

#West Blue:

Next morning, Ian's group left Papaya island and started sailing back towards Reverse Mountain.

On the Marine side, the news of Ian's departure and recruiting of Nico Robin had been recieved by the HQ.

The higher authorities decided to increase their reward order and started seriously observing every step taken by 'God Hunter Pirates'.


Few days later, Inside black pearl, in the hidden room..

"okk...done!! haa..now it looks better.."

"Ara..Robin-chan is cute in the wanted poster."

"*giggle*...nee-chan, you too look sexy in the poster.."

'Now, Robin called Albedo...nee-chan under Albedo's continuosly demanding..and they've got quite closer...hey, girls got close very fast'

Sabo:" Hehe..finally those navies understood my horror, Demon Fist...I like the title."

Augur: " It seems like we really are like God Hunters.."

Laffitte:" huh,huh...well that might be true.."

Currently, the members are looking at a sign board in the wall of the hidden room that Ian hanged to put all their wanted posters sinse starting their pirate as a memory.

Now, they are looking at the latest wanted posters updated this morning..

It is as follows:







424.000.000 B








216.000.000 B








159.000.000 B








75.000.000 B








88.000.000 B








38.000.000 B


"Well!! my bounty is doubled! I guess defeating 2 vice-admiral, 1 captain and defeating 'Happo Navy' has increased my value.."

Sabo: "Damn...Augur's bounty is double times higher than mine.."

Ian: " well..don't be depressed, in truth I didn't think that your bounty would be so high."

"well..captainn...what do you mean??"

"haha..ok,ok...lets go start your training.."

"ok..I need to work hard.."

lt was stormy outside, so Ian decided to train in the training room and also give some pointers to Sabo and Augur.

After a while, black pearl voice sounded,

"Not good, Master...we have a problem"

"what is it? little pearl.."

"Master, it seems like we have entered a sea inside another space.."

"what!!..Is it the Rainbow Mist?.."

"No...its different from rainbow mist, even we only noticed it after entering inside."

"Ok..not rainbow mist? other space? why haven't I find it in the original series..huh..whatever lets go outside and see.."

Then, all the members came out to the deck to check the surrounding area.

The whole area was completely different from the sea..the water is shallow, they could hear the hull scratching the ground sometimes. There were broken ships everywhere, the whole area seems to be a dead bed for ships.

"what is this place??Its creepy.."

"Ian-sama..do you know anything about this?"

Ian shook his head.." If it is Rainbow Mist I might know some but this is the first I havve ever encountered.."

"Then, how do we get out of here..?"

"I don't know ..lets spread and search around.."

"ok" x5

"well..then its decided, but dont go too far"

Then, the group divided the area and went out to search for clues.

Ian has been searching around the east side( shown by compass, don't know if it works in this space).There was not even a single living thing in this area. The broken ship contains weapons, treasures, clothes, eyc..and Ian's map also didn't work here.

Ian took only some unique treasures as he got a large amount of gold inside pearl..which he got along with black pearl.

While, searching around the broken ships..Ian soon found a chest made of gold.It was quite small with unique markings with a huge lock about half its size..

"well!! I wonder what's inside to be guarde this tightly.."

Then, Ian started searching around the ship for the key.

After hours of search, and the 12th time he searched the ship, finally found the key inside a boot!! seriously all this time it was inside this!!.

Ian took the key and unlocked it, then....he.....slowly.....open....the....chest....to..... check.....only to find a devil fruit

"eh!! a devil fruit! seriously...no gem, no stones but devil fruit."

"well..I should have expected it since devil fruit in this world is more precious than treasures."

"But what is this devil fruit? It looks like a human heart...it looks like a logia type..well lets keep it and check later."

Then, Ian began to search the other place only to find some similar treasures and other broken things.So, he finally decide to return back on the ship as he was getting more curious about the devil fruit.

But before he took his step he heard a snoring sound. 'snoring?'someone's sleeping here!?'

Walking towards the direction of the snoring, soon Ian reached a huge ship which was broken into half.

"Its coming from here?!"

Ian slowly walked inside, then found a room from which the snoring sound came.

'what a bastard..sleeping nicely in this place'

Then, Ian kicked the door open and roared,

"Who the f@ck is sleeping ..ehhhhhhh God??!!"

"hm! who!!? oh...what so its you kid..Do you know how hard I have been searching for you here?.."

Ian:" really?..although you have been sleeping here nicely.."

