
Patchwork face

I turned around in apprehension in front of me I see a individual resembles a human-like spirit, with a patchwork face and eyes tinged gray. Their long grayish-blue hair is sectioned into three strands, tied at the ends. Adorned with stitches across their body, they wear a black shawl with three segments on the left sleeve, paired with matching pants and white shoes.

"Damn it, Mahito!" I cursed under my breath as I braced myself for his next move.

"Wow, you're quite the fighter," he remarked with a sickeningly playful tone, his voice dripping with mockery.

I met his gaze head-on, a daring glint in my eyes as I prepared for whatever twisted trick he had up his sleeve.

"You pique my interest. I wonder what secrets your soul holds," he mused, his words sending a chill down my spine.

Before I could react, Mahito was suddenly in front of me, his hands reaching for my face with a menacing intent.

Time seemed to slow as his touch grazed my skin, a surge of panic coursing through me.

But then, something deep within me stirred, like a dormant power awakening from its slumber.

A burst of dark flames erupted from within, engulfing us both in its inky embrace. Mahito was thrown back by the force of it

"Aah I've never seen that happen before can it be a cursed technique?" Mahito questioned, his gaze fixated on the wall of swirling flames before him.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he reached out to touch the dark flames, only for his fingertips to meet with instant disintegration, turning to ash upon contact.

"Hmm, intriguing. I wonder how long this will last," he mused aloud, studying the flames with a mix of fascination and caution.

Suddenly, a distant voice called out his name, snapping Mahito out of his reverie.

"Mahito-san, where are you?" the voice echoed.

Cursing under his breath, Mahito realized he hadn't anticipated company today.

"Ah, damn it. I didn't know he was coming," he muttered, swiftly retreating from the scene before whoever was calling his name arrived, leaving behind the eerie display of dark flames flickering in his wake.

"I can't see a thing, it's all just darkness," I muttered to myself, frustration creeping into my voice. "Where's my instant mastery when I need it?"


A sudden metallic clang echoed through the darkness, jolting me from my thoughts.

Wait was that mahoraga wheel tu- aah!

Then, as if on cue, a flood of information rushed into my mind with overwhelming intensity. Images, sounds, and sensations bombarded my senses, piecing together the puzzle of what was unfolding around me in an instant.

Apparently my cursed technique is "Inferno", it's a formidable technique, harnesses the power of dark energy through inky black flames, representing primal malevolence. With their intense heat and pitch-black hue, these flames reduce all they touch to ash in an instant, embodying untamed potential waiting to be harnessed.

I dispatch the flames instantly, as easily as breathing. Hmm, interesting.

With this technique, I could definitely surpass even the best of the best.

But that brings me to my next problem: how do I trigger my instant mastery? Do I simply think about it?

I close my eyes and envision myself mastering swordsmanship. I wait and wait until...

nothing happens.

Wait, hold on... I was touched by Mahito, and he's probably still around. I need to get out of here and run back home.




Huffing and puffing, I press onward, determined to take the next step in my master plan of conquering the Jujutsu Kaisen world.

Learning martial arts is crucial, but I'm unsure which one to pursue.

Maybe shorinji Kempo?

Glancing at the wallet on my kitchen counter, I sigh at its emptiness. "Asshole," I mutter under my breath.

Instead, I turn to my trusty ally, YouTube, and search for Krav Maga lessons.

A peculiar video featuring a muscle-bound man with a chicken head catches my eye, and intrigued, I click to watch.

The chicken head man does a funny kick called a back upper cut kick I try it, I somehow kick my own butt.

Man I'm pathetic where's my instant mastery when I need it


Ahh there it g-

As I'm about to exclaim my excitement, that same sensation washes over me again. It's like a surge of knowledge flooding my mind, every type of move in Krav Maga suddenly becoming second nature to me. Overwhelmed, I drop to the floor, trying to process it all.




Amidst the confusion, my phone interrupts with a cheerful ring. I pick up my phone and a chipper voice speaks

"Hello kura your application for Tokyo Jujutsu High has been accepted your interview for principal yaga is on Monday at two"

Hmm so that god enrolled me into school

"Aah I see thank you so much"I say in a polite tone

We say our goodbyes and hang up

Checking the date on my phone, I realize the interview is only two days away. I have a tight deadline to understand my cursed technique and get ready. It's a bit scary, knowing my future depends on mastering these new powers. But I'm determined to make the most of the next two days.

