
making the game owner bankrupt

"There is a game there, do you want to try it" Xuan Mei said to Jia Li and Ye Chen.

"What's that?" Ye Chen saw what Xuan Mei was showing, he saw a game of shooting with arrows to get a prize.

"I'm not too sure that the game will be easy" Jia Li said to Xuan Mei.

"What's wrong?, Is the game difficult?" Ye Chen asked Jia Li.

"It's difficult, it's a game of throwing a thread to hit a super fast and small flying ball, it's very difficult to hit it because it's too small" Jia Li said to Ye Chen.

"It looks like an interesting game" said Ye Chen.

"that's right, let's try first" Xuan Mei said to Ye Chen and Jia Li.

"come on, you don't mind right?" Ye Chen asked Jia Li.

"no problem" Jia Li will follow, he has no problem with the game.

After discussion, they finally left, they went and tried the game.

There are some people who try, they want to see their abilities and luck.