
Chapter 73

With many crew members possessing Devil Fruit powers, it was mostly Zoro, a non-user, who ended up rescuing those who fell into the water before Jinbe joined. This included Luffy, of course, as well as Chopper, Brook, and Robin.

Robin was cautious, so she rarely fell into the water, and even if Zoro was ready to help, that damned cook usually beat him to it.

Zoro made a face as he recalled the curly eyebrows that he had not seen in a long time. Even after dying and being reborn, he still disliked that man.

"Why are you making that face all of a sudden?"

"No, just remembered someone I dislike."

To erase the face from his mind, Zoro turned his gaze towards the kids. Tsumiki and Megumi had stopped splashing water and were now sitting side by side on the sandy beach, watching a passing hermit crab.

"It would have been nice to go into the sea if it was summer."

"Maybe we'll come back in the summer."

"Not bad."

Although the autumn sea was also nice, it was too cold for the kids. Zoro glanced at Tsumiki.

"Speaking of which, we might need to get Tsumiki some more winter clothes soon."

"I'll check if there are any clothes left at their place."

Tsumiki's mother and the man she was living with hardly came home anymore. Tsumiki hadn't returned to that house either and had been staying at Zoro's place.

Toji recalled the text message he had sent to Tsumiki's biological mother a few days ago. He had left a message just in case she was looking for Tsumiki, but he didn't expect a reply.

'She doesn't answer the phone, doesn't come home.'

They didn't know where Tsumiki's mother was, and it seemed Tsumiki didn't know either.

Though not formally adopted, Tsumiki was essentially adopted by Toji, still bearing the name Fushiguro.

Zoro turned his gaze away from Tsumiki and back to the sea.


The sea was moderately vast, breezy, and open.

He didn't think as much about the past as he expected.

Of course, it was impossible not to think about it at all, but he didn't feel overwhelmed by memories of the past.

This sea was different from that of his past life.

Different in its expanse, the mysteries it held, and the world it was part of. This world's sea may still have its unsolved mysteries, but nothing compared to a sea that only two groups in history had ever circumnavigated in Zoro's previous life.

It wasn't the sea where he adventured with his captain and crew, encountering friends and foes, and eventually making his name known across all seas.

But the sea is still the sea.

A majestic natural force that can make humans feel infinitely small. A realm fundamentally different from land, filled with its own power and mystery, beckoning for exploration, adventure, and challenges.

...Well, maybe Zoro felt that way because that's just who he is.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I want to win."

"Win against who?"

"The sea."

"...You really are something."

Toji shook his head and casually tidied up his hair that was messed up by the sea breeze.

"I can't tell if that's childlike or just plain stupid."

But sometimes Zoro seems much more mature than Toji, and at other times, he seems as enlightened as Buddha.

He's unpredictable. From behind, he just looks like a round, fluffy marimo.

Zoro gave Toji a smirk and then turned his gaze back to the sea. Just as the letters written in the sand were erased without a trace by the waves, the subtle feelings Zoro had been harboring from the dreams he had been having lately vanished.

"Whether it's a memory or a dream, it doesn't matter."

If it's an obstacle, cut it down; if it helps, keep it.

No more hesitation. What remains is the subtle excitement and anticipation similar to when he first left his hometown to set out to sea, along with an unyielding will and dream.

Zoro gripped the handle of Wado Ichimonji.

"I want to become stronger."

To become so strong that, this time, truly become the strongest across all seas.

To become a swordsman who doesn't need to cut anything.

Because being able to not cut anything means being able to cut everything.

Zoro laughed refreshingly as he faced the sea breeze.

He felt glad to have come here.


That day, Zoro spent time collecting seashells with his siblings, feasted on sashimi at a seaside restaurant, and trained until evening while enjoying the sea breeze. At night, Toji dragged him back to their accommodation to sleep.

And he dreamt the same dream he had the night before.

The dream about the throbbing heart and the red string.

Thump, thump.

Zoro alternately looked at the heart and the red string loosely tied around his hand. The thin red string, swaying in endless darkness, led back to where Zoro had come from.

Beyond the darkness, towards a place where the sea scent lingered and the sunlight poured.

Zoro, just as before, did not pull but let go of the heartbreakingly beautiful red string that was slowly unraveling and drifting away from him.

And turned towards the increasingly fragile and faintly pulsating heart.

Thump... thump...

When Zoro touched the heart that was about to stop, the heart dispersed into white light.


Somehow, a deep sense of relief washed over him.

Yesterday's dream ended the moment he let go of the red string, but today was different. Well, he would wake up soon anyway. Zoro thought nonchalantly.


Someone behind Zoro hugged him tightly. Surprised, he tried to look back, but he couldn't. He had no strength.

"I love you."

Thump, thump.

Zoro paused as he searched for his sword. The sound coming from the person hugging him was exactly like the heart that had disappeared earlier.

Moreover, this voice was.


As Zoro asked, the embrace tightened.

"My baby. My son. Mommy is... so sorry and thankful."

I should have been there for you more. I shouldn't have left like that. Zoro just listened to the voice, wet with tears, continuing. His mouth wouldn't move.

"Zoro, you... did well enough."

Before, and after.

As the arms unwrapped, Zoro quickly turned around. His eyes widened. It really was Chie.

Chie smiled with teary gray eyes.

"Live healthily, happily."

That's all I wish for.

With that whisper, Chie disappeared into white light, just like the heart did earlier.

Although the dream ended there, Zoro continued to sleep deeply throughout the night.

A very deep and peaceful sleep.


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