for that yet"

He takes her out of the club. She staggered back and forth, completely drunk and unaware of her present situation. He led her to his car, her vision was blurry, so she just followed in whatever direction he took her to.

Soon she felt the evening breeze on her skin, which told her that they were outside. She could barely walk, So he opened the car door, carried her bride style, and placed her on the passenger's seat. He closed the door, he entered his car and began to drive.

After serving drinks to a few customers, Dante looked around and didn't see Julia and javino on the dance floor, he began to panick.

" Where did they go? 

Did he take her away?"

He wondered, he left the bar in search of them.

Dante' walked up to a security guard and asked.

" Hey man, Did you see that tall, skinny, brown haired lady, and Mr Javino Almanza? They were dancing a while ago."

" They went out. "

The bouncer simply said and walked away to the men's room.

Dante' was upset and worried that something bad might happen to Julia, he didn't know if he should continue working or go in search of them. Moreover he had no idea where Javino lived.

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