
Chapter 5 Attainment

3 months have passed since All Might told me about his quirk and his wish to pass it on to me. My body has become a lot more built and strong because of cleaning up the trash on the beach. Before this cleanup I was just toned and my muscle didn't really show through my clothes. Now the clothes that I wear is slightly tight as my muscle are now slightly budging through the sleeves of my shirt and around my chest. Am I going to change clothes because of it, nah I rather not because it makes me look nice and ripped.

It is early evening now and I am picking up the last of the trash that remained on the beach. As soon as I put it in the trash bin, I look at the beach that I had just finished cleaning. Before I started, I could barely see the golden sand that laid at my feet. But now, with the sun high in the sky, I saw the golden sand sparkling as it absorbed the sunlight and the reflection of the water. Although it took longer than I had thought, I feel completely satisfied for what I had done.

I don't know if anyone would ever acknowledge me for cleaning up the beach but it didn't matter anyways. Right now, all I care about is getting acknowledged by All Might and getting the quirk. Having no knowledge or experience of using a quirk, it may take me some time to learn how to activate it. The original Izuku revered All Might something like a god to him which hindered his use of the quirk in the beginning. . However, for me, I simply admire All Might greatly.

I can feel All Might's presence everywhere I go and kind of get it when he represents the symbol of peace. If only the law enforcement in my previous world could give off this kind of atmosphere. It may be because of the neighborhood that I grew up in but the law enforcement there seems to act more like a deterrent for people and if they show up, it can only mean that something is wrong. However, I know that that is not the case everywhere and that some law enforcement agency interact with their community and make the community peaceful. I wonder if I can live up to this reputation or presence that All Might had create for this country.

As I continue to stand on the beach and admire the view, All might appeared behind me and said, " Good work young boy. You had exceeded my expectations in cleaning up the beach so quickly. This gives you time to work on leaning on how to control One for All and catch up to the people that had been with their quirk at such a young age."

I looked at All Might and nodded towards him and replied, " Yes. I'm ready."

All Might smiled and reconfirmed his determination in giving me his quirk. He pulled out a peace of his hair and said, " Eat this."

I look at the piece of hair that he had casually pulled out and grimaced a little. This will be the first time in both of my life that I will swallow a piece of hair. I took the piece of hair and swallowed it quickly. I closed my eyes as I expected some kind of surge of energy or difference in my body but I felt nothing. I looked at All Might and asked, " Is that it?"

All Might laughed a little and rubbed the back of his head and said, " It doesn't matter what it is as long as you take in my DNA. This quirk cannot be forcefully taken but it can be forcefully passed on if one wanted to."

I nodded my head as I adjusted my feelings towards eating a piece of hair. I then asked, " How do I activate the quirk?"

" Umm. You feel for it."

I looked at All Might speechlessly. This guy was really a bad teacher as in the anime. Looks like I'm going to have to figure out everything on my own for now. I then asked him, " Can I tell my mother about studying under you?"

All Might thought for a bit and said, " Hmm. It is better if you get accepted into U.A. High first. However, you can tell her that your quirk has been awakened. Just don't tell her about One for All. It can be dangerous if too many people know about the special requirements of the quirk."

I replied in relief and thanked him. All Might nodded his head and said, " Go home and rest for today. Try to feel for your quirk and from tomorrow onwards I will accompany you on how you should move forward with your quirk."

I nodded my head as I rushed home to tell my mother. There are some things that I needed to do now. First register my quirk into the system. Create a new battle suit. I really don't want to wear a green jump suit and have bunny ears on the top of my head. Since I'm going to be All Might's successor I want the same colors that he has for his hero costume which is basically red and blue. Thinking of those colors and the strength that I will posses in the future, I know exactly what I want for my design.

[Image here] Without the S symbol

After finishing up those two task I can then focus more on my quirk. It took Izuku to reach 20% to be able to talk to the vestiges and gain another quirk. Personally, I don't want black whip to be my first awakening. I want to fly so of course I might be careful with my feelings so that I can awaken float instead of black whip.

While I was planning my goals ahead of me, I have finally reached room and saw my mom cooking dinner. I walked up behind here while she was still preparing food and hugged her tightly. I know that she felt bad for not encouraging me and believing in me when we found out that I was quirkless. Although I tried to change that feeling I can still feel that she feels really sorry. As I hugged her from behind I said, " Mom. Guess what."

She was slightly surprised by the sudden hug but smiled and said, " What's wrong Izuku. Did something happen?"

" My quirk has awakened."

My mother suddenly stopped shopping some vegetables and screamed out, "... WHAT????? Izuku what do you mean. I thought the doctor said you were born quirkless"

Seeing his mother's reaction, I smiled brightly and replied, " Well... I decided to train by cleaning up the beach that was filled with trash. After I finished cleaning up the beach, I suddenly felt a surge of energy and then" I closed my eyes as I finally tried to activate my quirk. I know I should've practiced before doing this, but for some reason I wanted to try it and show it in front of my mom. I feel like it would just work out. So, I closed my eyes and started to sense something different with my body that wasn't there before. I know All Might taught Izuku in the anime to just get the feeling of Smashing something or something like that and I'm assuming that it just has something to do with feeling power, so I did that.

I looked for a source of power and began to image it coursing through my body. At first I felt a huge surge of power and I knew immediately that it was the 100% of power that All Might possessed. However, I stopped calling that power before I explode and destroy my body. It was like I was in some kind of trance or meditation state and reached out to just the tip of the power and call out to that one tip and then when I reached that tip, the power started coursing through my entire body.

When I opened my eyes, I saw something like an electric current coursing through my body and strengthening it. I looked at my mother and saw her shocked expression. I clenched my fist and said, " I think it has something to do with physical enhancement." I walked towards the couch in our living room and picked it up easily with one hand. " See."

Tears started immediately falling from my mom's eyes as she found it hard to believe what she saw. "Izuku... Izuku... Ahhhh Izuku I'm so happy for you!!" She immediately ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug she could muster. " Izuku... I'm so happy. I'm so proud of you! 'sniff'"

I laughed as it also made me happy. I wished that the original Izuku also had done this for her when he received his quirk. No child would want to see their mother cry from sadness and even though I am a reincarnated, in this life, this woman right here is my mom and I'll be sure to make her happy. I hugged her back and said, " Mom, I told you everything will be alright didn't I. Don't worry about anything mom. I promise to be safe when I become a hero and I will become the best of all the heroes so I can keep you and everybody safe."

" Ahhh Izuku. It's fine. I believe in you. Make sure you don't push yourself too hard. You can always come home to relax, so don't worry too much about me."

I nodded my head as we continued to hug for another few minutes. After the hugging session, I let her go finish preparing food while I enter my room and started concentrating on my quirk. When I first summoned my quirk, I had to try and focus on bringing out as little as possible so that I won't break my body. I need to get used to concentrating this amount of power so I can shorten the time to activate it and won't make any mistakes.

Like this I continued to get used to activating my quirk and had physical training with All Might for the rest of the 7 months. Now I can instantly summon out 10% of power of One for All easily and can move and fight with it activated. Tomorrow is the big day where I enter the practical exam and fight against the robots and... meet Uraraka Ochaco.

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