God: " what..ahmm, well it doesn't matter since I found you "

Ian: " what are you doing here? God "

God:" told you..I have been looking for you"

Ian:" ok..ok..I understand, didn't you say that was the last time we will meet"

God: "Well! did I say that? hahaha..but this time it is really my last time."

"what do you mean? Are you dying of old age?"

God: "Damn kid, you have no respect for your saviour ok..you even named your group 'God Hunter'..hmph..its like this, I can only enter a world only once so since I have already entered here, so when I leave it will be goodbye forever.."

Ian: " well...so Gods have rules too "

God: " anyway..kid I have been watching you for all this time, you are quite good and so I decided to give you my last gift.."

Ian: " ok!! what is it?"


A bright light appeared and a sword appeared in God's hand. It was black in colour with shape similar to 'SAO, kirito's black elucidator. The blade looks so sharp that it feels like my eyes will cut looking at it.

Then, God handed the sword to Ian:

"Here, this is a slayer sword that I used when I was in my prime. It is a normal sword but not that simple, the sharpness depends on the holder..So you should train hard as it may help you in your journey"

Ian: " ok..I will take it and as for its name, it will be called " God Slayer"..hehe"

God: "Damn kid...I am also a God you know...and here also take this..this will help you go stronger"

After that he flick his finger and a bright light eloped Ian's whole body and several knowledge came in his mind.

Also at that moment, a red wave errupted from Ian's body and spread away..

Ian's mouth became '0',..."this is!! Supreme King Haki!! It really awakened...wait! This information inside my head? is this?"

God: " haha..yes its what you think..that's my last gift..It contains information and various techniques about training Haki. I hope you like it as this is the only thing I can give you, my power is limited to only powers related to this world here.."

Ian: " well its good..and is very useful to me..Thanks"

God: "hahaha..thats it I have completed my job here, so I will be leaving..."

before God can complete his words Ian suddenly interrupted..

"wait..before you go. Can you get us out of this place.."

God: "well..now that you mention it, this place is quite strange.."

"-_-..you only see that now!!.."

God: "Hahaha..you don't need to worry its quite simple ..just move forward to the sea trial and you will soon reach the exit..it will take about a week though...hahaha..indeed this world has such strange phenomenons."

Ian: "well thanks for the information"

God: " ok then kid..this is farewell. Live your life without regret and I wish you all the best.."

Soon, the figure slowly vanished.

Ian: "huh..that was unexpected. Who would have thought that I will meet God here. Well, this might count as good luck..now lets go back"

Then, Ian hanged the sword on his waist and walked back to the ship.

When he reached the ship, Ian was shocked to see the deck filled with mount of glittering treasure.

Ian: " Well! whats this!?"

Sabo: " Captain..I brought this all back. Its sad to leave this free gold, who knows maybe we need it later.."

"Ok..whatever, just put it in the storage room. Also, I have found the exit, we will reach there in about 7 days.."

"understood captain.."

"Captain..whats that sword?"

"Oh..this! I found it inside a ship and I also found a devil fruit..lets go in and check it"


Then, the ship started moving following the sea trials. Ian and other went back to the hidden room

( from now I will call it 'main room' )..and started studying the fruit..

'found it':

[ Blood-Blood Fruit: Logia type ]

Can use the power of blood, it can move the blood of others when touched.Other abilities unknown.

Last user: 500 years ago


Ian: "Ok! its similar to Sand-Sand fruit of Crocodile, its a little more powerful. Sand fruit can only extract water from the body and blood fruit can extract blood( which contain water, minerals,etc) . Its like extracting life force."

"well...its a powerful fruit, So..Albedo, you eat this."

Albedo: " Hai..Ian-sama"

Then, the fruit is eaten by Albedo which made her even more powerful that before.

And, the crew spent the 7 days training to improve their abilities.

Ian also mastered his Haki cultivation of all the three types to the peak of mediocore level with the help of techniques in his memory.

Albedo also learned skills like blood transfusion,etc.

Sabo is also able to use black hardening under Ian's guidance but it is still in low level.

Augur had almost mastered his beast ability.

Robin also started training to create various attacks.

Laffitte also improved his hiding and illlusion abilities.

Soon, seven days passed and finally thick fog started appearing..after some hours of sailing in the thick fog, the fog started getting thinner and finally saw the bright blue sea...

The God Hunter Pirates finally returned at the original sea..but one problem arrived.. that is they don't know their current location is...


chapter end...

see you guys next time...:)))

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