
Jujutsu kaisen:RE LIFE

Inzo dies while clutching two manga books in his hands and gets reincarnated in the world of jujutsu kaisen with a twist in his life

Darius_Wing · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

One down

In the forest area of the tokyo jujutsu high, a couple of students are fighting each other to the tooth and nail.

A boy with a katana is fighting with a loli witch that can fly and a dude who can control blood ,more like toying with them,while on the other aide of the same forest ,two guys are launching each other like ragdolls,

These two guys are Inzo and Aoi.The fight has been going on back and forth for a while now.Neither coming out on top

"Inzo,you are a strong opponent,i apologise for thinking lowly of you"

"Mention not,you are not so bad yourself"

"But i will have to cut our spar short,i have a mission to do ,i am going to get serious,And show you my everything"

"Hey!dont say it in ways people will misinderstand" Inzo retorted

Aoi brough his hands forward and clapped them ,Inzo had been waiting for this moment for a while,he knew about Aoi's ability,in an instant the stone next to him switched places with Aoi,who pulled his arm back and was about to deliver a punch ,a sure knockout punch,to knock out Inzo for good.

It seemed like Aoi was sure of his victory but just as the punch was about to connect ,he found himself being thrown a full hundred meters away.

"This is my first time using this so i hope you can survive,its a new technique"

"What the heck" before he had the time to register his situation, a ray of curse energy came at him pushing him further against the tree ,dealing damage upon damage .

Just as the ray ended,Inzo appeared in front of Aoi,"Lets see if you can survive this,Overpunch"

Inzo announced his new move ,the fist connected with Aoi's body ,the tree behind him gave into the pressure,Aoi kept flying through the air like a lifeless doll for a good two hundred meters before he finally reached the ground and passed out ,blood leaking from his stomach,a big gash on his whole chest.

"Did i overdo it,Nah" Inzo checked to see if the guy was going to wake up but fortunately he did not.

"Sorry bro,but i have no use for you anymore, besides my friend is about to be done with your friends so bye bye "

Just as he said that,two shadows came smashing to the ground,the dust settled and Inzo saw two bodies were lying on the ground

"Fuuu, looks like Yuta did a number on you guys,you must have pissed him off right"

It seemed like the Blood control guy named Kamo was awake ,his left eye was badly wounded,he issued a gurgling sound,looking at Inzo with hate before he fell.

A huge dong sounded,the sound came from the viewpoint,it meant that the team Battle winners were decided.

"Guess its time to go back,Where is Yuta though,must have gone back without me,probably cause he has Rika out so he does not wanna hurt me unintentionally" Inzo thought as he nade his way back.



On the other side, the principal of Kyoto jujtsu high was seething with anger ,hus CE at all time high as he felt that his studenst failed their mission.

"Yuta okkotsu needs to die ,he is a threat to the society"

Not knowing how,someone actually put a hand on his shoulder,applied pressure

"I would like to see you try,old bones"

"...GOJO satoru"

"The one and only "

"You think just because nobody can touch you,you can break the rules,you dont see ,that kid will be the end of us"

"I hope he becomes the end of you,but sadly he wont because he is training to control his curse and has shown and proven how he is capable of doing that" Gojo said as he eyed the Principal

"And let me make this clear,as long as i am around,you can try all you want,rub you ankles all you want but you wont have him"

"Yo!sensei,we did it,i took care of the kyoto scum"

"Inzo-san ,that is rude behavior' Ijichi tried to reprimand him,Masamichu Yaga was looking at him,his expression was not visible

"I dont care,besides, they started it ,i tried to be nice ,but it seems that Kyoto jujutsu high is all bark and no bite"

With that Inzo made his escape,Gojo couldn't help but let out a laugh,Yuta seemed broody for some reason and left before Inzo.