Two days later

I been getting acclimated to the world and been exploring my cursed technique and began to understand how instant mastery works

It's sort of like a fighting video game you choose a character and in order to use them you have to understand their whole kit and what it does I understand and memorize all the moves and strings I have but I don't know how to fully utilize my moveset to my max potential like a high professional gamer would

I look at the clock to see that 1:30 I get ready for the interview ahead

At Tokyo Jujutsu High

I arrive and I'm led to the space itadori was "interviewed" at

Principal yaga is standing there studying me

"Why do you want to be a jujitsu sorcerer"

Luckily I planned for this as I answered

"To protect others I've seen what curses can do to people like…"I pause a little bit to sell the act "my classmate who was followed by a curse that eventually lead to her death"

"Hmm I don't believe you show me your conviction" Yaga throws a curse puppet that looks like a kangaroo mixed with a gorilla at me

The puppet hops at me and throws a roundhouse kick towards my head

I dodge and send a cursed energy imbued straight punch towards it sending it flying crashing into the wall

"I'm serious I don't want anyone to suffer under the hands of a curse"

"Hmm okay…I guess you're fully enrolled in here I'll have someone help you move into the the dorms later down the week but for now you can start classes tomorrow "Yaga says not fully convinced but allows me to slide

Next day

As I slide open the wooden door, I'm greeted by Gojo's inviting smile, beckoning me inside. Stepping into the room, I take in the sight of just two people present, Megumi and Nobara.

"Megumi and nobara this is our new student Kura sorami please welcome him to our school"Gojo introduces me as the new student

The atmosphere in the room feels heavy, hinting at an underlying gloom that I can't quite place. I assume this is when yuji is supposedly dead,but they don't know that yet.

Gojo breaks the silence with a clap of his hands, announcing our training plans for the day. We're headed to the training grounds, where Panda and Maki are currently engaged in a spar. The sight of a panda-like puppet fighting alongside a high school girl is jarring, to say the least.

"Is that really a panda fighting?" I say because It's surreal to witness such a spectacle in person, far more unsettling than seeing it on a screen.

Gojo smirks and gathers everyone attention

"Alright, everyone," he begins, addressing the group, "today's training will be light. We'll start with some stretches and then move on to some friendly sparring matches."

After a thorough stretching session, we transitioned into sparring pairs, and I found myself matched with Maki, fuck.

"You're the new student, right?" Maki's voice cuts through the air, breaking the silence as she addresses me.

I nod in acknowledgment, bracing myself for her attacks.

"Okay, show me what you've got," she challenges, launching herself forward with a punch aimed at my stomach.

Anticipating the strike, I prepare to block, but Maki surprises me with a feint, redirecting her momentum into a spinning heel kick aimed at my head. Reacting quickly, I execute a backhand spring to evade the attack and create distance between us.

Undeterred, Maki presses on, launching a rapid flurry of punches in an attempt to overwhelm me. I focus on maintaining my defense, parrying a cross punch aimed at my head before countering with a Kempo technique called Sato Uke.

To execute Sato Uke, I raise my right arm diagonally across my body, with my palm facing outward. Simultaneously, I began to pivot my body slightly away from the punch, deflecting maki's strike away from any of my vital points .Redirecting the force of the punch away from me.

I look at the shocked face of maki with a her guard open,Seizing the opportunity I follow up with another Kempo technique called Gyaku-tsuki (Reverse Punch).aiming to capitalize on Maki's momentary vulnerability, I quickly retract my arm and generate power from my hips and core slaming strong reverse punch straight to maki.

But goddamn her heavenly restriction isn't for nothing,as she's somehow able to block the punch at the split second.

"Hmm you seem able to hold your own in a fight"Maki says relaxing herself back into her stance

I nod a get into a kempo stance waiting for her to move

Without hesitation, Maki launches into action, propelling herself forward with a roundhouse kick. I swiftly dodge underneath the attack, but before I can fully evade, she follows up with an axe kick aimed at my position.

Impressed by her athleticism, I call upon a cursed technique I developed, "Nether Surge Step," harnessing the power of my black flames to enhance my mobility. With a surge of energy, I sidestep out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the incoming kick.

"Alright, my lovely students, come together," he announces, clapping his hands to signal the end of the session.

As the spar draws to a close, Gojo's commanding voice interrupts the action, calling us together.

With mutual respect, Maki and I bow to each other before making our way back to Gojo's side on the training field, ready to receive further instruction.

I guess that's the end of the spar

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Venda_Boicreators' thoughts
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