

She and Adrian and her big brother Yuan joined in every competition swimming, relay, running, music, dance, indoor and outdoor games. She crossed every obstacles to join the competition. Every day they came up with some ideas to create trouble. On the fifth day they cause an accident, Yuan's leg fractured because of that. That day horse riding and arrow shooting was about to held. For that competition rose choose Yuan as her partner. With out partner no one is allowed to go hunting. She is waiting for Yuan outside the hospital room, he did not have serious injuries but still he can't get out of bed for at least one week doctor said.

She went to school on time. She asked Adrian to be her partner, he said he was okay with it. They went to the place where competition is going to happen. Since she already gave her name for the competition they allowed her to join.They need horses for competition.... While thinking about it suddenly little rose called out Mr. Qi Shong can you lend us your horses for awhile please. Mmm okay Qi Shong said. She whistles there comes two stunning figure of the beautiful horses. She introduced them to Caroline and Charlotte this is Black King and White Queen. Then Adrian mounted on Black King and rose mounted on White Queen. They had sword and bow and arrow of their own.Everyone mock at them. But they don't care about that. For every competitors school provides three arrows. Every one has their unique symbol to recognise who shoots the animal figured wooden toys. The one who comes first is the winner. They have to finish five rounds. The one who wants to finish the competition before the end they can make the signal., rescue team will come to fetch them. Which ever way you want to choose you can choose but this is the map we are giving you since we feel this is the easiest way to come here.

(Competition starts ) ##

Every one went by what map shows but Adrian and rose started to move another way. But one senior thought those troublesome kiddos don't know the way I think, and went to them asked hey kiddos don't know what map shows. Adrian and rose replied we know another way want to come with us to enjoy the scenery. Senior said okay kids. They asked don't you have partner no I don't since I am not here for competition. Oh well then why are you coming with us. I come with you in case you need any help, you two are small kiddos you may lost in the forest. Rose laughed at what he said and replied to him thanks for the concern I thought every one in this place only know to harass others but you proved me otherwise. Thank you so much. What's your name sir both of them asked. He said Yi Feng. They both said nice to meet you Mr. Yi Feng. What's your name kittens. I'm Adrian this is Black King, you can call him black . I'm Michaela Rosalind Hans, you can call me rose and this is White Queen, you can call her whitey. The place they choose to go is full of beautiful scenery and sounds of water flows from falls can be heard from afar. There are lots of flowers and different types of insects and butterflies. Trios enjoy every thing on the way to reach the top of the mountain. When they about to reach the bottom of the mountain among the valley another horse's sounds came trio turned to look who is the person Yi Feng smiled and said this is my big brother QiShong. Then four of them started their journey.

In between tribal group named Serene it was named by little rose they live in a place called Garden Palace she personally bought the place where lovely scenes, food sources, water sources, mountain, valleys, rivers and streams are there. Every thing is abundant in that area. She introduced them to Qi Shong and Yi Feng, since Adrian and rose usually come together to this place every one around this place knows them. They two bought one small company and named it Linit enterprises, they build one school so that children in tribal group can study. Every one in tribal played with Qishong, YiFeng, Adrian, and rose. One small child give some flowers to rose and said you look so beautiful. Rose said you also looking so beautiful. What's your name.? both of them asked same time. They exchange their name as Rosalind and Sunny. They smile at each other since they are in same age they become friends easily. Qishong, YiFeng, Adrian, and rose bid farewell from tribesmen and leave the place. This place is so nice Qishong and YiFeng comments about it. Adrian and rose smiled at each other. They started climbing the mountains, she said to Qishong and YiFeng this mountain is really beautiful. I used to climb this mountain myself. I learned it in summer holidays only after that when ever I have time or making some time to come here this whole forest makes me feel alive and better. Yoon thought me hiking. I learned horse riding from Mr. Lee Rhiannon . Yuan asked him to be my teacher. I learned Muay Thai for a whole year, I learned martial arts like karate,.Now I'm just five years old one day I will become so strong, so that no one else will never dare to touch my family or friends. They reached the top of the mountain. The scenes from top of the mountain feel relaxed atmosphere and beautiful. It's already noon now still it snows . They all enjoyed and head back down the mountain. They went to little rose house it's like a palace she said I never thought I'll take some one to this house except Yuan and Adrian you are so lucky to be here enjoy yourself. Go to room to refresh yourself you can shower if you want there's enough dresses for you three. Come out after that you can eat. I might be late to get here so don't wait for me. Let's get back together after some rest. I am bit tired now. Every one said okay. Today they enjoyed very much though it is competition, they enjoyed it like they come for picnic.In evening they went back to the place where the journey began. This is the first round they finish, everyone finished 2 rounds mostly. But 2nd and 3rd round that two groups finished. They won the match. They shooted six animal figured wooden toys, first three shooted by bow and arrow of one team six arrows were shooted, next three shooted by bow and arrow of another team six arrows were shooted this team Adrian shoot arrow in head and rose shoot in part of heart. Thus they shooted for three animal figures. They are the winners of the competition.