
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

[Plunder] - I

"What did you said?" asked Sophia as she was seemingly stunned by his skill name.

"Plunder ,I said" Noah said in a high tone trying to set up the atmosphere

"Hmm , So what does this skill do?" asked Sophia as this was her first time listening to such a name.

"Well that's easy I just get skills , stats and talent of species I kill"

("That..... Isn't that the same skill the Demon King had before he died in the war... No it must be some other skill , It must be....." thought Sophia as she didn't wanted to associate The both to each other)

"Huh? you don't seem surprised angel ? Have you ever heard of this skill before? " asked Noah as her reaction after listening to skill description seems too lackluster , she even seemed to be quite worried.

"Yes , I have though not the same skill name it was the skill of someone akin to Mightiest Devil who once shaked the whole world of Archanos!"

"Huh? Someone already has this skill? How is that possible? hmmm..... Now that I think about its not that the possibility is impossible , So tell me more about this guy" asked Noah as he was curious who was this guy that even Sophia said an angel with so much awe and respect.

"Well you know he was the few people who despite being a demon gained the recognition of us angels due to his Iron-clad rule over demons and over all his battle prowess , You know he was so strong that he could fight two to three archangels on equal footing and he once survived an all out attack by all four archangel combined!! " , Noah who was stunned by what kind of anomaly this Demon King was couldn't help but mutter "That... That's too broken"

"Yes , it is and that was all due to his skill Unique cannibalism " , "Huh? Unique skill? But you didn't said this grade while introducing grading system?" asked Noah as the information he was getting was contracting with the previous one!

"Well that's because they can't be graded as their , power , function , versality all are too different from each other - One unique skill can more powerful than several mythical while some can be even weaker than Normal or rare one " explained Sophia

"Hmm that's certainly interesting , so due to this randomness they can't be categorized under a grading system right?" , "Yeah , you know the system doesn't tell if that skill is unique or not but I had doubt that your system skill 'Pearl' is also a unique one" answered Sophia as she had doubts of her own.

"Well we will see that matter when time comes tell me more about this demon you know , so I may differentiate how my skill is different from him?"

"Well I don't know his name but I surely know his tittle that he earned through system , you may not know this but there are so few people(Mortals) who earned a tittle through system that they can be counted using hands" , "Woah , its that serious so what's his tittle?" asked Noah seemingly curious

"Paragon Of Sins" answered Sophia , "Though now he is dead"

"Huh? such a powerful being is dead? how?" asked Noah as it didn't made sense to him . "Well , he got betrayed by his servants that's all I can say for now "("It will be good if he doesn't know about them so soon or his whole world view may change" thought Sophia while making a decision on her own)

"Hmm it seems this angel doesn't want to share much details and I don't have access to verify if what she is saying is true or not , So lets just move on I guess" said Noah to himself as he didn't had any other option

"For his skill he needed to eat the whole body of his enemies through which he got its stat, skills , talents and even in some cases mutations , how does your skill work?" asked Sophia trying to swiftly change the topic.

"Well mine doesn't require eating or anything like that , it just like a blackhole suck everything out of the dead enemy and give me its stats , skills based on my choice" said Noah seemingly trying his luck once again if such a bizarre skill is possible

"Wait? what else can you get from your dead enemies?" asked Sophia in a confused tone , "Part of their ego or soul or their affinity to elements and If I pay system sufficiently enough I can even get their memories ,the possibilities are endless, you know its name plunder is not for fun , its basically plundering my enemies of everything"

Sophia who heard the skill description got a chill run down her spine , she asked "How is such a skill is even possible ?" , "Well I paid the system a lump sum amount to get what I want " said Noah as if it was obvious.

"How much?" , "40%" , Sophia who heard his nonchalant response couldn't help but curse out loud and then added "It would be best if you don't share this skill to other people before I get permission my other archangels" Sophia said in a serious tone.

"Huh? why do I need permission from them" asked Noah in a grumpy tone to which Sophia replied "Sigh! , you won't understand! , just know that if Archangels come to know about this you will eliminated by them , It seems like you pulled one on fate as you got in an alliance with me"

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Have a Good Day

OctaneRendercreators' thoughts