
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 18

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The chaotic sound of footsteps accompanied the scene.

The thugs from the van moved quickly to surround Zhou Cheng.

Dark gun barrels all pointed at Zhou Cheng.

The group checked the two companions who had fallen to the ground from a single punch, feeling both shocked and furious.

Who is this masked man?

Such strength!

"I'm asking only once, who are you?"

A chilling voice sounded.

The leader, a hulking figure with a skull tattoo on his arm, glared at Zhou Cheng and barked out the question.

But the only response he got was a swift and clean punch.


The tattooed guy's body shook violently, and he was flung back, crashing heavily against the van.

Karen Page, inside the vehicle, instantly felt the van shake violently.


The other thugs outside all swallowed their saliva reflexively.

Zhou Cheng's exaggerated punch had stunned them.

And then:

"Fire! Shoot him!"

"Kill him!"

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the angry shouts, the remaining three thugs mercilessly pulled their triggers at Zhou Cheng.

Several bullets hit Zhou Cheng at the same time.

The three thugs facing Zhou Cheng widened their eyes in disbelief.

What the hell!


He's clearly not wearing a bulletproof vest.

Bang bang bang!

Zhou Cheng paid no mind to the reactions of those three thugs, calmly throwing punches and knocking them all to the ground.

One punch each, no need for a second.

It all looked so easy, effortless.

[Origin Point +3]

[Origin Point +3]

[Origin Point +3]

The notifications continued to flash in his mind.

Zhou Cheng didn't check specifically, but there was no doubt that he had exceeded his target of a hundred points.

The bros are so supportive!

Zhou Cheng was in high spirits.

Of course.

Even though he had completed his mission, facing the last criminal inside the van, Zhou Cheng had no intention of letting him go.

He strode over step by step and yanked the van door open with a clang.

"If you dare move, I'll kill her!"

The little mustache inside the van, thoroughly terrified, held a gun to Karen Page's head and yelled at Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng: "…"

Alright, if you're playing it this way, then we can't talk.

"Don't be rash."

"Truthfully, I don't even know her!"

"It doesn't matter to me whether I save her or not."

Zhou Cheng said to the little mustache with a sincere face, sounding as if he was telling the complete truth.

But how could the little mustache believe Zhou Cheng's nonsense?

That kind of lie couldn't even trick a child!

However, the next moment…

Zhou Cheng actually turned around and walked away abruptly, without taking a cloud with him.

He walked further and further away, under their gazes, blending into the night until he disappeared.

Little mustache: "…"

Karen Page: "…"

He really left?

That's not how the script goes!

That was way too decisive!

So what exactly did you come here for?

Judging by how easily Zhou Cheng had disposed of the little mustache's companions, that frightening strength…

The little mustache had thought for sure that he was a goner.

Using Karen Page as a threat was just a subconscious reaction; there were no real expectations of success.

But who would have thought, it actually worked.

"What the heck!"

"Damn nutcase!"

The little mustache muttered under his breath, then cautiously stepped out of the van while still pointing the gun at Karen Page.Check on his companions' situation.

"Watch out!"

The bald man suddenly let out a shout of alarm.

At that moment, the mustachioed man also sensed something and instinctively looked up.

And saw a person plummeting from the sky.


The mustachioed man instinctively raised his gun, aiming at Zhou Cheng who was flying down from above.


But before he could act, he was knocked over by a punch from Zhou Cheng.

He can fly!

This man, he can actually fly!

Inside the van, Karen Page was completely dumbfounded.

She saw it clearly—the masked man had a pair of wings!

What kind of wings were those?

Advanced flying gear?

But why did they disappear completely after landing?

Karen Page was truly bewildered and it took her a few seconds to snap back to reality.

She got out of the van and approached Zhou Cheng.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you for saving me!"

The woman expressed her gratitude to Zhou Cheng sincerely.

"Better get going."

"Don't come out so late by yourself in the future."

Zhou Cheng deliberately lowered his voice and gestured for Karen Page to leave.

Karen Page didn't act melodramatic with Zhou Cheng.

Having dealt with Daredevil before, she had a sense of the temperament of these superheroes.

With just a nod, she quickly left in her high heels.


And after Karen Page left, another figure leaped down from the top of a wall.

"You're here again!"

Daredevil, with his eyes covered, stood boldly in front of Zhou Cheng.

Actually, Daredevil had arrived much earlier.

Karen Page was one of his important friends, with some ambiguous ties, so how could Daredevil neglect her?

From the numerous cries for help, he picked out Karen Page's voice and hastened to her location with utmost speed.

It was just that he was a step too late.

He didn't have the chance to act and ended up watching a marvelous spectacle unfold.

"The feeling's mutual."

Zhou Cheng again lowered his voice, responding in a deep tone.

His face under the mask remained unreadable.

Now was not the time for such unproductive conversation.

Daredevil didn't pay attention to Zhou Cheng but quickly approached the bald man.

He grabbed the bald man by the collar and lifted him up, his voice stern, "Talk, why did you take that girl?"

"Heh heh heh."

The bald man chuckled, his voice filled with endless mockery, "For what else, obviously because of you!"

Daredevil's expression subtly changed: "What do you mean?"

"She's just one of several hostages."

"All of them will be taken to a warehouse at Pier 82."

"Daredevil, if you don't save them, they'll die!"

"Oh, no, that's not right, perhaps it would be a fate worse than death for them, hahaha!"


Enraged, Daredevil punched the bald man hard in the face.

The poor bald man's body shook violently, and he collapsed, unconscious on the ground.

Is this an extra bonus or what?

Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel surprised by this unexpected turn of events.

He had planned to back out after this ordeal, but now a big case had suddenly come up!

No matter who the mastermind behind the scenes was, setting up such a trap especially for Daredevil was no small affair.

How could he miss out on that?

Zhou Cheng immediately made a decision.

"Where is Pier 82?"

Without any nonsense, Zhou Cheng immediately fixed his gaze on Daredevil and asked.

He had no choice.

Zhou Cheng was not a local and was unfamiliar with Hell's Kitchen.

Indeed, he needed to ask Daredevil for directions first.

That's it for today's update, there have been a lot of things going on.